Lol...SOF trooper who killed the terrorist (Col Loh) CMI??? haha
Originally posted by Gedanken:What? Col Lo Yong Poh is a CMI?!
Why didn't anyone tell me earlier?
How come he ended up there?!!
Originally posted by Gloater:How come he ended up there?!!
Maybe because your CMI theory is bullshit?
Originally posted by Gedanken:Maybe because your CMI theory is bullshit?
OH really? I did some research on him and find lots of people bemoaning how he's not valued by SAF and kena sent to be an instructor. if instructor in a school is not retirement home for those who reached their CEP liao, why would people say that?
He reached COL and that was his CEP. SAF doesn't think shooting the terrorist means he has the other chops to make star. And CDO has less chance to make star, way harder to become Div Com and then be joint chief.
And are you sure you serve NS before? Everyone, no need to be reg, also knows that instructor is crap posting. otherwise how come no high fliers are sent to be instructors? Not only are they not sent to be instructors typically, high fliers practically do not get a single instructor posting.
It's always command then staff and command then staff for them.
The crappiest officers and specs are sent to OCS and SISPEC to collect dust when they have outvalued themselves in manpower office's opinion. The only time a high flier can end up doing instructor tour, just once in his career, is the one SAFOS in every cohort who got to take one for his team.Every yr after each batch return to service, need one suay one to go to OCS and be an instructor to D coy to sieve out the potential scholars after his PC tour. It's required cos D coy instructors have to be scholar themselves.
He may be a sharp shooter and a good soldier from his SSG days does not mean his CEP is beyond a level that it was. Crossing over to be an officer from an NCO is already a specialised feat in itself. It doesn't signify more.
So by your theory, Col Lo is CMI. Time to up your medication and perform a reality check.
There's no need to talk so much cock. It's already blindingly obvious that your theory holds as much water as a stabbed sponge.
hahahaha the truth hurts.
Are you sure you have ever served in the SAF? Any man who has served with or under Col Lo would know without a shadow of a doubt that your saying that he is CMI simply identifies you as a 24-carat moron. Time to get out of your little make-believe wonderland and get into the real world, my boy.
More of Gloater's groupie inside knowledge about knowing SAFOs scholars and the whos who of SAF elites. And that apparently that makes him the "expert" on whether who Can Make It or not in SAF.
Obviously did not served NS in the combat arms. Must be a bloody MINDEF/CMPB clerk who spends his time humping the legs of the top brass and masturbating on the personnel files of the above mentioned. Oh yeah and reminiscing about gay encounters in the Army -
Your theory is shite.
Holy smokes. So what's the scoop, Man!x, is this Gloater fellow just a bapok servicing all of CMPB, or is he SAF's answer to Paris Hilton?
Originally posted by Gedanken:Holy smokes. So what's the scoop, Man!x, is this Gloater fellow just a bapok servicing all of CMPB, or is he SAF's answer to Paris Hilton?
Well, knowing that most men of elite stature prefers unconventional means of sexual pleasure, i say you hit the spot on this one......
Originally posted by Man!x:Well, knowing that most men of elite stature prefers unconventional means of sexual pleasure, i say you hit the spot on this one......
Well, that does explain a lot about why he gobs off at the cost of common sense - he must just be parroting what his boyfriends tell him.
Ged, we all know that BTDTs do not have to justify themselves to anyone. ;)
Without operators, the sole reason for a military organisation is reduced to nothing.
Originally posted by LazerLordz:Ged, we all know that BTDTs do not have to justify themselves to anyone. ;)
A tough-talking poofter. Whatever will they think of next?
You can talk all you want but it won't change shit. Hahaha.
How fucking bad that they posted him to be an instructor hahahah! Doesn't change shit. Instructor tour. High flier. Hahaha! It must really hurt when you jerk off to him at night. That he just wasn't good enough.
Originally posted by Man!x:More of Gloater's groupie inside knowledge about knowing SAFOs scholars and the whos who of SAF elites. And that apparently that makes him the "expert" on whether who Can Make It or not in SAF.
Obviously did not served NS in the combat arms. Must be a bloody MINDEF/CMPB clerk who spends his time humping the legs of the top brass and masturbating on the personnel files of the above mentioned. Oh yeah and reminiscing about gay encounters in the Army -
Your theory is shite.
Clerk so what? Need to serve in combat arms to know that only CMI regulars get sent to do instructor tours? If you dare, ask a graduate regular RIGHT HERE about instructor tours, but then again chances are, he will tell you instructors tours are damn elite lah and sure, he will tell you that Div Coms and SMA spent their career doing many henta kaki tours in training schools, and please, they must be stuck in the school managing bald recruits, cadets and trainees instead of career soldiers and adults, for as long as possible thru their regular careers in BMTC, OCS and SISPEC for years and years, just like your boyfriend. In fact that is the mandated ROA for 'good' people. HAHAHAHAHA fucking funny. I know your behind feels sore because of your boyfriend who has been in OCS instructor for the last 10 years. I am sure although he is a gone-case henta kaki he earns enough to pay for your condoms so don't cry please lah Gedenkan.
Originally posted by Zyber12311:I thinking of signing on ever since i know im getting into army. But from friends, family and online, people have been saying no to signing on.
And now, i see my friends signing on and my family asking question bout the procedures and stuffs..=.=..
Is it a good to go situation to sign on?
I dont mind actually…
I just POP, and going SISPEC.Any one who signed on can enlightened me on Policy that includes furthering studies?.. =DD
You going sispec, then better not to sign on.
Originally posted by Gloater:You can talk all you want but it won't change shit. Hahaha.
How fucking bad that they posted him to be an instructor hahahah! Doesn't change shit. Instructor tour. High flier. Hahaha! It must really hurt when you jerk off to him at night. That he just wasn't good enough.
You can talk all you want about your little D company amateur bullshit but that doesn't make you any less of a laughingstock for saying something as fucking stupid as that Col Lo Yong Poh isn't good enough. Never mind - all the proof is here to show how moronic you are.
Clearly, there's a lack of sensible debate here.