Nowadays we are all so smart and can come out with all kinds of stunts in ns to chao keng.
I am wondering whether our forefathers like our father, uncles when they were in ns when it first started did they also chao keng like all of us?
I asked my father before. He did not chao keng when he was in ns because he say at that time the people all uneducated not like now the youngsters everybody got privellege to study than all become very smart all know how to chao keng.
i would think even if they CK, those specs and officers will not give a damn and maybe even "te kan" them more!
Welfare is non existent at that time!
just like you did, so do we. but things were definitely different. parent complaint won't do then.
Anyway as a son of Singapore, do yourself proud by doing your duty to SIngapore your home
means this gen of boys more cmi ?
You go and serve ns than you will know already lor
The mind is designed to chao keng with or without NS.Everybody has done it before it is only the hopeless that does it again and again.
Confirm got de lah. Only different methods, & successful rate is different etc. You think last time people saint meh
Originally posted by Suffocate:Nowadays we are all so smart and can come out with all kinds of stunts in ns to chao keng.
I am wondering whether our forefathers like our father, uncles when they were in ns when it first started did they also chao keng like all of us?
I asked my father before. He did not chao keng when he was in ns because he say at that time the people all uneducated not like now the youngsters everybody got privellege to study than all become very smart all know how to chao keng.
There were no welfare and benefits last time, and the punishments were very harsh. That served as a determent for those who are thinking about chao-kenging.
The soldiers last time had to train and exercise regardless of rain, lightning or fever, so there was no way for them to chao keng.
i doubt last generation guys chao keng.
they have been through tough time.
now all the gina know what? only know eat sleep dota shit?
Yeah, & now they totally support this generation guys to Chao Keng as most parents pamper their kids. LOL
last time still can give kopi money to tick attendance
Originally posted by Squirrel<3Nuts:Yeah, & now they totally support this generation guys to Chao Keng as most parents pamper their kids. LOL
Some people chao keng is not because they are pampered. They just want to show that they are smarter than the SAF superiors and the system.
I thought you people is going to share how to chao keng. End up talking funny things.
I teach you.
Field Camp coming, booking in 1159 Sunday. Humm Dont feel like going to outfield. So HECK Care. Call officer at his handphone, I am feeling unwell. Tomolo I go see doctor.
Go to Polyclinic (noted free for NS man) say, "I having flu". Straight on his face, "I NEED an MC to cover me".
How come no fever?
I was having fever @ 37.5 early on, taking Panadol already in the morning
How come no running nose?
Taken Prition (Chlorphenamine), Pseudoephedrine, Nasal Spray in morning.
I am only feeling giddy and only interested to sleep at home.
Ask the expert. LOL
I am teaching bad things. Do follow my example. OK.
Don't learnt. LOL
Originally posted by Lokey:I thought you people is going to share how to chao keng. End up talking funny things.
I teach you.
Field Camp coming, booking in 1159 Sunday. Humm Dont feel like going to outfield. So HECK Care. Call officer at his handphone, I am feeling unwell. Tomolo I go see doctor.
Go to Polyclinic (noted free for NS man) say, "I having flu". Straight on his face, "I NEED an MC to cover me".
How come no fever?
I was having fever @ 37.5 early on, taking Panadol already in the morning
How come no running nose?
Taken Prition (Chlorphenamine), Pseudoephedrine, Nasal Spray in morning.
I am only feeling giddy and only interested to sleep at home.
Ask the expert. LOL
I am teaching bad things. Do follow my example. OK.
Don't learnt. LOL
now 37.5 not considered fever leh. ever since sars incident, the classification of fever is whenever a person has 37.6-37.9 degrees celsius and anything higher is high fever. lol
Originally posted by striderz_o405:
now 37.5 not considered fever leh. ever since sars incident, the classification of fever is whenever a person has 37.6-37.9 degrees celsius and anything higher is high fever. lol
in my camp, since h1n1, it's 37.4
i teach you one very simple tactic... just say flu + BODY ACHE
And you guys wonder why MOs are cynical people.
Go figure.
Originally posted by LazerLordz:And you guys wonder why MOs are cynical people.
Go figure.
I agree.....there was an incident in my camp....a new MO come to the camp on the 1st day give out a lot of MCs to lot of people, despite we advised him not to.....and you all kengsters out there know what happened next....the next day lot of people report sick for all kinda of reason hoping to see the new MO.....after that, he become very very cautious on all MCs.
X2, Tarutaru.
For goodness sake, every fake MC you take, reduces your own chance of getting genuine medical leave when you are really ill.
If I were an MO, I'd be more careful about giving liberal amounts of medical leave because of you people.
Common sense..
Have, older generations also got chao keng. So long as something is conscripted, there are bound to be chao keng. I hope everyone don't post any techniques here otherwise if the authority know about it, then it becomes worthless. Good luck.
Originally posted by CasperV:
in my camp, since h1n1, it's 37.4
The KEY is I have URTI , and I have already used drug to dampen the symptom. So logically as doctor you cannot seen any much inflammation in nasal cavity. AND I need an MC to cover for the day. SO I AM ACUTALLY telling him I am here for an MC only.
Don't go to camp to see MO, they are young and innocent. Their clincial experience is low and does not really help WHEN NEEDED. Beside they are humans too so, their routine work make them bored and sicky.Cannot imagine the workload they have in Tekong.
An experienced doctor can tell the problem the person is suffering the second he walked into the room. I have been in the MO PA for quite a while, even I can tell.
And I should ZIP my mouth. No more techinque right. Agree, Fire Star?
Originally posted by LazerLordz:X2, Tarutaru.
For goodness sake, every fake MC you take, reduces your own chance of getting genuine medical leave when you are really ill.
If I were an MO, I'd be more careful about giving liberal amounts of medical leave because of you people.
Common sense..
if act sick also can get mc then real sick y cannot get? you should say for every fake MC you take. reduces your own chance to get another fake MC. aiyo aiyo..
Originally posted by bananaCoke:
if act sick also can get mc then real sick y cannot get? you should say for every fake MC you take. reduces your own chance to get another fake MC. aiyo aiyo..![]()
No. For every fake MC you get the more chance you get a real MC.
When the MO open the medical record, immediately he knows that you are coming for what. Some people tends to have fever often, some people tends to have stomach problem often. It is a Medical Secret dont tell any1.