Wat is The pawnshop NO.8 all abt?Trading things have never been more sinister.
At The Pawnshop No 8, it's not just jewellery or property deeds that people exchange for cash.
It can be an eye, a limb, your brains or even your soul. Basically, one is doing business with the devil.
Based on Hong Kong writer Shen Xue's novel of the same name, The Pawnshop No 8 stars Alex Toh as the proprietor of the pawnshop Han Nuo.
Han Nuo was a rich man's son born in the Qing Dynasty, "kidnapped" by the Lord Voldemort-like owner of the pawnshop to be his immortal employee.
Taiwanese actress Tian Xin plays his assisstant, Ah Jing, who is also an immortal like Han Nuo.
The stories revolve around the customers who are desperate enough to come to the pawnshop for a deadly exchange.
Sun Zhuo (Lin Weijun) is one such customer, and she eventually finds herself entangled in a love triangle with Han Nuo and Ah Jing.
Emil Chau, Lin Xuehua and Lily Tien also have cameos in this drama.
The Pawnshop No 8 was so popular in Taiwan that it spawned a sequel and websites for fans to discuss the series.
It makes you think twice the next time you say you will give your right arm for something.