a war thread was targeted for me. but i didn't ahve enough chance to say what i wanna say, and the thread is close. now i shall do the same.
so, everyone like playing judge huh?
tis is really a crappy place.
the damn truth is out there for everyone to see. u can tell what kind of person stoner is. and, there will be some who wanna be peace maker, (tis is good) but also got to see if its justified. n also get the facts rite first b4 u post.
n always, there will be those who know only half of what happen, n yet they wanna play judge or jury. n of cos, the usual lan jiao wei from some tat doesn't help a single thing. its like IF there is a fight between 2 person, those kpo by standers who ask who wanna place their bet on who. tat is lame.
from the whole thing, stoner is a loser/lamer to a lot of ppl. its only a matter of they wanting to say it out. n for me, i noe a lot of ppl think i have a bad tempered, i admit tat myself, n will never try denying it. but remember tis, nobody loses their temper for no reason. for me, i lost it when anyone steps onto my tail. i have avoided him, if not ppl will say i trouble maker. n i was making peace wth FOS when he striked, twice. hence, the start of this war.
now stoner seems to be losing in his own poll, as in starting that thread. then he changed his approach to gaining sympathy. saying he has avoided me n stuff. if so, then why did he provoke in tat peace making thread?
use your common sense n tink b4 u post anything.
wan me to make peace wth a loser like tat? over my dead body. n moreover, i dun tink i have done a single wrong thing towards this moron here. enuff said. n also i have enuff friends in the real world. only few of the virtual friends i made here will be greatly treasured, n u noe who u r *hugs*.
stoner, u noe damn well wat u did. n u should wake up n know what kind of person u r. watever u say, watever invalid reasons u try to use, nothing could hide the fact tat u r a loser. everyone noes tat. i dun have to start a poll pulling thread to varify tat.
n me, i have a terrible temper. but its doesn't explode untill someone provoke me. so dun look at me wth some goody two shoes mind, n tink i'm some horrible bad tempered monster. if nobody step on my tail, i can be even nicer than u, without pretending, all sincere one. cos i dun fake.
in tis forum, there are ppl i like, n ppl i dun. most of the time i dun show u tat i dun like u untill i find u irritating the sh1t out of me. n of cos, there r ppl who dun like me. well, i dun mind tat. cos i dun expect to be love by all.
anyway, i'm not gonne be in tis forum often anymore, but of cos i'll still come in n catch up wth my kakis. those close to me, do keep in touch by sms. u guys have my number.
i'm gonna close tis damn thread the min i get it posted. juz wanna say my piece.