Like our caramon, he will be given a space where all his threads are linked before the destruction becomes of him.
And our clown for the day will be.... 'finance_geek'
Let us have consolation that should 'finance_geek' be removed one day, we will still have a thread dedicated to him, to let us know it is good to be intelligent.
Our clown was looking thru some older threads...And he doesn't notice idiots get killed everyday.
Our clown was glad...I'm glad too, he made funny reach a new height. He has undone our great caramon.
Our clown was asking if anyone doing their CFA?Obviously, he's screaming at other educational levels when he haven't got his degree yet. Someone who have not graduated speaking like he got it right under his nose.
Our clown and his perverted views on MCPWhen he doesn't get it through his air head he was talking about being a jerk, not an MCP.
Behold! A new generation of clown has just arrived!
The older generation for reference