Hmm… stanzas 1 – 2 are well written but the tone is a bit slow. And at the 3rd and 4th stanza, it started to get interesting. The pace is faster and you can sense a built-up of emotions.

Then came my favourite part i.e.
The glass slipper she leaves,
Is an awful mess.
A mixture of spilt seed and spilt angst.Very creative and original. Personally I think this is the climax of the whole poem.

Then finally back to the slow, serious tone in the last stanza.

Okay, I hope you are not offended especially if you wanted this to be a romantic love poem.

I really can't help having the impression that this poem is about having a wet dream or love making. The first two stanzas as the foreplay, the next two stanzas when things started to heat up leading to the climax at the fifth stanza and finally the last stanza, i.e. cooling down after the ecstasy.
This is just my interpretation, it may be totally out of point.

Fellow poets, what is your interpretation?