Originally posted by mdfjami:
so what do they actually do, when holding the appointments..?
There's different epaulette ranks for the different appointments right? How do you tell the different between them?
And do they actually have an office, and get consulted on matters, or is it just a..."wayang" position?
I did post about the appointments and what their job scope was some time back..Not sure where it is

Ya..they have an office(not sure about the CSSM, CS2IC)..which is actually just a cadet bunk, without beds..Has tables, and a telephone.
I think whatever free time the CSC has, he's doing his CSC job..since with all the training and stuff, he won't be around most of the time to head the school
Ya..found it..
CSectComd - normal epaulette, but with a 3SG rank that they wear on the sleeves
CPS - normal epaulette, but with a 1SG rank that they wear on the sleeves
CPC - epaullete with one circle on top of the white bar
CSafetyO, CSportsO - rank with 1 white bar perpendicular to the other white bar(s)
CWSM - epaullete with a 2WO rank
CW2IC - same as CPC but with 1 white bar protruding out from the circle thingy
CWC - same as CPC but with 2 white bar protruding out from the circle thingy
If u see these but are gold color ranks, it's just their outfield ranks..But quite different
For CPS, its just a gold 1SG rank
For the Ex. PC, he will get a gold 2LT, LTA, or CPT rank..looks damn cool wan
For Cadet School Appointment
CSSM - epaullete with MWO rank - Gold colour
CS2IC - same as CWC but with a small white bar parallel to the normal cadet white bars, but on the other end of the epaullete
CSC - same as CWC but with 2 small white bars parallel to the normal cadet white bars, but on the other end of the epaullete
Their ranks turn BLACK when they go outfield
CSC: Run the school in a sense..but mainly is just to coordinate school events such as initiation of junior cadets, TST stuff, School Happy Hour, be there to coordinate commander's parade
The Cadet School 2IC just helps out..
CSSM: Be around mealtimes to ensure that cadets line up quietly and orderly manner..prevent cadets from cutting across the plants area(if u know)
Got the authority to scold and conduct punishments on cadets who do not adhere to a proper code of conduct..Seen the Alpha 53/03 CSSM blakan bu-sing a platoon marching off, and then give them pumping Laughing
CWC: Runs the wing, gives the instructions and timing to be at where and when..Coordinates with instructors..reports strength of wing, conducts area inspection later in the ST2 and pro terms, negotiate with instructors for welfare and for the fault of the wing..gets the brute of in the instructors nevertheless..
C2IC: Helps the CWC, most of the time in charge of setting the duties for the cadets like Cadet Duty Officer and Cadet Duty Specialist..In charge of the extras and stuff..
CWSM: The saikang manager..does the most in the wing..in charge of all stores required for any exercise..is the one to ensure that all the stores are loaded up to the tonners, and signs out from the store..very huge responsibility
In charge of discipline at the same time..
CPC: Manages the platoon, reports strength to CWC, answers to instructors for the platoon when things go platoon level
CPS: Helps the CPC, most of the time is the wan giving the drill commands and helps the CPC collect the strength..In charge of the indentation of meals of the platoon
CSecComd: Does minor stuff..helps the CPC, CPS in collecting homework, cash and stuff..
The CSOs (Cadet Assholes Laughing )
Cadet Sports Officer: Conducts morning 5BX mainly..warming up and cooling down too
Cadet Safety Officer: In charge of ensuring the water points, safety ice are consolidated, gives suggestions when any safety regulation could have been breached (for instance, one CSO told the instructors we couldn't do 5BX run since we didn't get 7 hours of sleep Laughing )
May not be fuly accurate though..