Going to ORD liao! WOohoo shiok man! Although my path in NS has been very tough especially the initial phase, I am damn proud that I finally survived it all through. From this msg I am going to thanks the following personal whom helped me during my service inside. 2lt shafiq, 2lt johnson, 3sg kelic (during my BMT phase), OCT joel, junxing, guoqiang and isshak (during my OCS training), CPt tan, msg loo, ssg ho and cpl lee. (during my tekong days) Thanks all!
was there a CPt S.O.Tong?
who is cpt S.o.Tong? Captain Sotong? lol
Originally posted by DarkMatter:I'm enlisting in the 8th of september BMTC school 2. I just finish ITE and I think its too soon for me to enter army. I was delcare PES B eventhough I Have flat foot and history of asthma.
Is there any way I can get downgraded or best of all excuse from army?
another problem is I have my ht and wt measure last year in CMPB it was not obese. But recently I think I gain another 10+kg. will I be in the obese batch in BMT?
Advice Thanks![]()
Very Nostalgic, my first few post in Sgforums, which I made a thread on Afraid of Army. Time flies, I even finish my short time 3 monthes extra contract, suppose to ord in july but drag till now. Really love my time especially my repost to tekong. Completely differernt from what I have been through the first time i step into tekong for my bmt.
Wanna thanks the fellow forumers who encourage me during my hard times there. Realli hard to cope inside initially.
Now I will like to repay the service to Whoever HEre NEEDS help/Information/Consouling, etc during your first Enlistment days. I will be most gladly to help you guys out!
You signed on? Or extend ORD date?
DB har?
sign contract for 3 more months
Ooo.. so you occifer also?
ya. :D
Nope... only Cpt S.A.Tan
u r welcome.
Ok, I want to thanks the following commanders and friends during my service sincerely.
2lt shafiq and 2lt johnson for listening to my sorrows and provide helping hands whilst I just enlisted as a recruit. Very thanks to 3sg kelic, although I am not under your platoon, you still provide me the best help you can, (eg, bringing me to the medical centre, give me the oinment for my sore ankle) really appreciate you went out of the league to help a chao recruit like me during that time.
Next is my follow mates during my stay at the OCS, OCT (should be LTA now) joel, junxing, guoqiang and isshak, you all rocks man, esp our hard time in brunei, if not for junxing, I might die in that forest already. thanks and love u all! :D
My returned to tekong, Company *, thanks cpt tan my oc to give me the opportunity to become the 2ic of the company, felt that I learn alot during my role as 2ic. And encik Loo and encik ho for all the treats in the spec mess, (had a wonderful time spent with you guys). Encik loo's jokes still as dull but still entertained us haha. and cpl Lee, the clerk who keeps on complaining non stop, haha thanks helping me in all the admin work you done for me so far.
Last but not least, forumers who have been giving me adivses on how to survive in the army etc. people like monoslayer, gornonator, and many more. many thanks!
How come got 3 months contract de??
ah, theres are short-term, or so call temp contracts catered for people who wish to continue serve for short term while waiting to enter the University.
orh.. then during this time you draw full regular pay la? then can choose the voc you want??
you enter OCS during which month??
really got such things???!!!! 3 month contract?
but who the hell is insane enough to sign such contracts? don't you just want to farking ORD asap???!!!!
Originally posted by Nikar 3:really got such things???!!!! 3 month contract?
but who the hell is insane enough to sign such contracts? don't you just want to farking ORD asap???!!!!
he's a pc in tekong, whats there not to like the life.. king and be paid a regular salary..
No not regular pay. NSF LTA pay + some incentives for the end of the 3 months contract. I do enjoy working there, and I think it will be good to save up the salary before I go to school again. Never regret it man, the 3 months was so smooth sailing. Really enjoy my stay over at tekong. too bad, my reservist will not be there :(
Originally posted by Nikar 3:really got such things???!!!! 3 month contract?
but who the hell is insane enough to sign such contracts? don't you just want to farking ORD asap???!!!!
Well, 3 months of doing what you have always been doing, till matriculation, isn't all bad.
You get paid at the regular rate.
DarkMatter, all the best for your future studies, and welcome to the ranks of old birds.
Wait wait... Dark, before you sign the 3 months contract you already in OCS?? Or during the middle of your NSF time you offer to sign 3 months, then they let you go OCS??
Lazer mentioned regular rate.. so is regular pay or NSF pay?? sorry I'm really blur.. don't mean to ask stupid questions.
Originally posted by VagueHart:Wait wait... Dark, before you sign the 3 months contract you already in OCS?? Or during the middle of your NSF time you offer to sign 3 months, then they let you go OCS??
Lazer mentioned regular rate.. so is regular pay or NSF pay?? sorry I'm really blur.. don't mean to ask stupid questions.
Nono, dun be mistaken. Its not the normal 10 contract that officer signs. thats makes u a regular. I sign the 3 months contract is a volunteery contract base on the fact I still draw NSF pay. It just extend my ORD date 3 months later, and with abit of incentives in the end thats all. Do not be confuse with the normal 10 year deed, this one is voluntary. Just helping my OC as he is short handed thats all :)
Originally posted by caleb_chiang:Nope... only Cpt S.A.Tan
my fren name was S.A.Tan.. i larf like peng when i saw his no.4..
Originally posted by DarkMatter:Nono, dun be mistaken. Its not the normal 10 contract that officer signs. thats makes u a regular. I sign the 3 months contract is a volunteery contract base on the fact I still draw NSF pay. It just extend my ORD date 3 months later, and with abit of incentives in the end thats all. Do not be confuse with the normal 10 year deed, this one is voluntary. Just helping my OC as he is short handed thats all :)
My bad about the regular rate.
Sir, I salute you for your service to the nation. Your volunteery extension to our country is indeed a sign of your exemplary leadership. One day soon, I will be a commander and I wish to serve until my death. HOWEVER, even in death I serve!
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours, Sir.
Hoo rah, we are part of the HARDCORE Infantry!
Warmest regards,
Your obedient Soldier.
Originally posted by DarkMatter:Ok, I want to thanks the following commanders and friends during my service sincerely.
2lt shafiq and 2lt johnson for listening to my sorrows and provide helping hands whilst I just enlisted as a recruit. Very thanks to 3sg kelic, although I am not under your platoon, you still provide me the best help you can, (eg, bringing me to the medical centre, give me the oinment for my sore ankle) really appreciate you went out of the league to help a chao recruit like me during that time.
Next is my follow mates during my stay at the OCS, OCT (should be LTA now) joel, junxing, guoqiang and isshak, you all rocks man, esp our hard time in brunei, if not for junxing, I might die in that forest already. thanks and love u all! :D
My returned to tekong, Company *, thanks cpt tan my oc to give me the opportunity to become the 2ic of the company, felt that I learn alot during my role as 2ic. And encik Loo and encik ho for all the treats in the spec mess, (had a wonderful time spent with you guys). Encik loo's jokes still as dull but still entertained us haha. and cpl Lee, the clerk who keeps on complaining non stop, haha thanks helping me in all the admin work you done for me so far.
Last but not least, forumers who have been giving me adivses on how to survive in the army etc. people like monoslayer, gornonator, and many more. many thanks!
Ay deh, machiam Academy Award izzit?
Seriously, that's a nice gig you got there. Pity they didn't have it when I was serving - I could have stayed in, gotten my 25 jumps and at least qualified to apply for the senior jumper course before I shipped off to Oz.