PatrikOriginally posted by tripudio_mutatio:the sig i quote, the person like to reply with 3 smileys >>>![]()
or sth liddat...look at where the last nick was found n u shld find this one
that kind of siggy looks fierce, must be a straight-forward gal. at first thought is elawee but nope. any hints?Originally posted by tripudio_mutatio:sO wHaT iF i aM a b|tCh, yOu jUz hAf To LivE wItH iT..
cHeR|sH^LoVeOriginally posted by tripudio_mutatio:sO wHaT iF i aM a b|tCh, yOu jUz hAf To LivE wItH iT..
correct! ur turn!Originally posted by tranquilice:cHeR|sH^LoVe
hints?Originally posted by tranquilice:follow ur heart in everything u do.. even if e whole world betray u, ur heart wun....
dreamybear!!!Originally posted by tranquilice:follow ur heart in everything u do.. even if e whole world betray u, ur heart wun....
shan_cai!Originally posted by tripudio_mutatio:this one quite easy...
YoU cAn ChOoSe To LoVe Me Or LoVe Me NoT,
bUt I cAn OnLy ChOoSe To LoVe YoU Or LoVe YoU mOrE
she a some PLACE....beri obvious liao leh...
pipi & poot-pootOriginally posted by tripudio_mutatio:~ LUv iS: wHEn sHe fArTS, i MUs cOnFEsS iTs mINe?! ~
hints: the nick is similar to farting one...wahahahaha
Search "Dead Poets Society"Originally posted by 798:my turn:
"Life is like a box of chocolates, but no nuts please"