you need at least 2 to 3 years to see your results... i never heard any business become so profitable immediately upon setting up.Originally posted by leddy:I think what he's trying to say here is that personal retailing aka direct selling aka mlm is not necessary superior like what mlm companies advocate when compared to normal retail. Even though mlm is supposed to benefit the individual who have no captial to set up businesses like wal-mart's, most mlmers are worse off than b4 they entered mlm companies. I dare say this becoz from looking at my brother's friends, my friends and my close friends' friends. none of them have yet drove the bmw and drawing 5k salaries that mlm companies promise them. Many have quit, 1 or 2 did get a new car but couple of months later sold it coz unable to pay installments. OK, given that they are F up and cannot make it big in life, this fact also shows that most ppl will not succeed in mlm. they are better off, working in a job that pays stable and constant salaries.
Originally posted by antking:Oh yes, I get to earn at an exponential rate if I get to invest in the company. And the reason why they have the lowest price for their products is because the keep their costs and wages low. If you put $1000 into Wal-Mart since its IPO in 1970, and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, that 1000 bucks would have turned into 5,000,000 bucks by now.
[b]Since Walmart is such a profitable company, why don't you join them or ask them employ you so that you can also earn some money.
Many MLM start-ups, at least in SG, are either scams or just MLMing for the sake of MLM.
Amway has a distribution channels in more than 80 countries, by interpreting what you say, all 80 over countries government are stupid including Singapore by letting Amway having their distributing channel there and not begging Walmart to go into their country so that Walmart can help to increase all these countries economy.![]()
Then how much have you earned then? IF you can earn that much. IF ....Originally posted by antking:Oh yes, I get to earn at an exponential rate if I get to invest in the company. And the reason why they have the lowest price for their products is because the keep their costs and wages low. If you put $1000 into Wal-Mart since its IPO in 1970, and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, that 1000 bucks would have turned into 5,000,000 bucks by now.
You can't even read properly. I was referring to start-ups, not established companies.
Congrats to you IF you earn that much. IF you ever earn that much. IF........
Ok, investment can make you rich, investment can also make you bankruptOriginally posted by teekh:Then how much have you earned then? IF....
At least there are proven cases that investing can make you rich, just by looking at the Forbes billionaire list, the most famous being Warren Buffett and George Soros.
You can name me anyone who's on the list from MLM list then say, and MLMs already have more than 40 years of history.
hah...there are indeed cases, and that's because they know absolutely nothing of what is investing in the first place.Originally posted by antking:Ok, investment can make you rich, investment can also make you bankrupt
So you see, you need to learn, to have knowledge in order to be successful and daydreaming and hope that without doing anything you can earn a fortune unless you stirke Toto, 4D or Big Sweep lah. Even so, you still need to go and queue up at Singapore Pools Outlet.Originally posted by teekh:hah...there are indeed cases, and that's because they know absolutely nothing of what is investing in the first place.
People like Buffett are investors of very conservative nature. They don't borrow(which is the reason why pple get bankrupt), using only insurance money as a leverage, and invest in what they know well, and not 'buy and hope that the price will go up'.
As long as I invest without borrowing extra money from the bank, there's no way I could be bankrupt. And returns can still be good.
Oh I just daydream and don't learn?Originally posted by antking:So you see, you need to learn, to have knowledge in order to be successful and daydreaming and hope that without doing anything you can earn a fortune unless you stirke Toto, 4D or Big Sweep lah. Even so, you still need to go and queue up at Singapore Pools Outlet.
1. You are not my friendOriginally posted by teekh:Oh I just daydream and don't learn?I just wondering whether you learn more than i do...
It just further proves of how ignorant you are...instead of just arguing for the sake of arguing, how about providing some good evidences and figures?
business knowledge without putting into practise is just theory.Originally posted by leddy:teekh, our business knowledge is a surplus to requirements here. MLM companies are designed to allow ppl with little or no business knowledge and little or no experience and little or no money to have a chance to term themselves as businessmen or being involved with some sort of business.
well.. u can choose not to participate in this forum if you want to wait until that day to happen.Originally posted by teekh:Oh yes, I get to earn at an exponential rate if I get to invest in the company. And the reason why they have the lowest price for their products is because the keep their costs and wages low. If you put $1000 into Wal-Mart since its IPO in 1970, and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, that 1000 bucks would have turned into 5,000,000 bucks by now.
You can't even read properly. I was referring to start-ups, not established companies.
When Amway or any other MLMs can take the place of my NTUC Fairprice downstairs when buying everyday necessities, or the Best Denki for electrical appliances or Metro for clothes nearby, or even the old-fashioned za huo dian under my block first first, then talk about how they are here successful here.
Originally posted by teekh:Why isn't it appropriate to compare Wal-Mart with Amway? I think you grossly underestimated the scale and the range of products that Wal-Mart is selling. Wal-Mart, in fact, sells everything from groceries to household products, from electronics to CDs/DVDs, from books to toys, and from jewellery to pharmaceuticals in their hypermarts! In fact, the things Amway sells are parallel to what Wal-Mart sells. As long as they sell similar products, how could it be an unfair comparison? It's not as if we are comparing McDonalds to Charles and Keith. MLM is just a sales model, not an isolated industry.
Wal-Mart was founded in 1962 while Amway was founded 1959, so Amway actually had a headstart.
So how are they doing now?
Wal-Mart raked in US$256 billion of sales in the year 2004(2 times the size of Singapore's GDP), and have actually been growing at a rate of more than 10% a year for the past 10 years and beyond. In the same year, they also made a pre-tax profit of US$15 billion in the same year.
Amway, on the other hand, only raked in US$6.2 billion of 'estimated retail sales'(A term used by them since 1963), in the year 2004. 'Estimated retail sales'? They couldn't even know for sure themselves how much worth of products they themselves have sold!? Furthermore, they have been languishing at this level for the past 10 years!
For every dollar worth of products that bought from Wal-Mart, 77.4c of it goes to the cost price, and that means Wal-Mart keeps only 22.6c of it. After paying the controversially low wages to their employees, rentals and everything, the actually earned 5.8c for every dollar of products they sold, after taxes, the figure would further reduce to just 4c.
So how does Wal-Mart earn so much, when they keep so little of what they receive? The answer is simply 'volume'. They buy their products in bulk, in order to get them at a lower price than other competitors, so that they can pass the benefits to the consumer. And with such low prices, and good service, people couldn't compete with them. Just think of Kmart, which got beaten badly, and declared bankrupt. If you've read the papers and TIME/Newsweel(not tabloids ie new paper), even bookstores and toy specialists such as toys 'r us are also struggling to keep up with them now.
How could Amway compete with them, when commissions to agents actually marked up the price much higher? If Amway agents were to compete with Wal-Mart, they probably would have to undercut their commissions such that they don't earn enough to feed themselves. Firstly, Amway, as long as they are selling other people's product, can't get their goods at the same competitive price as Wal-Mart does, because they don't have as much of a bargain power as Wal-Mart. Secondly, as long as total commissions to the so many layers of agents is more than 16.8%(a high likelihod in MLM; 22.6 - 5.8 = 16.8 ) of the selling price, they will also fail to compete with Wal-Mart in terms of staff and operating costs.
Wal-Mart worried of Amway?It's not an apple to orange comparison. More like an elephant to mouse comparison.
Of course, there probably will plausible scenarios that MLM may work. But companies should decide their sales model accordingly to the products they are selling, and the industry they are in, to best serve the consumer. Many MLM start-ups, at least in SG, are either scams or just MLMing for the sake of MLM.
100% agree
, who is BMW and who is Proton now huh ?
There is a company offer stuff kinda of our CPF - interesting!Originally posted by LostLov:teekh..... just asking u..... which MLM company currently allow u to have shares in the company?? as far as i know.... there is none too stuipid to do that, so how do u call that investment in the first place