REC -> PTE -> LCP -> CPL -> ROD loh!
2SG and on a looong journey to go..
140 sqn good meh..with a boss like quanto..
Civilian ---> REC ---> OCT ---> 2LT ---> LTA ---> CPT ---> MAJ ---> LTC ---> COL ---> BG ---> MG ---> LG ---> GEN
just kidding.
Originally posted by superlibra:REC
2SG and on a looong journey to go..
Good luck. Hehe.
Civilian--> Blur Sotong-->Sabo King-->Smokeout King--->Taiji master-->Civilian
REC > PTE > LCP > CPL > MC 10 days for heart op > ORD MOOD > ORD OH!
REC-PTE-CPL-3SG-ORD!- and 10 yrs to go
chao rec - act smart private - sign too many extras corporal - hor lan king 3SG - slightly paunch 3SG(NS) finding ways to dodge ICT......x 10 years......sigh
Originally posted by LazerLordz:Good luck. Hehe.
teehee.. next year implementation of that new plan, i'm gonna be called by a weird new rank la.. everything so blur right now..
rec - pte - lcp - ORD LOH - another 10 freaking long years to go..
i really don't mind them scheduling 5 icts in a year... LOL
Tekong -> STTS -> Sungei Gedong
Originally posted by caleb_chiang:Tekong -> STTS -> Sungei Gedong
STTS??? still there meh? Thought they go commercialize liao