Our very own FI.....
<798> nel> why be a ghost? i thought now u have ur chuntian liao. should be alive man!
<798> iveco> but hor, why u post in bar>
i try to make it possible. no guarantees though
798> so dat more pple can see it. bar is runaway leader in terms of ratings.
798 i am different from u.
i see the forums as a place where ppl get into unnecessary conflicts.
fireice looking fer ditzy?
<798> iveco> but chit-chat is more general base.
798> but i feel i trolled her like a sleazo.
[2:55 pm]
yah, wheres tt beetch!?!?
<798> nel> dat depend how u handle it. i know there are some sob here who trying to making a bad name for u. wonder can i report admin to ban them or not?
sorry i not in charge of the doggies. no idea where the bitCh gone to.

<798> wj> dimsum outing, can me come?

yah, wheres tt beetch!?!?>>

...FI east coast or west coast?

798, its the same person doing it again and again. but i only dealt with one. i left the other two alive. cos that one crossed the line and got my personnal friends involved
mos, marina south la~!
nellie> do u mean da spaniard? he's been reincarnated.
nellie> marina south got beetch meh??
I have no interest in stopping someone who makes a fool out of himself.
mos, got beetch no ppl go only
<798> nel> i think they are really farking lame. me hate these kind of pple.
I can easily count with my fingers who they are: Rentals, Not4Rent, Nelster, Nelstaer, Lim Li Hao, Lim Li Hao Matthew, Li Hao
[3:01 pm]
<798> iveco> nellie> do u mean da spaniard? he's been reincarnated.<< not dat cortez guy! but someone even lamer than him.
wat kind?
nellie> doesn't nelster hv a forum dedicated to u?
im jus looking for the ditzy b!tch
i recognise the pattern, and see its operated by 2-3 person.
FI> hardly see u crap here leh....guest appearance??
bo eng leh..busy acting busy at work
* F.O.S FI only tok to B!tvh , don't talk to Sh1t

so what crime did ditzy commit this time? killing ppl with laughter?
<798> nel> wat about the LBB's clones too? it's so obvious they are spamming Bar n other forums.
798, just post in the thread if u are interested
Kops21 shy...look by the side...