yo, anyone enlisting into 41SAR this coming may/june?
lolx u kana 41 ah good luck to u bro the CO is a F^&ker
ho sei bo, who is the CO now? the kenneth guy?
time files so fast.. i was enlisted in 41 on jun 04..now jun 09 going for my first reservist...
mag yu chee leong zzz i was the batch after u hahaha ur in which coy???
Me -.-
Cock sial, I thought ITE defered it for me... but I still got my enlistment letter... how do I go about defering it myself? I can't trust ITE staff anymore, useless bunch of people.
LOL i also kena 41 SAR sia . june go report. Siong ma ? 41 SAR ?
Originally posted by L0Ll0lLol:LOL i also kena 41 SAR sia . june go report. Siong ma ? 41 SAR ?
wecome to the ARMOUR family 41abit siong bah everytime b4 we go field camp or FTX need to prep alot ah cause the training ground is at LCK
u should be fine unless u kana F coy hahahaha and ur goanna use the BX2 dude
karbasi~~~ pressure forward~~~~
LOL just for information, if i kena like this straight mono intake, still got chance to be high rank ?
Nope. Mono intake means you are stuck as a man for your 2 yrs of NS.
Originally posted by dkcx:Nope. Mono intake means you are stuck as a man for your 2 yrs of NS.
dude not really my plt got alot people post out to driver rp ect ect 1 dude even got to a ncc driver dun even noe wth is tat man LOLX
Thats interesting to know but theres still no command sch i believe if not its those 1 in dunno how many hundred or thousand.
They really post out or downgrade since drivers etc from a former combatant seems uncommon.
Originally posted by HO SEI BO:mag yu chee leong zzz i was the batch after u hahaha ur in which coy???
..and TS is the batch after u? i from g coy
Originally posted by kengkia:..and TS is the batch after u?
i from g coy
LOLX and we r from the same coy too guts and GLORY~~~
let mi guess ur in plt 5???
Originally posted by HO SEI BO:
wecome to the ARMOUR family 41abit siong bah everytime b4 we go field camp or FTX need to prep alot ah cause the training ground is at LCKu should be fine unless u kana F coy hahahaha and ur goanna use the BX2 dude
karbasi~~~ pressure forward~~~~
Woah, upgrade to BX2s...
Brand new ones or hand-me-downs from 42?
Originally posted by supremebull:Woah, upgrade to BX2s...
Brand new ones or hand-me-downs from 42?
well sad to say its from 42 HAHAHAHA
anyway bx 1 is way better lor more space inside for us to seat
lol from HQ4SAB BRC. hmm the co fker meh..he seems quite nice when hes our s3 though.
Originally posted by Mecha_bOi:lol from HQ4SAB BRC. hmm the co fker meh..he seems quite nice when hes our s3 though.
ya he everytime say will run soc or ippt with us when he 1st came in.
but after awhile ah we run soc he came in pt kit we do ippt he come in smart4 and tok alot crap give alot unless info to us zzzz
eh ho sei bo, you ord already? heh im in F, going to ord soon.
just wondering which poor boys coming into G or H this may/june.. LOL.
Originally posted by L0Ll0lLol:LOL i also kena 41 SAR sia . june go report. Siong ma ? 41 SAR ?
steady la, welcome to the 41 family! woohoo.
at least some of the sadistic platoon sgts are gone.. LOL.
Originally posted by HO SEI BO:
LOLX and we r from the same coy too guts and GLORY~~~let mi guess ur in plt 5???
HQ platoon
Originally posted by countingdowntoORD:
steady la, welcome to the 41 family! woohoo.at least some of the sadistic platoon sgts are gone.. LOL.
given names i might know some..keke
Originally posted by kengkia:given names i might know some..keke
lolx i got a few here sgt chem sgt maozi and sgt lau cannot post the full name ah
Originally posted by HO SEI BO:
lolx i got a few here sgt chem sgt maozi and sgt lau cannot post the full name ah
sgt chemical as loud as loudhailer but scared of ghost movies, 'bullys' xin jiao but treats them better as they auto-upgrade to lao chiao.i know that he wears dunno what metal inside his leg(duuno true anot), maybe medical people can enlighten us on this.not to forget to mention that he can get physical with people if he's really pissed off.
sgt meoowwwzi,hmmm always like to knock people down wan hor...from my earlier days of slavery there nothing but those words always seems to be coming out from his mouth 'WHOLE LOT KNOCK IT DOWN'. He's the type where if xin jiao gets treated better than his own batch during the very start of ns time(enlistment wayang show that is), he dulan and gives more hell..this meoow can play musically instrument quite well also....he's one of those whu sign on for $$$...once he has enough $$$ to study music he will fark off...duuno if he's still in the SAF anot...
all these is to my best of knowledge when i fark off during 06...wanna have more updated into just people like ho seh bo or others in 41 who is of later batch..
sgt maozi ord loh... lol. but he's going to be the csm of my reservist unit.. WTF! i wonder how reservist life would be with him around.. LOL.
sgt chee meng went on to ATI to become instructor i think.. become staff already.
RSM 1WO N. Tan also posting out, this 28th is his COC.