I'm new to this forum, I was overseas for a few years and now returned to Singapore and on seeing the forum it only shocks me.
1) I observed that over 95% of the forum topics onMLM whether its NTI, Coslab, Venture ERA, Belair, even MLM itself Â….. well too many writers are too quick to resort to name calling, threatening, bad mouthing & criticizing others and rarely anyone will apologise first irregardless.
2) Think about it - The act of criticizing, name calling, threatening will only make you feel good temporarily. It only denies you of an opportunity to selectively learn from those who are willing to share good information. Who is the loser in the end?
3) If MLM is not your cup of tea, why are you still in the forum sowing seeds of discontent. Everyone knows MLM is not for everyone.
But recognize there are consumers out there consuming MLM products and they enjoy it or need to consume it – So you decide, if you want to be part of the distribution
If you decide not to be part of it, and if you choose to view it as "making money from friends", "unethical", "bad elements" , etc, then donÂ’t do the business.
But donÂ’t begrudge others who are making an honest living doing the business the correct way and with a conscience.
4) The key point here is the introducer should have a conscience that what he/she introduce to his friend is to the benefit of his friend, and not to the selfish interest of the introducer.
Of course, the flip-side of this is If the consumers are forced to consume products that has no benefit or value and has good money stuck in the business due to the misrepresentation of the introducer, then thatÂ’s another matter - thatÂ’s not right. May the law go real hard on these people
5) If you see injustice, scams happening, cheating going on,,, why complain on the forum and sow seeds of discontent? Go and do something constructive like calling up the authorities - Instead of complaining on & on and expect the whole world to serve you.
6) If MLM is for you, go pick the products, the company, the people culture etc that you feel comfortable with. If youÂ’re not , just walk away. AND Respect peopleÂ’s intelligence to decide what they want.
7) When you joined and quit, instead of blaming anyone or something else, take a good look at yourself in the mirror first. No body will determine your fate except yourself
![Cool Cool](/images/emoticons/classic/icon_cool.gif)
DonÂ’t believe everything you hear at those seminars. What worked for the guy may not necessarily work the same way for you. Every individual is different
9) I think the Singapore market is way too small to generate a repeat-purchase consumer market that then generates the residual income they promise you in the seminars.
10) Recognise in any company NEVER generalize everyone is the same There will be black sheep and there are good ones. Recognise not every one conducts the business in similar fashion.
Lastly Never threaten anyoneÂ…not even in this forum, not in the street, never everÂ… because it will backfire on you. Surprisingly I donÂ’t see that many harsh words used on the other forum topics.
I like to interpret the shocking behavior and language I see in this forum especially in the MLM topic as a maturing process in the MLM industry here. I take it positively but guess it will take some years to come of age