Sounds like we have a hell lot of pple with pre enlistment blues.
To set the record straight...i hate NS. Waste of my time, but its something that have to be done.
If ns hadn't started, we probably be singing some other national anthem 30 years ago. We will probably be some sort of 2nd class citizens under another "motherland".
And besides, we wouldn't be able to enjoy those economic growth that we are experiencing now. Simply because ns gives foreign investors the confidence in singapore.
So just suck it up for the greater benefit for every one. Otherwise there will come a day where people will start talking about singaporean boat people running to all over asia.
Originally posted by Fatum:so ....
what would you fight for ? .... your home, your wife's honour, your children, your own life ? ...
remember that that "drawing on the map", may just be where your home is ...
and so you think any likely invader would not rape and plunder and pillage ? ... I just have to roll my eyes at this .....
nevermind about the gulf war, nevermind about what happened to kuwait, that may be a bit distant in your memory, (so I shall not even bring in WWII), just look at georgia ? ....
sure, they may not "burn" your flat, if that's the kind of infrastructure you're talking about, but you think your wife, your money, your car, your baubles, won't be fair game ? ... if you think that just because we live in the 21st century, that warfare has become "civilised" ... then you are naive, .... and if you look around at our geography, and the nature of our potential aggressors, the kind of things they routinely say against our country, and the largest component race of our country, then I must say you are deluded ...
Also, after our inevitable capitulation, any invader would be more inclined to be vicious with the civilian populace if they had previously faced dogged opposition from our troops.
and this sentence, really, speaks of your mentality, your character .... so you're the sort who advocate women not to resist rapists cos the rapists would be inclined to be vicious ? ... that if you were robbed on the streets, you'd say, take this, take it all, just leave me alone ? ... I dunno about you mate, but I like to think women may be better served learning how to gouge out eyeballs and squeeze nuts in self defence ... I also think we should go down fighting, even if defeat is inevitable ... and it's not that a defeatist character simply sucks either, but the knowledge that we'd go down fighting itself is a deterent too ...
but yeah, I guess it takes all sorts ... you're already thinking of giving up even before the war's started, I think we have to fight for what's ours ... if not for the drawings on the map, or even the flag, then certainly, for my family, my loved ones, the things that belongs to me ...
just remember ... desertion in times of war will get you executed ..
Naive? Hah, look who's talking! I've read a fair bit about warfare, and I have no delusions as to the nature of it. However, in terms of value, Singapore is best left undespoiled. Our people are mostly sheep who follow whatever the rulers say. Any invader looking to squeeze some value out of this place would attempt to keep the occupation civil.
For an example, look at Germany's occupation of France during World War 2 (Surprise! I know my history! ) . The French were surprised as to how remarkably civil the German occupying forces were. The trouble only started when the French started to actively resist, being the idiots that they were. If you wish to resist an occupier, do it passively, there's no call to get other people executed for your stupidity. Don't show up to work, do sloppy work when you do, etc etc. That way, nobody gets hurt unless Darth Vader shows up.
Also, I believe that you have reading comprehension problems. I was going to tell you not to cast aspersions on my 'character', but I doubt you'd understand what I meant. I'm a remarkably amoral person in that I don't believe in intrinsic morality. In my view, there's no black and white, just shades of grey and points of view. People who believe in good and evil probably still believe that babies are delivered by certain subspecies of Ciconiidae (I'm looking at you, conservative Republicans).
Anyway, the example that you used was quite irrelevant to the matter at hand. A woman fending off a rapist has a decent chance of fending him off. It's her responsibility to resist and ensure that she can escape after incapacitating the attacker if she can do so (Obviously, this doesn't apply if the would-be assailant is 6 foot 6 and has a steel codpiece, which is the situation we're in).
However, if she's stupid enough to still get caught after doing so, she deserves whatever fate she gets. I shed no tears for such people. These are the sorts who'd try swallowing cyanide just to see if they can vomit it out before it kills them. I'm no misogynist, just a misanthropist.
As previously mentioned, in Singapore's case, it's not a matter of 'if' as much as 'when'. Most of our would be allies have minimal force projection capabilities. The one that does is bogged down in battles of attrition in the Middle East. Our economy depends on the major shipping lanes, and our most likely opponents have us by the balls in that regard. I'd like to see how well you can fight when you're equipped with twigs and pebbles. From what I know, our 'game plan' against our most likely foe supposedly relies on a massive first strike or counterattack. Bear in mind that pushing things about on a map is far easier than the actual work.
To make it simpler for you, I'll continue the rape analogy. We're supposed to put all our effort into kicking the guy's groin first. It doesn't say what happens if he has a codpiece, or if he's trained enough to deflect the blow with his thigh. It also says that we'll scream for help, but it doesn't actually say what we should do if there isn't any available. The little old ladies looking out from the nearby apartment block may keep yapping at the rapist while he penetrates the woman, but they're about as useful as lingerie is as an anti-rape device. These little old ladies may eventually get someone down to help, but by then, the act has been committed.
so much mental masturbation because of pre-enlistment blues. haiz.
Don't like slavery at all...
Originally posted by ExtraVehicular:Naive? Hah, look who's talking! I've read a fair bit about warfare, and I have no delusions as to the nature of it. However, in terms of value, Singapore is best left undespoiled. Our people are mostly sheep who follow whatever the rulers say. Any invader looking to squeeze some value out of this place would attempt to keep the occupation civil.
For an example, look at Germany's occupation of France during World War 2 (Surprise! I know my history!
) . The French were surprised as to how remarkably civil the German occupying forces were. The trouble only started when the French started to actively resist, being the idiots that they were. If you wish to resist an occupier, do it passively, there's no call to get other people executed for your stupidity. Don't show up to work, do sloppy work when you do, etc etc. That way, nobody gets hurt unless Darth Vader shows up.
Also, I believe that you have reading comprehension problems. I was going to tell you not to cast aspersions on my 'character', but I doubt you'd understand what I meant. I'm a remarkably amoral person in that I don't believe in intrinsic morality. In my view, there's no black and white, just shades of grey and points of view. People who believe in good and evil probably still believe that babies are delivered by certain subspecies of Ciconiidae (I'm looking at you, conservative Republicans).
Anyway, the example that you used was quite irrelevant to the matter at hand. A woman fending off a rapist has a decent chance of fending him off. It's her responsibility to resist and ensure that she can escape after incapacitating the attacker if she can do so (Obviously, this doesn't apply if the would-be assailant is 6 foot 6 and has a steel codpiece, which is the situation we're in).
However, if she's stupid enough to still get caught after doing so, she deserves whatever fate she gets. I shed no tears for such people. These are the sorts who'd try swallowing cyanide just to see if they can vomit it out before it kills them. I'm no misogynist, just a misanthropist.
As previously mentioned, in Singapore's case, it's not a matter of 'if' as much as 'when'. Most of our would be allies have minimal force projection capabilities. The one that does is bogged down in battles of attrition in the Middle East. Our economy depends on the major shipping lanes, and our most likely opponents have us by the balls in that regard. I'd like to see how well you can fight when you're equipped with twigs and pebbles. From what I know, our 'game plan' against our most likely foe supposedly relies on a massive first strike or counterattack. Bear in mind that pushing things about on a map is far easier than the actual work.
To make it simpler for you, I'll continue the rape analogy. We're supposed to put all our effort into kicking the guy's groin first. It doesn't say what happens if he has a codpiece, or if he's trained enough to deflect the blow with his thigh. It also says that we'll scream for help, but it doesn't actually say what we should do if there isn't any available. The little old ladies looking out from the nearby apartment block may keep yapping at the rapist while he penetrates the woman, but they're about as useful as lingerie is as an anti-rape device. These little old ladies may eventually get someone down to help, but by then, the act has been committed.
if you were wondering, then yes, I AM casting aspersions on your character ....
I guess ged said it all ... some people would prefer to die on one's feet, then to live on one's knees ... from what you've written, perhaps you're the sort who'd go on your knees to be in a better position to do something else ? ...
if your intention is to debate about whether Singapore can survive any aggressor, then we can do this till the cows come home, but of course, the stand that you take in this, really tells a lot about the kind of man that you are ......
say you and your wife were caught in a dark alley, against a group of men with weapons, bent on taking your valuables and your wife ... you are outnumbered, you are farked ....
do you turn around and tell your wife, darling, look, it's a waste of time to resist, just give it to them, and give it to them good .... resisting would only make it worse for us, if you make them happy, we may just get off lightly eh ? .... I'll wait for you on the otherside, eh ? ...
I guess your sentence said it all
"I'm a remarkably amoral person in that I don't believe in intrinsic morality."
looking at what you've written, then yes, I think that's what you would do, that's the sort of man that you seems to be ... amoral ? ... misanthropist ? .. hah ! ... big words to cover the fact that you really believe in grovelling around to whoever that comes to whoop your ass to hope that you'll get away with it lightly ... and from your example, it seems that you're calmly advocating collaborating with the enemy ....
oh well ... there are all sorts of people on this earth I guess ... but I'll say this. ... it sucks to be your girlfriend or your wife.
"I'm a remarkably amoral person in that I don't believe in intrinsic morality."
Translation: I am hum ji...
Well, you actually have an option. Just awol lor.
Don't report to cmpb lah. liddat you can siam ns liaow mah...
Originally posted by CenturionMBT:"I'm a remarkably amoral person in that I don't believe in intrinsic morality."
Translation: I am hum ji...
NS..things that come to my's slave..foreigners benefit..
Originally posted by kelvintwt:NS..things that come to my's slave..foreigners benefit..
pride and honour.
Please be glad you are serving NS in Singapore. If you think why serve, then maybe you can op to serve in Israel, anytime you face death. Then you'll be more greatful
Originally posted by kelvintwt:NS..things that come to my's slave..foreigners benefit..
I have used this example about nine times now .... but here we go again ......
suppose you live in a unit at an HDB block ....
the ground floor unit caught fire... it's burning fiercely ....
that unit happens to be owned by a PR family ...
do you just stand there, curse, spits and complain ... and say that, fark it, why should I risk my ass and waste my energy defending something that's not mine ? ... fark, he's not even singaporean ... why should I help ? ... why should I go save his property and his family's lives when it's of no direct benefit to me ? ... save his ass for fark ? ....
do you sit back and stare .... while the fire slowly spread to YOUR unit ? ....
now that I put it this way, doesn't your stand sound a bit stupid ? ... it's like cutting off your pecker just to spite a girl you don't like isn't it ? ....
or you're really like that chap above ? ... hum ji ? ...
It's the school holidays. This happens yearly.
Anyway, to the TS,
Look, no one's forcing you to love and caress NS. But if you cannot see the strategic importance of national defense for a small city-state, then I suggest you take a crash course in Hobbes' The Leviathan.
Originally posted by Fatum:if you were wondering, then yes, I AM casting aspersions on your character ....
I guess ged said it all ... some people would prefer to die on one's feet, then to live on one's knees ... from what you've written, perhaps you're the sort who'd go on your knees to be in a better position to do something else ? ...
if your intention is to debate about whether Singapore can survive any aggressor, then we can do this till the cows come home, but of course, the stand that you take in this, really tells a lot about the kind of man that you are ......
say you and your wife were caught in a dark alley, against a group of men with weapons, bent on taking your valuables and your wife ... you are outnumbered, you are farked ....
do you turn around and tell your wife, darling, look, it's a waste of time to resist, just give it to them, and give it to them good .... resisting would only make it worse for us, if you make them happy, we may just get off lightly eh ? .... I'll wait for you on the otherside, eh ? ...
I guess your sentence said it all
"I'm a remarkably amoral person in that I don't believe in intrinsic morality."
looking at what you've written, then yes, I think that's what you would do, that's the sort of man that you seems to be ... amoral ? ... misanthropist ? .. hah ! ... big words to cover the fact that you really believe in grovelling around to whoever that comes to whoop your ass to hope that you'll get away with it lightly ... and from your example, it seems that you're calmly advocating collaborating with the enemy ....
oh well ... there are all sorts of people on this earth I guess ... but I'll say this. ... it sucks to be your girlfriend or your wife.
See, people like you are why I'm a misanthropist.
I guess it's easier to laugh at someone who thinks differently than to sit down and think it through, eh? This just proves that people in Singapore are sheep. They want to conform, and people who're unusual i.e. not stupid get the short end of the stick. 'big words'? Only if you have the brain of a retarded three year old, my friend. I guess you still believe that storks deliver babies, eh?
Now, on to the argument. Firstly, I resent the imposing of an arbitrary authority on my actions. In order to die on your feet (i.e. fighting), you have to first suck the collective cocks of all your 'superiors' in the military. Dying on your knees is almost equally distasteful, but I know which I'd choose. At any rate, that choice is a false dichotomy (look it up). Present your 'choice' to the many people who continued their daily lives under foreign occupation, and see what they'll say to you. In case you didn't know, it's quite possible to live on in Singapore even when a foreign flag is flying over it. It doesn't make the shit smellier or the food less filling.
Also, epic reading comprehension fail, anybody? I've never spoken of collaboration, though if I knew you, I'd certainly be tempted. It's already been established that Singapore doesn't have a great deal to muck about with when defending itself, and we can safely assume that our allies already have a great deal of trouble of their own if anybody ever tries to invade us. Go look up 'force projection' before we continue, and tell me if you think we can still afford a conflict. Go compare the dispositions of the forces of our most likely opponents, and our own forces. Look up our daily consumption of food and other essentials, and do some quick mental math (if that's beyond you, I'd suggest suicide). MBTs are extremely iffy to use in tropical conditions, since they bog down extremely often in wet weather. The AMX light tanks that we have are barely capable of standing up to a fart, let alone modern AT weaponry. Ground strike aircraft are going be able to do jack shit against enemy positions in forested areas unless you embark on a massive defoliation programme. In effect, our military is just there to threaten anybody who attacks with a bloody nose.
On to your example. Funnily enough, I've noticed that all of them seem to involve rape or some kind of assault on females. You might want to undergo a psych assessment for hidden misogynistic tendencies and rape fetishes.
I'm guessing that you've never had any kind of training in unarmed martial arts or self-defence. Those odds are highly unfavourable, and unlike the movies, the 'hero' usually doesn't take one mook down with one hit, and I'm speaking as someone who's tried sparring with multiple people. If you choose to stay and fight, I'll be sure to nominate you for a Darwin Award. If I may say so, you'd stand an excellent chance of winning, since fighting a group of armed men by yourself, with the life and dignity of a female at stake is the epitome of stupidity. They'll cease giving out the awards because nobody is going to be able to top that.
Anyway, in that situation, I'd make a run for it with my female companion. Before that, I'd throw my wallet as far as I can in the opposite direction, and make sure that my companion is ready to bolt as well. If I have to fight to delay my pursuers, I'd do it.
Alternatively, I'd drop my wallet fairly close to me, and when somebody comes to pick it up, I'd wallop the shit out of the guy and grapple him. His friends can either back off, or watch as I break his bones and joints. It's pretty easy to break a fair number of them, and coincidentally, those are also going to cause a great deal of pain. The elbow, the shinbone, the knee, the feet, the hands and the wrist are all prime targets. I'd bet money that most of them make a nice, satisfying crunching sound as they break.
From what I've seen, you'd try to resist, get beaten to a pulp, and have your wife get assaulted, robbed and raped too. Get it into your head that foolishness is not bravery. Repeat after me:
Foolishness is not bravery.
Foolishness is not bravery.
Foolishness is not bravery.
Foolishness is not bravery.
Foolishness is not bravery.
Originally posted by CenturionMBT:"I'm a remarkably amoral person in that I don't believe in intrinsic morality."
Translation: I am not stupid.
I'm completely willing to fight for and die for a cause that I believe in, but 'patriotism' is not it. Defending a line in the map is not it. Defending a government that I don't particularly like is not it.
If I need to put that in simpler words, do let me know.
Originally posted by ExtraVehicular:See, people like you are why I'm a misanthropist.
I guess it's easier to laugh at someone who thinks differently than to sit down and think it through, eh? This just proves that people in Singapore are sheep. They want to conform, and people who're unusual i.e. not stupid get the short end of the stick. 'big words'? Only if you have the brain of a retarded three year old, my friend. I guess you still believe that storks deliver babies, eh?
Now, on to the argument. Firstly, I resent the imposing of an arbitrary authority on my actions. In order to die on your feet (i.e. fighting), you have to first suck the collective cocks of all your 'superiors' in the military. Dying on your knees is almost equally distasteful, but I know which I'd choose. At any rate, that choice is a false dichotomy (look it up). Present your 'choice' to the many people who continued their daily lives under foreign occupation, and see what they'll say to you. In case you didn't know, it's quite possible to live on in Singapore even when a foreign flag is flying over it. It doesn't make the shit smellier or the food less filling.
Also, epic reading comprehension fail, anybody? I've never spoken of collaboration, though if I knew you, I'd certainly be tempted. It's already been established that Singapore doesn't have a great deal to muck about with when defending itself, and we can safely assume that our allies already have a great deal of trouble of their own if anybody ever tries to invade us. Go look up 'force projection' before we continue, and tell me if you think we can still afford a conflict. Go compare the dispositions of the forces of our most likely opponents, and our own forces. Look up our daily consumption of food and other essentials, and do some quick mental math (if that's beyond you, I'd suggest suicide). MBTs are extremely iffy to use in tropical conditions, since they bog down extremely often in wet weather. The AMX light tanks that we have are barely capable of standing up to a fart, let alone modern AT weaponry. Ground strike aircraft are going be able to do jack shit against enemy positions in forested areas unless you embark on a massive defoliation programme. In effect, our military is just there to threaten anybody who attacks with a bloody nose.
On to your example. Funnily enough, I've noticed that all of them seem to involve rape or some kind of assault on females. You might want to undergo a psych assessment for hidden misogynistic tendencies and rape fetishes.
I'm guessing that you've never had any kind of training in unarmed martial arts or self-defence. Those odds are highly unfavourable, and unlike the movies, the 'hero' usually doesn't take one mook down with one hit, and I'm speaking as someone who's tried sparring with multiple people. If you choose to stay and fight, I'll be sure to nominate you for a Darwin Award. If I may say so, you'd stand an excellent chance of winning, since fighting a group of armed men by yourself, with the life and dignity of a female at stake is the epitome of stupidity. They'll cease giving out the awards because nobody is going to be able to top that.
Anyway, in that situation, I'd make a run for it with my female companion. Before that, I'd throw my wallet as far as I can in the opposite direction, and make sure that my companion is ready to bolt as well. If I have to fight to delay my pursuers, I'd do it.
Alternatively, I'd drop my wallet fairly close to me, and when somebody comes to pick it up, I'd wallop the shit out of the guy and grapple him. His friends can either back off, or watch as I break his bones and joints. It's pretty easy to break a fair number of them, and coincidentally, those are also going to cause a great deal of pain. The elbow, the shinbone, the knee, the feet, the hands and the wrist are all prime targets. I'd bet money that most of them make a nice, satisfying crunching sound as they break.
From what I've seen, you'd try to resist, get beaten to a pulp, and have your wife get assaulted, robbed and raped too. Get it into your head that foolishness is not bravery. Repeat after me:
Foolishness is not bravery.
Foolishness is not bravery.
Foolishness is not bravery.
Foolishness is not bravery.
Foolishness is not bravery.
I'm completely willing to fight for and die for a cause that I believe in, but 'patriotism' is not it. Defending a line in the map is not it. Defending a government that I don't particularly like is not it.
If I need to put that in simpler words, do let me know.
Let me put it in simpler words, then:
You do not want to die for a line on the map, so be it.
You do not want to die for the gahmen, so be it. No one is asking you to die for them.
What you are expected to do is to fight and die for your family and friends so that they won't have to suffer and die!
It's not about YOU! It's about THEM! The people you care about!
All I see in your posts are 'me, me, me!'
Is this the one that you're referring to?
I read an excerpt, and it doesn't seem particularly relevant.
Originally posted by fudgester:Let me put it in simpler words, then:
You do not want to die for a line on the map, so be it.
You do not want to die for the gahmen, so be it. No one is asking you to die for them.
What you are expected to do is to fight and die for your family and friends so that they won't have to suffer and die!
It's not about YOU! It's about THEM! The people you care about!
All I see in your posts are 'me, me, me!'
I suggest you get yourself a good pair of reading glasses.
Originally posted by ExtraVehicular:
I suggest you get yourself a good pair of reading glasses.
My glasses are fine, all right....
I did my time, I b*tched about the training, the punishments, and the sergeants, but in the end, it's all about the big picture..... and I realize that Fudgester is a microscopic part of it.
I suggest you get yourself a good sense of wide vision, because it seems that to you, ExtraVehicular is the only thing that's in the big picture.
You don't seem to realize it at all.... but everything you say seems to revolve around yourself. No kidding.
yo fudge, chill..
let that noob be wat he wants..
Originally posted by ExtraVehicular:Naive? Hah, look who's talking! I've read a fair bit about warfare, and I have no delusions as to the nature of it. However, in terms of value, Singapore is best left undespoiled. Our people are mostly sheep who follow whatever the rulers say. Any invader looking to squeeze some value out of this place would attempt to keep the occupation civil.
For an example, look at Germany's occupation of France during World War 2 (Surprise! I know my history!
) . The French were surprised as to how remarkably civil the German occupying forces were. The trouble only started when the French started to actively resist, being the idiots that they were. If you wish to resist an occupier, do it passively, there's no call to get other people executed for your stupidity. Don't show up to work, do sloppy work when you do, etc etc. That way, nobody gets hurt unless Darth Vader shows up.
Also, I believe that you have reading comprehension problems. I was going to tell you not to cast aspersions on my 'character', but I doubt you'd understand what I meant. I'm a remarkably amoral person in that I don't believe in intrinsic morality. In my view, there's no black and white, just shades of grey and points of view. People who believe in good and evil probably still believe that babies are delivered by certain subspecies of Ciconiidae (I'm looking at you, conservative Republicans).
Anyway, the example that you used was quite irrelevant to the matter at hand. A woman fending off a rapist has a decent chance of fending him off. It's her responsibility to resist and ensure that she can escape after incapacitating the attacker if she can do so (Obviously, this doesn't apply if the would-be assailant is 6 foot 6 and has a steel codpiece, which is the situation we're in).
However, if she's stupid enough to still get caught after doing so, she deserves whatever fate she gets. I shed no tears for such people. These are the sorts who'd try swallowing cyanide just to see if they can vomit it out before it kills them. I'm no misogynist, just a misanthropist.
As previously mentioned, in Singapore's case, it's not a matter of 'if' as much as 'when'. Most of our would be allies have minimal force projection capabilities. The one that does is bogged down in battles of attrition in the Middle East. Our economy depends on the major shipping lanes, and our most likely opponents have us by the balls in that regard. I'd like to see how well you can fight when you're equipped with twigs and pebbles. From what I know, our 'game plan' against our most likely foe supposedly relies on a massive first strike or counterattack. Bear in mind that pushing things about on a map is far easier than the actual work.
To make it simpler for you, I'll continue the rape analogy. We're supposed to put all our effort into kicking the guy's groin first. It doesn't say what happens if he has a codpiece, or if he's trained enough to deflect the blow with his thigh. It also says that we'll scream for help, but it doesn't actually say what we should do if there isn't any available. The little old ladies looking out from the nearby apartment block may keep yapping at the rapist while he penetrates the woman, but they're about as useful as lingerie is as an anti-rape device. These little old ladies may eventually get someone down to help, but by then, the act has been committed.
So you're proposing that we may as well lay back, spread them, say, "Go ahead, rape me" and then hope that we don't get too badly beaten up or killed.
To be blunt, your morality or lack thereof is irrelevant here. What you are proposing is against the self-evident laws of nature; any animal would defend itself against attack, be it by means of escape or counterattack.
If that's not what you're proposing, you're then taking a stand against defence without taking a stand for an alternative. Frankly, that's nothing short of intellectual cowardice because it's so much easier to dig your heels in and say no to something than to come up with a solution.
I do wish you'd make up your mind. First you say:
Originally posted by ExtraVehicular:If you choose to stay and fight, I'll be sure to nominate you for a Darwin Award.
But you go on to decsribe the following fantasy:
Originally posted by ExtraVehicular:Alternatively, I'd drop my wallet fairly close to me, and when somebody comes to pick it up, I'd wallop the shit out of the guy and grapple him. His friends can either back off, or watch as I break his bones and joints. It's pretty easy to break a fair number of them, and coincidentally, those are also going to cause a great deal of pain. The elbow, the shinbone, the knee, the feet, the hands and the wrist are all prime targets. I'd bet money that most of them make a nice, satisfying crunching sound as they break.
Which is it going to be? Let's have some consistency please.
Speaking of lack of consistency, you've already made your point about not subscribing to the concept of patriotism. Well and good - as a quitter myself I sympathise with the sentiment. Why muddy the waters with questionable assertions about Singapore's likelihood of surviving an attack?
Originally posted by QX179R:yo fudge, chill..
let that noob be wat he wants..
Yeah, well, if some people think that the universe revolves around them, then I guess I can't do nuts to change their perception.
To ExtraVehicular: I suggest you go and re-read your posts and see how much of the 'ME' concept there is in them. 'ME' referring to you, yourself, and ExtraVehicular.
Then go ask yourself how much of the 'THEM' concept there is. 'THEM' referring to your family, friends, home, school, your favourite chicken rice stall, and everything that you love so much.
Do this objectively, and you'll be struck at how much of the former there is - and how little of the latter there is, too.
If you still don't get what I'm talking about, then I hope that you will learn in time.
dude let him rant all he want yeah? He can't run from the inevitable so just let him say what he wants. If he really like to think out of the box as he so proudly proclaims himself to be, then find a way to escape with ns and dun get caught. If he can do that, i salute him. I have nothing to say.
In war, nobody fights for idealism. Nobody fights for a government. People fight because the other fella is going to kill you if you don't. You think that average GI in WW2 is really thinking of his country when he is fighting? Thats what ns is training you for.
Let me tell you kid, self centeredness brings you nowhere. Especially where you are going in for the next 2 years, your mindset will be your greatest downfall. But its alright. You have 2 years to learn the hard way.
And sometimes, instead of being miserable about something, try to work your way around it. You can't change the world, but you can learn to adapt.
Originally posted by ExtraVehicular:Now, on to the argument. Firstly, I resent the imposing of an arbitrary authority on my actions. In order to die on your feet (i.e. fighting), you have to first suck the collective cocks of all your 'superiors' in the military.
That argument is based upon a fallacy, namely that said authority is arbitrary. The fact of the matter is that the authority is held by persons who have been trained to manage the situation at a higher level than you are, the level being commensurate with the authority held. Since the authority is based upon the training held by the appointment holders, it is by definition not arbitrary at all.
That being the case, if you see it as sucking the collective cocks of superiors, the problem is not with the system at all. The problem, in fact, lies in your lack of grasp of the system's nature, and simply goes to show that you're not as clever as you think.
i wanna go back to the jungle for a week!!