Some say popping a pimple can scar, others say it can't scar. Gently squeezing pimples that are at the surface and white will usually not lead to scarring. However, trying to squeeze and pop a pimple which is still down below the surface may lead to major problems. The decision of when to pop a pimple is important.
1. Take a warm shower or bath to soften your skin.
2. Wash your face and remove all makeup.
3. Wash your hands to prevent spreading germs and infecting the pimple.
4. Sterilize a needle by running it through a flame (a dirty needle will cause an infection and maybe a bigger pimple).
5. Gently prick the tip of the pimple with the needle.
6. Take a clean tissue or piece of toilet paper and wrap it around your index fingers.
7. Gently apply pressure to the sides of the pimple to ease out the pus. Stop when blood or clear fluid comes out.
hippo very lazy .... just jump straight to step 7

how about you?