I have not commented on any poems for quite sometime. Hope what I am going to say make sense.
DesireSaw your picture just the other day Not too sure about this, I thought it should be ‘Seen your picture just the other day’ or ‘Saw your picture the other day’?
and Any special reasons for having a separate line for this word?
it spoke to me in a voice HmmÂ… let me use a bit of imagination. Okay lah picture (it) doesnÂ’t really have a mouth but I know what you are trying to convey.
like the familiar warmth of granny's
apple pie and ice cold
lemonade. Frankly I am not too sure about these three lines. Forgive me for saying this but ‘ice cold lemonade’ does not work me. I can appreciate the ‘familiar warmth of granny’s apple pie’, but I just don’t feel any sense of warmness with the phrase ‘ice cold lemonade’.
Secondly since you are using a simile, i.e. in this case comparing/describing the voice of the picture with the warmth of grannyÂ’s apple pie, I think it is better to stick with just one comparison. Maybe this is just me. Hee hee.
Four years have passed
and still I stand
deep in the shadows
only reaching the light
which you hold in your hands;
so slightly, that even a flower
would not survive this winter
inside. Again I am not sure why you’ve decided to begin a new line just for a word i.e. 'inside'. Is it because you want to rhyme ‘flower’ with ‘winter’? There are many abstracts here expect for words ‘flower’, ‘hands’, etc, but I am not going to comment on that because I am a sucker for abstracts too. However I am learning how to write poems without using too many such words.
So many have said
or preached of love unbending
like a reed in the wind.
Say not but act.
For the reed is tiny
and his chances reflect his size
but when the day comes
they stand together in a bond
fierce as people might
cannot put asunder.
The reed in the storm
and the calm before my heart I really like the comparison between love and reed. To me this is something new (Or simply because I have not read enough poems, hee hee). But who are the ‘they’ in the poem? It is a bit confusing for me because all the while I was reading ‘his chance’, ‘his size’, then without warning ‘they’ emerges out of nowhere.
Four years in passing,
even forty
is not enough
to embrace
the light within
your hands.
Love. Just wondering the line break in this last strophe, was it done on purpose?
Hope I don't sound too negative.