Thank you for coming to DPS (S) 2nd private gatheringVenue: Marché @Suntec
Date: 26th November, Friday
Time: 7.30pmthe BearThe Bear was so hungry that if that two cows at the entrance of Marché were real. The Bear would have consumed them on-the-spot bones and all. You can really eat my friend. How do you manage to stay so fit? Oh, thanks for sharing with us why you avoid fast foods like plague, very educational indeed.
laurence82Laurence is really a very nice person, hmmÂ… quite different from the Banana man we know in the forum. He is that kind of young man who parents will entrust their daughters with, yes even overnight in chalets. Hope to get to know you better.
MetalGear I am really glad to meet you. Smart and well spoken, you and Bear really click hor. I could only listen and nod my head as the two of you chatted away. Hope to have a good chat with you too next time.
Devil1976 What can I say? Still refuse to tell me your real name. ‘Call me Devil.’ Okay lor what to do, call you Devil lor. Again do not have chance to have a good chat with you. I really think you will make a good friend. Must try to get your name the next time. Maybe steal your IC?
MissingTo be frank my first impression of you was ‘Wah this lady looks really fierce’. But when you smile, you are so sweet. Although I only managed to chat with you for a short while, I know you are a very nice person.
TX & don Must link the two of you together. As usual both of you TMM came for outing, TMM ate your food and TMM went jalan jalan. So sweet. Hope you two TMM forever.

(must put two emoticons)
Nelstar You my friend, I donÂ’t know what to say. I pm you a few times but you never rely them. Then Devil called you on the HP and one thing led to another then Devil suddenly announced you are on the way here.

But am I glad you did! Hope you like the prize. Shall we have another gathering using them?
DeadPoetTold you I am just an ordinary guy. And yes I am really on diet although I had one whole pizza all by myself!

After leaving Marché at about 11pm, to our horror we realized all the exits were locked. We were trapped in Suntec!!!

The brave warriors of sgforums had to fight their way through sexy swaying bodies in pitch darkness under the bombardment of deafening music to freedom.
