History of Nanyang Primary School‘To cope with the ever increasing demand for places in the school, the School Management Committee (SMC) decided to add on a new wing on a newly acquired piece of land at Coronation Road in 1981. Funds were raised and construction began in February 1984. The new building at 51, Coronation Road was completed in July 1985.
In 1990, the school was selected as the fourth primary Gifted Education Programme (GEP) centre.
In 1993
the former Farrer Primary School premises at 1A, Lutheran Road, was acquired for use by the Primary 1 and Primary 2 levels. The school hence functioned at 2 campuses.
In 1994, some rooms were converted into classrooms to accommodate the Primary 3 level classes so that all classes can function in the morning session. However, increasing intake of students meant that the Primary 3 level had to revert back to functioning in the afternoon session later.
In 1998, Mdm Ho Chin Geok retired as Principal and she was succeeded by Miss Lim Poh Suan.
In 1999, when Nanyang Girls' High moved to its new campus at Linden Drive, Nanyang Primary took over the land at 52, King's Road. New buildings were built to accommodate the all pupils in one campus.Â’
The end of my Primary School.