Originally posted by Parka:

I forgot all my law thing already. If you're a boss, would you register your company?
(this is what is so good about Singapore's education. Argh. forgot everything)
hahaaa i also cant remember much of what i have studied.
If you're a boss, would you register your company? well, i think many people have some ideas which they think will works and they want to give it a try. however there are many problems, like the capital, legal issues ... so let's say we have this great idea that we want to give it a try. it may succeed and it may fail. many people will not actually go and take loans and register anything at first. they will just start up with the minimum at the start. but the thing is what if it succeed after some time? like making big money from the website? and we are like having no company name or anything. will there be any legal issues? like the government want us to pay tax or whatever??