OK.. Tips and Info for all those Officers-aspire to be
1) Signing on before enlistment or in BMT to be a Officer does not garauntee you a place in OCS, I known quite a number of people who signed on but did not make it to OCS in the end and their contract was terminated, but it does means your PC will pay more attention to your performance in BMT so in a way you are likely to have a better chance to go in if you have the qualities they are looking for in a Officer.
2) You must have a 'A' Level or Diploma to qualify, for JC students, that means passing your prelims if your results are not out yet. It is not true that good results will get you into OCS, I have seen many students who like got CCD or CCC in OCS and also known of many who got 4As and not make it. Although I must say if you got 4As and 2S papers and been invited to have Tea sessions to recruit SAFOS scholars, the likelihood of you going into OCS is high.
3) Passing your IPPT is a must. Silver and Gold are not nessacery although it will be good to have them.
4) Be yourself in BMT and dun 'Wayang', your peers can see thru you and the peer appraisal matters in your selection.
5) The pre-enlistment computer test is also a factor, so take it seriously when you do it.
6) Your BMT PC/OC recommendation matters as well, so it really depends on how you perform in BMT, so dun slack and give your best in everything. But that does not mean sucking up or doing it at the expenses of others, integrity and pride are the key values in a Officer, if you dun value those, forget about being one.
7) You must be PES A/B, dun worry if you are overweight and PES BP, as long as you pass your IPPT, you are eligible.

I will not deny that the selection is not perfect and alot of those who do not deserve the slot in OCS due to bad character or attitude got in anyway cos they are good ACTORS in BMT.
9) And dun worry so much in BMT, enjoy your time with your platoon mates, give your best in everything you do and dun be lazy in BMT and you will do alright. remember, even if you dun get in at BMT, you can still go to Sispec where good ones are still taken out to go OCS, or even after you go unit, and your CO recommend you greatly. In fact, some of the best junoir officers i seen around are those who go to unit, got recommended by CO to go sispec then go OCS from there. (Although you most likely have to extend your NS libility beyond the 2 years to about 2.5-3 years.)
I hope this helps in all those hoping to be Officers!