An excerpt from 'The Intelligent Investor'(written by Benjamin Graham; 2003 print version) page 275, "Commentary on Chapter 10" by Jason Zweig.
The need for due deligence does't stop......Melanie Senter Lubin, securities commisioner for the State of Maryland, suggests being on guard for words and phrases that can spell trouble. If your adviser keeps saying them - or twisting your arm to do anything that makes you uncomfortable - 'then get in touch with the authorities', warns Lubin. Here's the kind of lingo that should set off warning bells:
'the opportunity of a lifetime'
'you should focus on performance, not fees'
'prime bank'
'This baby's gonna move'
'Don't you want to be rich?'
'can't lose'
'You need to hurry'
'The upside is huge'
'It's a sure thing'
'There's no downside'
'our proprietary computer model'
'I'm putting my mother in it'
'The smart money is buying it'
'Trust me'
'options strategy'
'monthly returns'
'commodities trading'
'It's a no-brainer'
'active asset-allocation strategy'
'You can't afford not to own it'
'We can cap your downside'
'We can beat the market'
'You'll be sorry if you don't'
'No one else knows how to to this' "
Please not that the above was actually advice for people investing in mutual funds/unit trusts. However, I still find the majority of the above words to watch out for very relavent. Ultimately, you must make and be responsible for your own decision. Whatever others tell you, it is vital to 'eat the meat but spit out the bones'. Be more concerned with concrete facts and logical analysis rather than all the sweet-talks. If you want to commit your precious $$$ into an MLM, make sure you really understand what's all bout it and the coy involved first. Never commit significant amounts of your money into something you don't understand or feel uncomfortable with. Hope it helps.
![Smile Smile](/images/emoticons/classic/icon_smile.gif)
And yes, I was very unimpressed with NTI, because that bastard dare to expect me as an NSF to put in over $1000 of my precious $$$, after just 1 hour plus of sweet talk, while I still didnt understand a hell of what is about in the biz, other than his efforts trying to impress you with his biz 'knowledge' - which was shit, and all MLM related ie 'matrix', 'uni-level', stair-step breakaway', binary, blah blah blah like he really know a lot like that, preaching 'you can make $$$', 'you can own the things you always want to have', 'have you read Rich Dad Poor Dad?' (I've read it, yet I consider this an insult, because the book is too SIMPLE yet at times misleading. Nobody with decent business credentials will ask you this stupid question)