i sort of tink so lar...cos...tats one time...i see a malay old lady wearing e malay costume...wit e tudon*i dun noe e correct spelling of it...so if typoe error plz forgib me* staying behind my fren...she looks quite kind...den...e sec time is...i saw my grandfather*who had passed away when i was pri 1/2...* in my current hse...he was walking frm my bro's room to my sis' room...e main thing is he was in white... hey....dun forget....family trees can be big u noe...including wit ur relative frenz who are close...Originally posted by browniebaobao:Are you sure a white one is related? I dun think so..coz most I have seen are whites..even those I seen in toilets, chalet etc..
Black, I did saw in my house..if it's not related..then I will wonder who was it leh.
Red ar...better dun let me see..
Nobody likes to see such things..at least, not me..those who nv see before are very curious, like to go haunted house etc..but for those who can see..it's not something to be curious about.
hey...tink twice...flying saucer is another thing...if ur freak up den dun cum n read our posting...we post it wit real encounters...Originally posted by mahai102:u guys are freaking cracking me up...next thing u know, you'll be able to see flying saucers streaking through the night sky...where's all this bullshi.ttery leading to?![]()
well...gd question...i do see pets like those normal size dogs n cats..but jus cant see their face clearly...for me...i see e things usually in spilt secs...its quite rare if i see them for more than a min or so...well...i alweez see it...even when im energetic...so issit possible to be other reason like our eyes are making images...i cant really ans e whole question for ya..but i can oni ans my part...Originally posted by Poopie-Head:errm, juz curious.
since u guys have the yin yang yan, is it quite often u see these "things"? is it only for a split second or is the "image" there for a much longer time? Is it possible that u saw what u saw becoz of tired eyes, etc?
Another thing is, u guys always only see "human shapes" huh? In other words, ghosts are always dead people, what about animals? Are there "animals' ghosts" around? Dead people become ghosts, so what happens to dead animals?
Originally posted by BaoBei92:i sort of tink so lar...cos...tats one time...i see a malay old lady wearing e malay costume...wit e tudon*i dun noe e correct spelling of it...so if typoe error plz forgib me* staying behind my fren...she looks quite kind...den...e sec time is...i saw my grandfather*who had passed away when i was pri 1/2...* in my current hse...he was walking frm my bro's room to my sis' room...e main thing is he was in white... hey....dun forget....family trees can be big u noe...including wit ur relative frenz who are close...
I would choose to believe that the boy is an angel.Originally posted by BaoBei92:well...tis is e encounter frm tis yr...those tat i posted was last yrs' thingy...frm tis yr...hmm...let me tink...oh ya...there r a few...but isnt as scary as e previous posting...
theres once...i was waiting at e usual bus-stop for e bus to e interchange...in e morning...usually there r alot of buses driving along e direction which e bus tat im waiting was heading... which hav not operated yet *they drove it frm a place where they kept e bus at nite to e interchange in e morning...e place is sort of a centre...*den i was like looking at e buses tat hav passed by...suddenly...i noticed tat one of e bus' celling...sat a lady whom is in black long sleeve dress...long hair...even her face is totally black *means is like i could see her eyes...mouth...nose...etc....*but shes gib me a feeling tats telling me she diff frm e usual ones tat i see...its kind of creepy...n tat day...i was abit of sleepy but after i saw tat...i was like got frightened until i dun feel slpy at all...
den...when i was on e usual jurong east train*see e first posting of mine to noe where i alight n where i board*...i was sitting on e couple seat...i sat at e side where e braddell doors open...when e train was going frm bishan to amk...i was closing my eye den...trying to brush off e previous sight...* e paragraph above * den i heard a small child said to me tat..." im protecting u..."softly...i quickly open my eyes n looked around me...there isn any kidz around...around e cabin was all sec sch ppls n adults going for work...where did e voice came frm i did not noe til now...later...i looked outside e window jus beside my seat...i saw a lil boi in white long sleeve dress *sort of weird...boi in dress??but tats wat i saw...its true...*looking at me...he was floating in e air...*luckily he didn used any kind of bloodshot eyes to stare at me...*den he suddenly dissapear when i blink my eye...when i looked outside e window again...i saw a figure was flying around in e air...wit long hair...but couldn really see e colour...e sky was still dark in colour...
well if u tink tat all wat i hav said is jus a fictional story tat i hav created...i dun hav anything to say...cos tis is wat i really saw in tis yr...jus a month ago...
ya...i agree wit u...try to imagine our ancestors...OMG...Originally posted by browniebaobao:
Ya I know..family tree can be big..my father's side already 5 generations..
Anyway I guess we'll never know all these until we are dead.
i hope so...hope tat he'll really protect me bahx...hey...do guyz believe in death gods...devils n angels??well...i do believe in them...Originally posted by browniebaobao:I would choose to believe that the boy is an angel.
Originally posted by BaoBei92:i hope so...hope tat he'll really protect me bahx...hey...do guyz believe in death gods...devils n angels??well...i do believe in them...
haha...quite true bahx...diff ppl hav diff opinion...for me...i do believe lar...cos is like after we passed away...where do we head to??sure mus hav someone to lead us to a specific place for those who had passed away...Originally posted by browniebaobao:
Depends on religion? I'm a taoist..so dun believe in Jesus. No offence to christians here..neither do I belive in devils..tho I have heard many stories of them.
Death gods, birth god..whatever..I have to see to believe.
Originally posted by BaoBei92:haha...quite true bahx...diff ppl hav diff opinion...for me...i do believe lar...cos is like after we passed away...where do we head to??sure mus hav someone to lead us to a specific place for those who had passed away...
Originally posted by browniebaobao:
If given a choice, where would you choose to go?
I would want to be reunited with my baobei brownie at Rainbow Bridge.
guess u are a xingfu baobei.Originally posted by BaoBei92:
haha...a place where i can be wit my dear together...without any sorrows...jus wit simple life n happiness....![]()
scary??when u reading no lor...wait till u encounter e real one den u say whether it is scary or not...Originally posted by progene:So sacry sia...all ur stories....
Encounter once!Originally posted by BaoBei92:scary??when u reading no lor...wait till u encounter e real one den u say whether it is scary or not...
Originally posted by BaoBei92:[quote]Originally posted by browniebaobao:
guess u are a xingfu baobei. [color=blue]
haha...mayb bahx...mayb not...not as wat u tink...![]()
den why neber post...no scared..we wun laugh at ur story/posting...Originally posted by progene:Encounter once!
wat u mean zhi zhu chang??dun understand abit chim...well...its not alweez wit e r/s..do get family prob too...Originally posted by browniebaobao:
If he treats u good good..then zhi zhu chang le mah.
But I know there might be many probs in a r/s.
All the best~
Originally posted by BaoBei92:
wat u mean zhi zhu chang??dun understand abit chim...well...its not alweez wit e r/s..do get family prob too...
oic...hope will be xin fu n happy foreva lar..who dun wish to??hey...btw we're getting outta topic...ain't we suppose to tok about ghost oni??Originally posted by browniebaobao:
zhi zhu chang le = be contented with wat u have.