I thought I was happy,
I thought I was lucky,
I thought it was a bliss
to be loved.
Till I thought I was being loved,
by one which I might not be able to return the love to,
by one which I thought I was nearer to,
A tough decision.
Till the day,
Till the moment,
I realise the Truth,
that it was all one-sided.
Sad and disappointed,
With the smile I wear,
Tears flowed deep.
In the heart where no one knows.
But still glad,
no feelings are returned,
no feelings are exchanged,
so no hurt will exist.
Being hurt once deep and hard,
is more than enough,
I should have learn,
I should have wise up.
The Truth is painful,
The Truth is fearful,
The Truth is hurtful,
but I rather know The Truth.
To be loved is blissful,
To be loved is wonderful,
when both understands one another,
when both think they are for one another.
I rather it to be in this way,
I rather wat had happened to happen,
I rather the one hurted is me,
den the one I care for.
I was listless,
I was sadden
you see no rays of lights,
when they are hiding behind time.
Like a rainbow,
you bring colours,
you bring encouragement,
you bring sunshine after the rain.
All was too fast,
All was too short,
you came as fast as you go,
just when I was about to step into rainbow.
You were too anxious,
I was too cautious,
Confidence and patience,
is much required.
The decision is yours,
not up to me to change it,
is only for me to respect it,
I can only follow it.
Perhaps I might regret,
Perhaps I might not,
Regrets in the failure of keeping a great friend
Regrets in not handling the situation well.
Laughing my sorrows away,
with my heart aching away,
with tears flowing away,
with you walking away.