Which word do you think you're?








Someone who has a family or someone who has his/her feelings attached to another, may think they belong to this category. Usually a person who chose the word loved may not appreciate their loved ones while they are around, oftenly portraying neglect.

Someone who thinks they are emotionally loving may think they belong to this category. They are in constant denial of a relationship without sparks, oftenly deciding that their partners or themselves are not doing much and will oftenly change partners.

Someone who are satisfied with themselves may oftenly choose this category. They are oftenly easily satisfied, but tend to take things too easily. They are cheerful, but overlooked important details frequently.

Someone who chose this definitely still could not get over their previous love and are the people who are the most emotionally attached. They still clung onto an old memory, oftenly find themselves unable to move forward in love.

Someone who had chosen this is definitely someone who appreciate very small issues and are the most hardened lovers. They will fall in love easily, yet oftenly are very tedious in their love affairs. Their expectations of their loved ones is high and they demand their partners to be understanding.

Someone who thinks they are unloved are usually the ones who were neglected and constantly reminded of their failures. They are oftenly thinking that they were unfortunate ones, and are apprehensive of love.

People who chose this are either pessimist or people who do not believe in love. These people usually follow a remotely routine lifestyle and probably thinks premarital sex is okay. They are usually unaware that human has emotions and probably will be confused when falling in love.