Originally posted by Alex Lowe:

Piracy is stealing.
Pronunciation: 'pI-r&-sE
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -cies
1 : an act of robbery esp. on the high seas; specifically : an illegal act of violence, detention, or plunder committed for private ends by crew or passengers of a private ship or aircraft against another ship or aircraft on the high seas or in a place outside the jurisdiction of any state —see also AIRCRAFT PIRACY Article I of the CONSTITUTION in the back matter
2 a : the unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of another's production (as a film) esp. in infringement of a copyright b : the unauthorized use, interception, or receipt of encoded communications (as satellite cable programming) esp. to avoid paying fees for use
3 : the crime of committing piracy
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Forms: stole; sto·len; steal·ing
Etymology: Old English stelan
: to take or appropriate without right or consent and with intent to keep or make use of —see also ROBBERY, THEFT