when i first came back from melb. i was abit disorientated, in the sense that suddenly the roads, the signs, the money etc looked so familiar to me. then when i got home suddenly i felt that my room is so much bigger( because my apartment in melb is so much smaller) then i miss the food here so much. esp what my dad cooks, a god-send. as i stepped into the living room i found the tv very much bigger,clearer and brighter. this is because the tv in melb apartment was a 14" samsung tv with pathetic pic quality.
then spent the next few days transferring, sorting and uploading my pics from the itp.
one thing i know is that, i can survive in aust for sometime. i can accustom to most cultures. for aust is, i can take the food there, i can cook, i mean there is nothing for me to get afraid or unaccustomed to. the only thing i need to know is that things are done differently from home. simple. no country will do things in the exact same fashion as sg. however 1 thing remains, i still will miss sg food and culture, though i dont really like some parts of the culture at times. so when i went there, i didnt even think of packing any food, not because of quarantine regulations but it's " at the most, eat fast-food"
my mum told me my aunt invited us to go to malacca so i was hesistant but went in the end. then i realised, i am going for another trip in a matter of 4days.
when i reached the pathetically small hotel room, it was as half the size of my apartment in melb but the toilet plus a small area of the room was the size of my bedroom in melb.
anyway i sat on the bed and looked at the tv and the power plug. i looked at the tv and found it familiar again, because it was the same size and pathetic state as the 1 in melb. i noticed the power plug seemed to be much bigger than i was used.
i was comparing all these to melb's apartment because the apartments were similar in size and state. ok i know it's bo liaoz to compare power plug sizes and tv size,but it's abit.....dunno how to say....disorientating?
then maybe because i was used to the sight-seeing trips in melb, so the 2 nights i spent in malacca was boring honestly. i mean in melb.the trips usually lasted till late or dinner. and during the journey there will be something to do, like getting off at some stops to shoot or eat, i mean even the bus route was on a road that was scenic.
because in malaysia alot of places are so backward, the roads and stuff are in bad shape, the markets are totally disgusting, dirty,smelly and unhygenic at some places. my aunt agreed that this is waht sg is like 20-30 years ago. the wet markets. quite buay tahan. anyway dunno what my aunt and her family plus my mum ate but everyone got sick, from vomiting to the runs. only i was spared. lucky me...
when i came back, my dad and sis also got sick over the weekends, great...i am the only one not sick....oh well..
god bless.....
damn...so fast christmas...new year....school term....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.