Originally posted by tusq62:
I keep asking for refund, but they told me you have not complete the course. They asked me to go for another basic again. If I really learn nothing, then they will refund. I think is bull shit. They are very good in twist and turning their words until you got nothing to say. I'm in the loosing end. So just forget about the 1K. My friend is doing sales but not MLM. He ever invest some money in mlm but not sucessful for the business.
just as i expected. your friend is in the sales line and has done MLM. sales lines means sales in anything-insurance, car, houses, retail, anyting.
again as i expected, they WANT you to COMPLETE the course.
the part you dropped out is the part when you are most tired, exhausted, hungry, cold and completely drained. that is your most vulnerable part.
that is the part where you either give in to them or you give up and get out.
had you given in to them, yes you would have completed the course successfully. whether you think you've learnt something or nothing after completion, that would determine if you want the refund OR you want to go to advance.
IMO, once you have completed the course, i would say you have been brain-washed 90%, so its only likely 10% that you would ask for a refund.
likewise, probably out of 100 enlistees who signed up, probably only 10% are likely to ask for a refund after completion. this is how they earn the money.
which level is your friend at now?
what did your friend suggest you do now?
1) he either persuade you to try again.
2) or he sees you as hopeless and gives up on you, and stick with his clique
of AW bonded friends. (yes, i mean hugs hugs hugs)its not correct for me to say that you are naive or gullible, but i would say that you are unsuspectingly being led into this.
all in all, i am glad you have pulled out. its very unlikely that you can get back your $1000.
you have already made one mistake here!!!. don't make another.
guard against people who are close to you from this AW thing.
your other friends, your parents, siblings, relatives, GF, wife, children.
(there is a reason for them telling you to bring your family, relatives, frens for that graduation thing). its no ordinary university or poly graduation you know!!sorry about the $1000. its hard earned money thrown down the drain.
note this: you and me would be watching our respective frens to see how far they go in this AW stuff.