Saw this post on omy’s forum by a person called 我的天 who claimed that local job search portal, JobsDB added a “reservist” option in their selection fields under “Personal Details => National Service”.
Please see screen captures as below:
This is a very touchy issue as it concerns all Singapore male CITIZENS who have served National Service. Does the additional field implies it may be used as a screening criteria for potential employers?
I have heard rumours that some companies have discriminatory hiring practices with regards to males with reservist liabilities, but chose to dismiss them as unfounded. I hope this is not happening as it will be extremely unfair to Singapore born males like me who have this extra burden saddled upon us.
If that is the case, most singapore guys will be out of jobs by now, full of bullshit, most of the companies CEOs or MDs are singaporean too, are they discriminated?? These is an unfound discrimination make by you upon Singapore guys, actually, alots of companies like to employ male who had completed their NS, cos most of them will be discipline and hv good morale too, but of course some still cannot wake up after NS, people like you lor.
Originally posted by angel7030:If that is the case, most singapore guys will be out of jobs by now, full of bullshit, most of the companies CEOs or MDs are singaporean too, are they discriminated?? These is an unfound discrimination make by you upon Singapore guys, actually, alots of companies like to employ male who had completed their NS, cos most of them will be discipline and hv good morale too, but of course some still cannot wake up after NS, people like you lor.
STFU, dont u ever talk about NS. CEO and MND , how many of them go back to reservist?. There is a practice that certain segments of the working population above a set salary level will not get called often than others. Do u know that?
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:STFU, dont u ever talk about NS. CEO and MND , how many of them go back to reservist?. There is a practice that certain segments of the working population above a set salary level will not get called often than others. Do u know that?
That is why i said, some of them are the odd ones, and you are one of them, instead of trained to control damage , you are causing more damage.
Do u understand that guys at the age of 17 to 21yo are most vulunerable to gangsters, pimps, drugs, fights, sex, and other anti vice activities, by getting them into the army provide that discipline buffer so that sg guys can come out and apply their leadership and discipline learnt in NS into work, most will be mature enuf, even we gals also like guys who had completed their NS, they also look for stronger and muscular, able to take the hardship of life. And you, i guess you must be carrying Admiral Teo's bag during your NS time, so free, no wonder learned nothing.
Originally posted by angel7030:That is why i said, some of them are the odd ones, and you are one of them, instead of trained to control damage , you are causing more damage.
Do u understand that guys at the age of 17 to 21yo are most vulunerable to gangsters, pimps, drugs, fights, sex, and other anti vice activities, by getting them into the army provide that discipline buffer so that sg guys can come out and apply their leadership and discipline learnt in NS into work, most will be mature enuf, even we gals also like guys who had completed their NS, they also look for stronger and muscular, able to take the hardship of life. And you, i guess you must be carrying Admiral Teo's bag during your NS time, so free, no wonder learned nothing.
Admiral Teo belong to the Navy, not Army......
not kakilang
Originally posted by 4sg:Admiral Teo belong to the Navy, not Army......
not kakilang
full spectrum force mah... navy boss, army slave, airforce driver
Originally posted by 4sg:Admiral Teo belong to the Navy, not Army......
not kakilang
Sg Army is tripartite mah, Navy, Army and Air force rite?? dun tell me got Mamasan officer hor??
Originally posted by angel7030:
Sg Army is tripartite mah, Navy, Army and Air force rite?? dun tell me got Mamasan officer hor??
Tripartite yr head lah....
in term of command, Sg Army is not like that.....
in term of operation, some cases of joint command....
Originally posted by 4sg:Tripartite yr head lah....
in term of command, Sg Army is not like that.....
in term of operation, some cases of joint command....
No tripartite coordination meh>>??? so you tell me if indonesia attack, the navy go holiday at OZ, and the air force go flying practice in US ar?? I think they need a strong tripartism to understand each other, ..anyway, all crests have a lion and tiger beside the majulah, there may be different dishes on the table, but all are eating the same bread or rich...provided by Ah kong
Originally posted by angel7030:
No tripartite coordination meh>>??? so you tell me if indonesia attack, the navy go holiday at OZ, and the air force go flying practice in US ar?? I think they need a strong tripartism to understand each other, ..anyway, all crests have a lion and tiger beside the majulah, there may be different dishes on the table, but all are eating the same bread or rich...provided by Ah kong
I can't tell u too much on the net.
But our Navy, Air Force and Army commands are separate. Within each of these forces, they have their own unit, battlelion, ship etc on rotating standby for immediate war.
In operation or mission etc, we have co-ordinated, joint inter-forces in command.
Originally posted by angel7030:If that is the case, most singapore guys will be out of jobs by now, full of bullshit, most of the companies CEOs or MDs are singaporean too, are they discriminated?? These is an unfound discrimination make by you upon Singapore guys, actually, alots of companies like to employ male who had completed their NS, cos most of them will be discipline and hv good morale too, but of course some still cannot wake up after NS, people like you lor.
I think the ts is complaining about asking too much of the NSmen's service or reservist status. The standard Singapore questionaire only contains 2 choices:
Not eligible
Completed NS
In a way, JobsDB can be viewed as discriminatory by providing too much information to potiential employers that is not pertinent to one's employability.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
I think the ts is complaining about asking too much of the NSmen's service or reservist status. The standard Singapore questionaire only contains 2 choices:Not eligible
Completed NS
In a way, JobsDB can be viewed as discriminatory by providing too much information to potiential employers that is not pertinent to one's employability.
i believe the line is secured and confidential, unless there is a breach of confidentiality, then i would said, u can go ahead and sue them, all employers including me needs to know whether he had served NS or not, we dun want to recruit someone who later have to serve NS, today, NS can be deferred as long as few years, he can be 21yo, but still yet to serve NS, there is nothing to be discriminate abt here, just be true to yourself.
Yes it is true.
Employers screen out those with Reservist liabilities. :(
Originally posted by angel7030:That is why i said, some of them are the odd ones, and you are one of them, instead of trained to control damage , you are causing more damage.
Do u understand that guys at the age of 17 to 21yo are most vulunerable to gangsters, pimps, drugs, fights, sex, and other anti vice activities, by getting them into the army provide that discipline buffer so that sg guys can come out and apply their leadership and discipline learnt in NS into work, most will be mature enuf, even we gals also like guys who had completed their NS, they also look for stronger and muscular, able to take the hardship of life. And you, i guess you must be carrying Admiral Teo's bag during your NS time, so free, no wonder learned nothing.
I don't know how you come to this conclusion????? Have you ever served NS?
It is seriously just a waste of time during my NS, training takes up like 3-6 months in which half the time is wasted on waiting.
After my training we're posted to different unit and what do we do there? most of the time paper work. It is more of like a cheap labour to me rather than training to protect the nation.
Do we fight war with paper work skill??
Before NS: Salary 2.5K per month
During NS: allowance 300-350 per month
Annual loses on income: around 26k
Originally posted by leilan84:I don't know how you come to this conclusion????? Have you ever served NS?
It is seriously just a waste of time during my NS, training takes up like 3-6 months in which half the time is wasted on waiting.
After my training we're posted to different unit and what do we do there? most of the time paper work. It is more of like a cheap labour to me rather than training to protect the nation.
Do we fight war with paper work skill??
Before NS: Salary 2.5K per month
During NS: allowance 300-350 per month
Annual loses on income: around 26k
what was your job paid u 2.5k a month?
subsidy to a student few thousand a year
x 10 years--say $30,000
JC or poly say 10,000
Uni------say 30,000
TOTAL-------70,000!! vs NS 30K !!Pl pay 40 k!!
can we wait for Mel police for the investigation wat did really happen in West Gate Bridge?Did Mel police appeal for witness?i dunt think so!!
Originally posted by lionnoisy:subsidy to a student few thousand a year
x 10 years--say $30,000
JC or poly say 10,000
Uni------say 30,000
TOTAL-------70,000!! vs NS 30K !!Pl pay 40 k!!
It works for both male and female students.
Originally posted by angel7030:That is why i said, some of them are the odd ones, and you are one of them, instead of trained to control damage , you are causing more damage.
Do u understand that guys at the age of 17 to 21yo are most vulunerable to gangsters, pimps, drugs, fights, sex, and other anti vice activities, by getting them into the army provide that discipline buffer so that sg guys can come out and apply their leadership and discipline learnt in NS into work, most will be mature enuf, even we gals also like guys who had completed their NS, they also look for stronger and muscular, able to take the hardship of life. And you, i guess you must be carrying Admiral Teo's bag during your NS time, so free, no wonder learned nothing.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:what was your job paid u 2.5k a month?
Just some technician job after my studies.
2.5k alot to you? you seemed stunned.
wrong posting,
pl go to
Originally posted by lionnoisy:subsidy to a student few thousand a year
x 10 years--say $30,000
JC or poly say 10,000
Uni------say 30,000
TOTAL-------70,000!! vs NS 30K !!Pl pay 40 k!!
Agree! I never reallised I lost more than $87,750K during NS. Sianz
Originally posted by PoThePanda01:Yes it is true.
Employers screen out those with Reservist liabilities. :(
Those that does are the stupid ones. Just as well not to work for them. Therefore if you don't have NS liabilities and work for such employers, good luck to you.
But discrimination also work both ways, exployers can also screen out those who are exempted from NS, on the presumption that there must be something physically wrong with the Singaporean male to be exempted from NS.
Asking for NS status is no different from asking for your marital status or any other reasonable personal detail.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:Saw this post on omy’s forum by a person called 我的天 who claimed that local job search portal, JobsDB added a “reservist” option in their selection fields under “Personal Details => National Service”.
Please see screen captures as below:
This is a very touchy issue as it concerns all Singapore male CITIZENS who have served National Service. Does the additional field implies it may be used as a screening criteria for potential employers?
I have heard rumours that some companies have discriminatory hiring practices with regards to males with reservist liabilities, but chose to dismiss them as unfounded. I hope this is not happening as it will be extremely unfair to Singapore born males like me who have this extra burden saddled upon us.
In some sense yes. Recentlly I just discussed this with my friend who just have a new job. I ask him to deferr because it is ridiciulous to tell the boss that, "heh! I am going to go reservist for 2 weeks." on the first day of work.
I hate Reservist as work would just have to piled up for 2 weeks for me to clear. Email still kept coming and things still have to settle. Clients would not give excuse for me going to reservist. Poor me! In fact reservist is extra work. Still have to work extra hours to cover my civilian job scope. Should have just sign on.
Originally posted by angel7030:That is why i said, some of them are the odd ones, and you are one of them, instead of trained to control damage , you are causing more damage.
Do u understand that guys at the age of 17 to 21yo are most vulunerable to gangsters, pimps, drugs, fights, sex, and other anti vice activities, by getting them into the army provide that discipline buffer so that sg guys can come out and apply their leadership and discipline learnt in NS into work, most will be mature enuf, even we gals also like guys who had completed their NS, they also look for stronger and muscular, able to take the hardship of life. And you, i guess you must be carrying Admiral Teo's bag during your NS time, so free, no wonder learned nothing.
wth are u talking about? Reservist is AFTER THIS AGE! U KNOW THE DIFF OR NOT?