Originally posted by care bear:
Umm...wanted to ask...if theres a poem I really like that really inspired me and which I would like to share with everyone...should it be posted here?? where should I post it? not sure if its ok to start a new thread or what so i better check first....anyone cand advise?
Hello care bear thanks for visiting DPS (S).

Please make yourself comfortable.

Regarding your questions there is a few ways of sharing your favourite poems in this forum.

Firstly, you can start a thread every time you want to share a poem with us.

Secondly, you can start a thread and post all your poems/favourite poems in that thread.

Lastly, if your favourite poem is a love poem you can post it at
~*~VenusÂ’s Palace~*~ 

At the same time if your favourite poem is by any of the poets mentioned below, you can also post them at the respective threads specially created for them i.e.
John KeatsPercy Bysshe ShelleyWilfred OwenI will be adding more great poets here in the future.