why dont you go there tonight and tell us your experience tomorrow.Originally posted by surfer188:Maybe the enviroment air is very humid. That's why the engine cannot start properly. Try starting engine on a hot day.
If not use battery powered hand drills. If battery powered hand drill will stop working & still have perfect charge inside. Then we "Look" into the ghost problem.
More then half ghost stories are created by our own "fear of unknown".
This happens in the year 1990, Junction 8 is still under construction.Originally posted by FireIce:where is the funny part ah?
Originally posted by queture:Whaha... so funny sia.
btw, there's someone very close behind your back.
thanksOriginally posted by FireIce:![]()
not funny IMO
Originally posted by F.O.S:err.. i dun understand those in red ah..
4th encounter 2002
I had a 14” TV in my room for 2 years and I have been watching it very night before I sleep, when I get tired I will put the TV on Sleep mode. That night as usual I when to bed about 11 plus, getting my position ready laying on bed I switch the TV on with the remote by pressing sleep mode but it doesn’t work. I thought it was my relative that came to my house to do cleaning for me in the afternoon that switched it off. ( I was staying alone that time.) I wake up and check the socket and the TV on/off switch. Everything is on. So I have no choice but to sleep early, I jumped back on my bed and sleep. Just about 5 – 10 minutes after I close my eye , I hear someone pressing my TV button on and of slowly , and soon faster and faster. (Sound like checking why the TV is not on) It last for few minutes and it end with a slap on the TV plastic cover. I did not open my eye to see because I am very share I am alone in the my and alone in the room, there is human besides me.
I am very sure I am alone in the my bedroom and alone in the houseOriginally posted by Pubosai:err.. i dun understand those in red ah..
Human is more scary than ghostOriginally posted by queture:i know u are. dats why being alone in your room makes a good atmosfear. someone is in your room watching u from the corner of the wall. can u feel it? can u sense the strange erie feeling lurking behind your back? do you feel warm? do you feel the warm fingers tickling on your shoulder now? dont turn back. there's a breeze just past by your legs. dont turn back. something is moving closer...
Originally posted by BaoBei92:im a new member lar *iN cAsE u dUn nOe bOuT iT*...well...i do sort of hav e third eye vision lar...den alweez can see those kind of "hao xiong di" lor...if u wanna ask me how many times hav i encountered them...i couldnt tell u e exact no...cos if wanna be accurate..mus count frm last yr's lunar seventh month...i forgot when was e month when i first seen it...but if im not wrong...e day shld be on e 9/7/04 on e lunar calender...
E first time
i was looking down frm my kitchen window to e carpark tats jus behind my blk...*at yishun blk 109*den its was abt 2 to 3 am in e morning...tat day i hav jus quarrel wit my first ex...den was trying to calm myself down...suddenly...e wind became very cold...but i didnt tink too much bout it tat time...tinking tat its alweez been so cooling over tat area during nitez time...den...i brush off e wind thingy out of my head...den i noticed tat along e carpark road...theres a car made of paper...driving...as its glowing in green...den i saw a figure in total white...*iNcLuDeD wIt e hAiR* floating on a tree...den i tried to look else where...but im seeing families in black,dark shadows holding hands walking around...i knew tat they wasn alive...there wasn any noise cuming frm downstairs...normally...if got ppl walking at e carpark..there wuld be some noise made by e slipper or so...i was almostwhen i saw all these...but now...im getting used to it although i do kena frighten by them...
i think you're the ghost that's haunting your aunt's family...Originally posted by iveco:I have ever stayed in a haunted house without realising it. In fact, I did not even feel anything.
The house in question was my aunt's staff quarters. Her husband was the headmaster of a school in Bahau, Negri Sembilan and there was a house on a hill in the school grounds provided for the family. According to my uncle's cousin, the whole place was freaking haunted. This relative claimed to have seen grey shapes moving about near the school toilets one night. On the same night, the neighbourhood dogs were making a racket.
My aunt also told me she felt an eerie presence whenever she entered the kitchen at night to get a drink of water. She said whenever she turned on the lights, she would see something dart into the shadows from the corner of her eye but did not know what it was.
After my uncle retired, the family moved to Seremban. However, they still kept in touch with the school's gardener. He told my aunt the new headmaster called in a bomoh to cleanse the place some time after her family left.
I had visited my aunt and stayed over at her house in Bahau but I have not felt anything there. Neither have my parents.
U dad in spirit life still wishing u that u will pass ur exams with flying coloursOriginally posted by browniebaobao:
I wonder whether those paper made things will really be useful for the dead. Burnt so much for my late father, hope he received them..
Me too, have yin yang yan..but only half yin yang yan ba..saw many times before..but nv during the 7th month..probably coz I do not go out so often..I heard that thsoe norn in lunar month march or July will see those things..well, I was born at the end of Feb..
First time I saw was at my old house...was feeding my cat outisde.. at around 1.30am, then suddenly me and brownie turned our head and looked into the same direction..we saw a naked man walking down from the stairs to the lift, in a flash.
I remember I was preparing for my exams on a few nights, the radio and tv was on..yet I heard crying of a woman..very pitiful cries..I off my radio and tv..still heard it..juz outside my unit...I shivered, off the radio, tv and lights..then went to sleep..Few nights later, my sis had the same experience..
I ever saw a female girl in toilet in ITE..when I walked past the front cubicles, suddenly saw a long haired lady in white looking towards my direction. I asked my frens whether they saw anything, they said no. That ITE is haunted..believed that one female teacher's spirit is trapped inside the office classroom..there had been cases of being possessed..and the banana trees..was told that at night, there's a very strong sense of 'evil'..many dirty things.
The last time I saw a ghost was at chalet..I was sitting at the bbq area with my fren..on a round table..with long benches..i was drinking then suddenly saw a white figure sat down in front of me, juz beside me. I could clearly see the shoulder and chest, it was a man. I choked on my drink and told my frens wat I saw. Then tat night, strange things happened..girls throwing up and having the runs throughout the night, heard room phone ringing but no answer when picked up..kept hearing knockings on our door..and while we were talking on the beds...we found two long full finger nails...very eerie..and it belonged to none of us. That was the last night of our stay.
After my dad passed away earlier this year..I saw him in our house..Once, I was burning mid night oil and studying for my tests..suddenly saw a figure with white outline walking from the living room..came and stood by my side. I recognised that outline..it was my dad..
Originally posted by StarPuppy:U dad in spirit life still wishing u that u will pass ur exams with flying colours![]()
Originally posted by browniebaobao:
I wonder whether those paper made things will really be useful for the dead. Burnt so much for my late father, hope he received them..
Me too, have yin yang yan..but only half yin yang yan ba..saw many times before..but nv during the 7th month..probably coz I do not go out so often..I heard that thsoe norn in lunar month march or July will see those things..well, I was born at the end of Feb..
First time I saw was at my old house...was feeding my cat outisde.. at around 1.30am, then suddenly me and brownie turned our head and looked into the same direction..we saw a naked man walking down from the stairs to the lift, in a flash.
I remember I was preparing for my exams on a few nights, the radio and tv was on..yet I heard crying of a woman..very pitiful cries..I off my radio and tv..still heard it..juz outside my unit...I shivered, off the radio, tv and lights..then went to sleep..Few nights later, my sis had the same experience..
I ever saw a female girl in toilet in ITE..when I walked past the front cubicles, suddenly saw a long haired lady in white looking towards my direction. I asked my frens whether they saw anything, they said no. That ITE is haunted..believed that one female teacher's spirit is trapped inside the office classroom..there had been cases of being possessed..and the banana trees..was told that at night, there's a very strong sense of 'evil'..many dirty things.
The last time I saw a ghost was at chalet..I was sitting at the bbq area with my fren..on a round table..with long benches..i was drinking then suddenly saw a white figure sat down in front of me, juz beside me. I could clearly see the shoulder and chest, it was a man. I choked on my drink and told my frens wat I saw. Then tat night, strange things happened..girls throwing up and having the runs throughout the night, heard room phone ringing but no answer when picked up..kept hearing knockings on our door..and while we were talking on the beds...we found two long full finger nails...very eerie..and it belonged to none of us. That was the last night of our stay.
After my dad passed away earlier this year..I saw him in our house..Once, I was burning mid night oil and studying for my tests..suddenly saw a figure with white outline walking from the living room..came and stood by my side. I recognised that outline..it was my dad..
Are you sure a white one is related? I dun think so..coz most I have seen are whites..even those I seen in toilets, chalet etc..Originally posted by BaoBei92:
well...its not cant be really true tat those who are born in marh or july den will hav tat eye lar..if tis is real den how someone whos born in other months hav tat vision??well...for me is...i can see e whole figure..but wit long hair..long sleeve dress...wit oni either white..black or red colour...according to my experince in seeing ghost...a white one...is harmless...n is a someone related to u...mayb ur relative's relative...black is like e white one..harmless...but not related...jus passing by...as for e red one...beta dun see them...they r e one who looks for substitude...den takes over ppl body...they r e "fiercest" among e three...cos i kena e red one before....so noe abit more bout e red one...although it doesn cum after me now lar...still got sometimes it follow me around lar...den shes a female...but its dun really harms me now lar...