like this only? hahah.. please lah! can come out with a more up to standard objection can anot. even my newly joined 1st day agent also know how to handle such things... weak sia!Originally posted by scarletfever:As requested by GrimR..........
1)Robert Kiyosaki, Bill Gates , LKY, Mcdonalds, Nike, Osama Bin Laden have say many things, given many lectures, wrote many books and done many things.
so end of the day, CAN YOUR MLM PRODUCT SELL?????
2)How long have you been doing this MLM thing?
1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?
How many units have you sold?
1 unit, 100 units, 1000 units, 1million units, 100million units??
3) so you have sold XXX units in the time frame of YYY months/years??
so YES!!!, this product CAN SELL!!!.
since this product CAN SELL, so I believe you are going to carry on selling this product for the next YYY number of months/years????
maybe you didn't get what i mean. lol.Originally posted by scarletfever:<<even my newly joined 1st day agent also know how to handle such things... weak sia!>>>>>
you know how to handle?
good for you and for new 1st day agent.
On the first day, you must show your 1st day agent my list of FAVOURITE MLM PHRASES.
enjoy selling or recruiting or cheating or whatever.....
sorry im with another MLM, why not you listen to what i have to say about my 1st.Originally posted by HENG@:just say, "sorry im with another MLM"![]()
I am afraid i have to put u off ur temporary happiness...Originally posted by color ghost:ah i always kena approached by mlm wan leh.
me: sorli i sell insurance wan. im happy with da commission im getting n i dun believe in mlm.![]()
thanks for being so nice sharing with me.Originally posted by laurence82:I am afraid i have to put u off ur temporary happiness...
There are two main faults in insurance companies nowadays..
First, they now operate in teams system, which is in fact very similar, if not exact to the MLM system. A manager is in charge of a team of sellers basically, although this vary from company to company, and earns a commission of his team members besides his own sales. I must say, in recent years, these sort of enhancements to the insurance selling system have made insurance sellers even more persistent and aggressive not only to find customers, but also for members to join his team. This is really scary, as you can see in recent times people being approached by agents at MRT stations and everywhere. Even friends are now being asked to join, and this follows the MLM pattern.
Second, is the fact insurance companies moves from insurance products to financial products. In fact, agents are not really financial advisors, but rather financial products sellers. I know many have gone through the rigorous financial planning training, but many who join the companies are young and do not have full grasp of financial fundamentals. Seriously, they are pushing the products to earn money, not because they recommending it as if they know the security or product they selling are strong fundamentally.
So to say if one is happy doing insurance rather than MLM, then what i can say is both are fundamentally the same - pushing products to earn commission in a network or team based system.
There are growing concerns that companies are getting more aggressive and annoying, and that they are pushing products that might not be fundamentally strong. Financial products pushing has shown its flaws recently, with DBS CAO fiasco, and AIG closing few funds.
While its a relief that the insurance industry is more regulated than the MLM industry, the problem of products pushing has been overlooked. Sooner or later, this is going to blow up like the MLM topics now, where people might believe they have been scammed to invest in weak funds that are being pushed by people hwo are just interested in earning commissions.
multilevel marketting....u dunno can go research on more of da threads u will noe lorf....Originally posted by carpe diem jur:wait !!! wat is MLM?? i'm getting confused...
ooh icic... ok, thankx ya~!!Originally posted by color ghost:multilevel marketting....u dunno can go research on more of da threads u will noe lorf....
i) theres no multilevel....thers only at most da director, da manger and da agent..capping at three layers..and da director's commission does not equate the it wont have dis very ridiculous LONG CHAIN down da road like MLM. and mlm is anywan who can pay a membership is eligible to join. u dun need to come up a single cent to join insurance..(da difference is..if u cant sell then u better leave.)I am afraid there is a mistake here. MLMs, as opposed to pyramids do not have limitless or even long chain of commission structure. Any such structure would identify the company as a pyramid. Even then, any company, regardless of products they are selling, that has more than one level of commission structure, will have the same problem - aggressive recruitment and pushing of products. Besides, an MLM member who paid a single lump sum of membership fees, do not lose more than any customers paying, in long term for financial products continually collects premium.
ii) agents who cannot perform will be pushed to leave. unlike mlm...u pay membership fee who will ask u to go? that will encourage many many people floating around giving them money. see da flawed logic? agents who cant sell (thank you veri much hor...) they just hire new agents to replace that spot. it is overcrowding with insurance agents lately...becos too many young ppl (same idealism as mlm are joining...some cannot talk also inside..hehehe) are crowding the market...but half of them cannot last 3 months. :p mlm is different..u pay money liao wun u try ur best leh? and finally...agents may get fringe benefits for introducing new agents to da company...but they dun actually take commission for it...that makes primary level agent less aggressive to recruit ppl...they just want u to buy their insurance products.Two things here. By applying your logic to this 'membership fees', it is also not feasible to pay for financial products that are fundamentally weak. Money will be poured into securities that are not performing. Another thing is that this very point of yours actually will hurt the insurance industry. By highlighting this high rate of staff turnover, you potentially deter prospective agents from joining. Another worrying sign is that staff turnover is a cost to companies. How will people allow companies to handle their funds, if they could not manage this cost of turnover. Not wanting to go deeper into this point, staff turnover is a problem for both industries, where people leave due to poor performance or low motivation. Again, a black mark on public image.
iv)product pushers or not...that is just a style of working. u got come across some restaurant...da staff stand outside ask u try their new dish? dats aggressive selling too wat? product pushing? about those free sampling later talk until u paiseh must buy a packet becos u makan da free sampling? product pushing als owat? why insurance agent cannot product push? if da consumer dun like he dun have to buy...but if da consumer kena push..he buy. its da consumers responsibility for buying wat.Again, this point strengthen my views just now. Its like saying, its allright to push poor performing products, but the onus is on the customers to judge for themselves the right products to buy? How will the companies ever gain the trust of the public if it cannot project business ethnics and shows it have ethical business practices? Again, this sounds like some shady MLM companies practices as well.
v) agents do go thru rigorous financial planning training..and sit thru hell lots of exams..and year in year out still sitting for exams to stay qualified BUT whether they are giving quality advice or product pushing depends on individual. its da consumer to judge whether they wan some product pusher to sell them or some professional financial planner to sell them. some ppl are product pusher...some ppl do quality business...just like any other field wat. u simply say insurance = push ppl things nobody wan?I am afraid so. While its true that financial planners stil need to perform even after rigorous training, again, why lower oneself by saying other companies do it, so we must do it? Another point for people to leverage on, to attack the ethics of the insurance industry.
vi) da reason why i dun believe in mlm is da commission structure is worrying...there is no stop to da never ending down chain..and dat da core of selling mlm business is not da product but selling recruitment. which is not my opinion of being ETHICAL. (i sincerely believe in insurance btw...and although i dont go change ppl mind but u can ask me again i still tell u da same.. i belive in insuranc e and i believe everyone needs it. how much and where they obtain is their responsibility, not mind. i'm only offering them a service.)Well i just said MLM isnt a pyramid, but then, MLM centres on recruitment then product selling? I am afraid this is not true. Any company, that allows for recruitment and team or network based earnings concurently, pave the way for the company agents to centre on recruitment as well, regardless of the type of companies. Thats why with the recent changes to insurance companies system, we see more aggressive recruitment by agents, especially Prudential.
vii) dun get me wrong...i think mlm can earn big money too...but it goes against my principals, so i wun do it.
viii) weak funds or strong funds is not da agents' duty...go screw da fund managers ok? they pick wrong stock and fund not growing not agent fault. not all funds are crap..some are good too... by right da agent should be able to advice u on it...but if they cant then they might not be up to ur expectation lor.... ur da consumer..u can choose who to buy from right?Goodness, this point totally strengthen my views that financial advisors seriosuly do not know what the heck they are selling. Hence the label financial products sellers. First step is that companies management choose whose funds they want to earn commissions from selling. Then the agents are instructed to sell it. Do you see my flow of reasoning? The motivation for pushing the product is now clearly for the commissions, regardless of the financial fundamentals, and the onus now is pushed to customers and fund managers.
MLMs, as opposed to pyramids do not have limitless or even long chain of commission structure.thanks for clearing dis up. i based it on one company that have several hierachies and after they collect enuf recruits they get promoted. really who buys the products? its promoting based on how many recruitment no?
Besides, an MLM member who paid a single lump sum of membership fees, do not lose more than any customers paying, in long term for financial products continually collects premium.that, my friend, is an equally flawed logic no? ur judging on the basis that financial products is a lost of money....but get back to the point...when you pick up a plan..what is hte bloody purpose? i have studied as objectively as i can with financial it endowment or some form of participating polciies.. at one point im argueing about the entire silliness until i realised one dont lose money, because u essentially paid for what it is that ur paying for. the product can only be bad if its unsuitable to your financial needs.
Two things here. By applying your logic to this 'membership fees', it is also not feasible to pay for financial products that are fundamentally weak. Money will be poured into securities that are not performing.can you guarantee which fund is performing? can you tell me when the market is doing well? im just saying funds not performing is not the advisors fault...all he can do is to let you know what you are supposed to do to address to your financial needs.
By highlighting this high rate of staff turnover, you potentially deter prospective agents from joining.....dis is no secret. any SALES job has highturnover rate...that and production sector of manufacturing plants. if they come in thinking its cosy life then its best they dont come in.....we dont really need people to waste more training u have mentioned, its alot of wastage.
Again, this point strengthen my views just now. Its like saying, its allright to push poor performing products, but the onus is on the customers to judge for themselves the right products to buy?im saying the act of product pushing as a style... i did not asy they are pushing crap into your face...if the consumer takes crap he has to bear that kind of responsiblity. serious. its not ethical on the advisors part...but what can i say? the fact is..that happens. im not painting a fairytale anyway. it is the truth. there will be people doing it...but there are plenty that does a good job too. and product pushing, i must not a special skill of insurance agent. any industry will have this way of dealing with business. so why bother highlighting the penalty on just us?
I am afraid so. While its true that financial planners stil need to perform even after rigorous training, again, why lower oneself by saying other companies do it, so we must do it? Another point for people to leverage on, to attack the ethics of the insurance industry.there is no difference when it comes to ethnics. anybody running business is selling and wants money. we earn a living directly from friends, relatives, neighbors....there is actually a bloody bigger stress on my part to do a good job. at least my conscisnce prevents me from doing anything stupid. but im not here to lie that nobody does it. there will always be black sheep in any field...and besides...there are plenty of buyers that doesnt require pushing becos they see the neeed to acquire them. i dont deny anything and i cannot be held accountable what another fellow agent does. got it? im stressing INDIVIDUAL becos every agent is an independant boss of his own....i cant order him not to push da product can i? i never said anything about lower ownself's standards.
Well i just said MLM isnt a pyramid, but then, MLM centres on recruitment then product selling? I am afraid this is not true. Any company, that allows for recruitment and team or network based earnings concurently, pave the way for the company agents to centre on recruitment as well, regardless of the type of companies. Thats why with the recent changes to insurance companies system, we see more aggressive recruitment by agents, especially Prudential.yes i see the aggression in prudential too. well no when i say selling recruit im specifically highlighting that MANY MLM has products that costs too much and worked less effectively than market products. that will essentially suggest that the product hasnt much value and its essentially a losing situation for the actual customer. (im sure many will still buy them)
Goodness, this point totally strengthen my views that financial advisors seriosuly do not know what the heck they are selling. Hence the label financial products i say again... we dont pick da stocks. we cannot control the performance...and in any case..PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO PROMISE OF PERFORMANCE IN THE may do well before so the agent recommends but apparently it iddnt do well in future...then it becomes agent fault? u cant blame him...NOBODY CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE ...or the may not do well now but it may do well in future.... we are selling a service...that is to uncover ur financial needs, and what u need to solve or at least reduce ur financial concerns.....products to me are just a secondary thing to manage ur financial portfolio. what we are selling are all good and nice..but if an agent who failed to become ethical simply sell you what that can get him the most commission...that is his misconduct..and the cliehnt's personal judgemetn. (and it happens too...) on the other hand...we can still earn a handsome fee doing the right way.
Do you see my flow of reasoning? The motivation for pushing the product is now clearly for the commissions, regardless of the financial fundamentals, and the onus now is pushed to customers and fund managers.yes i follow your thoughts. ur not a complex person and thank you for your opinions. i do like people with a strong opinion about things. the motivation for pushing product is commission yes..just like the motivation of pushing ANY product to ANY customer. the difference will lie with individual earn the money honestly or earn it less honestly. what do yo uexpect me to tell you? lie to you and assure you that all agents are angels? no i cant. there are always people who do funny stuffs. just like ANY OTHER TRADE. why do you work? to get money right? wats wrong with agents wanting to earn a living? but only GREED and LACK of ETHNICS makes an agetn PUSHES ANY PRODUCT WITH NO REGARD TO THE CLIENT'S NEEDS that makes it commissions's fault. if done correctly, its a win-win situation.
No offence, color ghost, but your post actually shows that there is no difference between selling MLM or financial products. To make it worse, your post also show as if agents arent ethical or responsible for their advices.dun worri la...i not offended ...u open up my mind to more opinions of ppl
at least im entertaining wor..u think i should consider join da mediacorp or something?Originally posted by Alex Wong:an insurance agent cursing at mlm industry is as good as slapping his own face. i really have a good laugh after reading the posts..![]()
yalor also not bad hor?Originally posted by Alex Wong:that will be good. who knows, you may be the next jack neo!