Sorry I would love to address this in parts.
Originally posted by laurence82:
Yes, outsiders shouldnt interfere, esp those who are not affected and just wanna join in the mudslinging. This goes out too for non participants who just came and sit one corner, who do not have the capability to be able to observe any participant of the BBQ, and thus is not on receiving end of any praises, insults or actions.

Thus, my question, are you a victim or just another mudslinger?
Originally posted by laurence82:
If u want to talk about legislating one behaviour around here, be mindful everyone is doing it here. I see no exception. It include people who think they have to come back from their hibernation everytime they see what they perceive as as 'stupid threads', acting like a forum guardian, intervening in matters remotely related to them, which are being settled by affected people thru the proper and better channels.

No, I just come back from hibernation to watch forums progression into the new year. I don't think it's nice to come back and see people throwing stones at each other, especially when the year is ending, when we're supposed to forgive and forget the past and move on. Of course, you're still entitled to continue your actions, but I see the repeated attacking of someone over different threads is uncounted for. And I will like to remind those who think it's fun and knew it is wrong when you don't have a sensible reason for persistent attacks that they are going overboard with their mindless actions.
Originally posted by laurence82:
Regarding 'knocking sense into someone', no point pointing out its useless trying to knock sense into ceecookie, while in the other thread, told ceecookie directly he has to 'go up one notch on his sensitivity level', with regards to the tsunami victim thread. Its very ironic when i see one do this.

Of course, if they are biting into his actions there I have no qualms, please check reference urls for information.
Originally posted by laurence82:
After the thread on Xmas day, no else has pursue the matter anymore. Its a one time off thread.

I beg to differ, the reference was still in those urls. You're not involved but I do not see any reasons in that particular thread as a base for attacks unless its personnal and those found inside the mentioned thread does not seem to have a concrete basis for their unneccessary attacks even though he was being blunt and stupid. Do you not make stupid comments or blunt remarks?
Originally posted by laurence82:
Put it in this perspective. U can try to be supportive and campaigning for ceecookie all u want. U can keep potraying him as weak, helpless, defenceless guy being pounced upon by many others. Go ahead. The problem no longer lies in 'others' but 'him' onli.

I do not think he's weak, nor helpless, nor defenceless. Nor do I support his actions, the problem lies in the behavior of the rest. It's the actions of others I'm discussing. And the key problem I'm highlighting is those who shouldn't be mudslinging for fun.
Originally posted by laurence82:
Already those who spoke their piece, said it, in a final tone. If any of the affected still continues it, its one problem. But how about a continuation, a flow of other people keep coming in to point out his crappy posts towards others, as seen in the thread the topic starter linked to, the one on Americans? There is no guarantee of his safety in sgforums. A continual flow of new people coming in to point out his insensitivity..

So are you a good judge of your own actions, laurence82, when you constantly do poke fun at others? I don't think so that you're more sensitive in certain ways. Let me fix this at it. We're not sensitive at times, but his actions now does not equate to a necessary ban. If he should be banned, then SBSK, 5 times over, you and I ten times over.
Originally posted by laurence82:
so how? The campaign is successful until and unless fireice finds it absolutely necessary to press the ban button. Hope ur campaign will not mislead him to think his actions is a ok, and result in a ban or something.

I did not see in any way someone's biased opinion nor poor interpretation of anything = ban.
Originally posted by laurence82:
Thats all i wanna say. Good luck.
Here's my opinion of the entire situation. No direct offence to anyone, but my biased, selfish opinion.