by saying all this does not make you look, sound react olderOriginally posted by Nelstar:Given that age increases proportionately with increasing time, and the runout date decreases proportionately with the increasing time...
We can hereby decree that runout date decreases proportionately with the increasing time.
For runout date formulas, watch this space.![]()
who's that mad dog?Originally posted by F.O.S:I am wondering why is no one telling that mad dog to stop barking what I was bitten so many times
keep watching and you will see a dog keeps bitting me when I am in shout boxOriginally posted by dcx:who's that mad dog?
What i meant isOriginally posted by cindtan29:in short....ah dee ah...ah nel was saying....the age for the 2 person involved already very high (abv 70) if increase by another party...then the age even higher......
My opinion from ah nel is tat he meant to say tat : this kind of arguement is irrelevant si bo??? ah nel, correct me if i am wrong for ur interpretion...k...![]()
You got the idea wrong, but nevermind.Originally posted by F.O.S:by saying all this does not make you look, sound react older
if you can stop the mad dog barking all day, the forum is back in peace.Originally posted by Nelstar:You got the idea wrong, but nevermind.![]()
Dogs will be dogs, you can't deny a dog being dog. Cheer up lah. So unlike you you know.Originally posted by F.O.S:if you can stop the mad dog barking all day, the forum is back in peace.
If I can stop anything, I'm not Nelstar but God.Originally posted by F.O.S:if you can stop the mad dog barking all day, the forum is back in peace.
Boss, time for u to learn da gou bang fa liao.....Originally posted by F.O.S:keep watching and you will see a dog keeps bitting me when I am in shout box
u stick ur cock into anything that wears a dress hor?Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):got daughter?? how old?? under 16 i want ok??![]()
not really just anything that wear a sch uniform lorOriginally posted by alexkusu:u stick ur cock into anything that wears a dress hor?
matthew lim lao hao...sth...would gladly wear a sch uniform with japanese socks for uOriginally posted by I-like-flings(m):not really just anything that wear a sch uniform lor![]()
sorri only xiao mei mei are allow. not xiao di di one.. that one u can have itOriginally posted by alexkusu:matthew lim lao hao...sth...would gladly wear a sch uniform with japanese socks for u![]()
Sekali it is x-dresser then how?Originally posted by alexkusu:u stick ur cock into anything that wears a dress hor?