why no slots?
Originally posted by HiAy3Captain:
why no slots?
apply for annual leave also must see ur boss the towkay approve the leave application or not 1...
Leave is only subjected to your superior's approval, and the conditions for that is that no training crashes with the date of your application for leave...that is to say,
if you applied for test on monday, and you happened to have SOC training in the morning, then you can't apply in the morning. Same goes for afternoon...
Alternatively, you can get the doctor to 'help' you...since polyclinics are free...but try not to use it too often...
driving lesson this kinda must book months in advance one...now SAF is 5 days work week then u can say like jun/aug book all the sat/sun lesson one shot should they come out...
Originally posted by loki_chaos:
Alternatively, you can get the doctor to 'help' you...since polyclinics are free...but try not to use it too often...
It's not free, Its just deducted from your salary only..
Originally posted by Gloater:It's not free, Its just deducted from your salary only..