1. Jusgal (Organiser) :
Thanks for organise this outing. as today will be my last day of freedom. i'm surely enjoying it! your dressing today really hot! n you belong to those bak bak type...

2. InnoHippo n 3. Hippo's girl-girl :
Happy to see you again. was laughing when you said fos look like Mr Green (haha). your gf is very chio too.

Good taste indeed!
4. asplooh :
Nice to meet you!

(Sorry, mixed up with your nick with SK

5. DarrenWong :
Whole day joking and crapping with you that i forget others existance. you really don't look like business student at all. how it feel being the 4 only guys in your class. i believe your days of being single are being numbered in less than a year.

Heed my words! resists your temptation, you gonna need it!
6. Axelheat755 :
glad to know that someone belongs to same age group as me. please keep
Comic Everyday alive. not forgeting to post here too.

7. Devil1976 n his girl-girl :
Nice to see you brudder! You still as yandao as me n not to forget your gf is pretty too. Today you really have a good meals too.

8. si taijian yunzhongzi:
Thanks for your very short turn-up.

Come and go.
Last of not least, thank you Croco for not coming! You help us guys by making us sianing chiobus. Thank u!