Before 30 but only a handful makes the mark.
Statistics have been showing that many women in Singapore today are going to be single ...... (could this be the reason as to why they are preying on old man in MRTS) This is especially alarming as it seems that single woman above the age of 30 seems to have almost 0% in finding a man to marrry.... not to mention a good man ....
However in all honesty, I find that the MEN in singapore are to blame ..... These men are a weak bunch of people that only knows how to work dam hard to support the 'family' ..... and dunnoe how to spend time with their GF etc........ Also these MEN are pathetic earners .. too .... earning only the small income like 5K and above which is obviously not enuff even for their GF to at least have some stability .... and of cus cannot afford even a condo and car for their GF..... This type of guys in singapore dam jia lat man ..
Also not to mention that these poor ladies of today in singapore are definately asking for things which are definately within them ... it is the MEN in Singapore that are useless and cannot provide for them ...... weak man .....

Any weak man here wanna share views?