Rabbit still alive!!!Originally posted by hopy:full of sh|t is back..
but this time round no matong to contain it wor...
oei..Originally posted by F.O.S:Rabbit still alive!!!![]()
oops!! sorry "bun" nyOriginally posted by hopy:oei..
its bunny not rabbit hor
Controller : Optic 6 :$270 can be use in all types of plane and heli.Originally posted by tiggersgd:what controller do you use?
its not the usual kind of craft that i'm seeing...
Learning to be pilot for SQOriginally posted by skeujin:fos learng to b a terrorist?
Originally posted by tiggersgd:yeah, guessed as much. crashing it won't be so heart pain afterall.
perhaps u should post a pic of ur controller with the 3D as well? picture perfect, u know.![]()
no lah, I tear off to recover all the parts for new planeOriginally posted by tiggersgd:crash till like that?didn't cut off fuel when coming in?? hmm...
u mean can have FOC plane with this action??Originally posted by F.O.S:no lah, I tear off to recover all the parts for new plane![]()
no lah, I bought a new plane needed all the old parts to cut cost.Originally posted by tiggersgd:u mean can have FOC plane with this action??![]()
aiyo, sponser me a set of spy cam please.Originally posted by alexkusu:oh? wat u use it for? install spy cam on it n take discreet pics?
have u tried those cheap helicopter ones? saw on sale in a shoping centre once. luks pretty interesting...Originally posted by F.O.S:no lah, I bought a new plane needed all the old parts to cut cost.
trust me . Cheap things no good, good things not cheap.Originally posted by skeujin:have u tried those cheap helicopter ones? saw on sale in a shoping centre once. luks pretty interesting...
no money still want to have the highend thingsOriginally posted by laurence82:i always wanted to engage in this hobby
but no $$$
i wanted two things
a jet toy aircraft, instead of a propeller one..and a small one that can have spy cam..for special purposes![]()