at least whilst i was in Safti, he was wearing his black beret...i hope COL Sukh gets his star and COL Chiang and COL Bruno...
well, probably since he went to 6div as div com, there is no reason why he cant don his red beret le, since theres no conflict as division level is combined arms anyway
guys. wtf? u all discussing those people's careers? who cares who comes from where go through where? all are paperpushers, paper generals. who cares.
Sometimes, it is better to know who is that paperpusher to give u the orders to go and and fight. And if that paperpusher looks just like some well fed towkay .... hehe, i think u might to convince urself further ....
Originally posted by gd4u:Sometimes, it is better to know who is that paperpusher to give u the orders to go and and fight. And if that paperpusher looks just like some well fed towkay .... hehe, i think u might to convince urself further ....
well said. my ex comd was a scholar. i also worked hard for him cuz he was nice.
naix_forever: "guys. wtf? u all discussing those people's careers? who cares who comes from where go through where? all are paperpushers, paper generals. who cares."
BG Lim Teck Yin is not from scholar platoon in OCS. He had to take the tedious "staircase" up to BG level. No "Express Lift" to that level was taken in his case.
Originally posted by temasek_green:naix_forever: "guys. wtf? u all discussing those people's careers? who cares who comes from where go through where? all are paperpushers, paper generals. who cares."
BG Lim Teck Yin is not from scholar platoon in OCS. He had to take the tedious "staircase" up to BG level. No "Express Lift" to that level was taken in his case.
There has been no to scant instances of non-scholar BGs who are doing well in a ministry, stat board or GLC. Why ah?
Originally posted by Master -_-:maybe he started wearing again..when i saw him in SAFTI, he was still wearing black beret..i think appointment-wise as a Div Comd, he wore back his red beret... like COL Ishak who wore his khaki beret in SAFTI but wore the green beret subsequently in BMTC....BG LIM, i think, on track with BG Tung and BG Chan for the COA spot...
Hahahaha what you think is so funny but as i said before a universal truth what you see from the bottom is so far from the truth cos you can only see people's dicks.
The next COA is being decided and it's BG Chan vs another general that you did not even guess. who the hell are Lim and Tung anyway?? no the other contender is not a farmer and he is freaking brilliant and freaking nice.
Originally posted by Gloater:Hahahaha what you think is so funny but as i said before a universal truth what you see from the bottom is so far from the truth cos you can only see people's dicks.
The next COA is being decided and it's BG Chan vs another general that you did not even guess. who the hell are Lim and Tung anyway?? no the other contender is not a farmer and he is freaking brilliant and freaking nice.
hugh lim and tung yu fai(sp?), the current chief guards. u seem to know alot. care to tell us where u coming from?
Originally posted by Unknown_X:
hugh lim and tung yu fai(sp?), the current chief guards. u seem to know alot. care to tell us where u coming from?
As in where I am from? Well i am not from the SAF you can be sure, but one does not need to be from the SAF. You can be a regular farmer LTA in SAF and only see dicks and take stabs in the dark cos dicks are the only thing you see from your vantage point.
Haha ok first BG Hugh Lim is Chief of Staff - General Staff, not chief guards. And I believe when 'master' guessed the contenders for COA and said "BG Lim", he meant Lim Teck Yin, not Hugh Lim. Of cos I was aware who Hugh Lim was, everyone in SAF knows him.FYI, Chief of Staff is a very high appointment, (did you know he's practically one step below MG Neo only? ) However, I think Hugh Lim is a bit old for COA position and its been awhile since he got his one-star.
I didn't know who was Lim Teck Yin.
Tung may be chief guards but he is but a farmer. The COA position will never be within reach to a farmer.
The previous COAs need not even be chief guards. Desmond Kuek was armour, Lim Chuan Poh is infantry and Ng Yat Chung is signals for heaven's sake. The common denominator among them is that they are clever.
I wonder did you know about this well known knowledge going about that Ng was competing against Lim for the COA position. But because of Ng's size which posed as an 'image problem' for him, he lost the COA position to Lim. Lim became COA. But of cos the race was not over. Because at the that time, both were very young generals in their 30s. And because Ng is undoubtedly brilliant, he became the COA after Lim. :) The game is not over when one is brilliant.
All I can tell you is that the COA since Lim Neo Chian onwards has never been and will never be a farmer. There are (I estimate, of cos since I'm not a regular i may not be 100% correct but I am sure I'm close) high 20 something to 30 BGs so for them to put some farmers as BG it's entirely possible but the COA position is way too competitive. :) being in charge of some ndp parade is not a show of brains and not enough for the perm secs and ministers. They look for high IQ.
And COA has to be much cleverer than 'just' a BG. :)
Originally posted by Gloater:As in where I am from? Well i am not from the SAF you can be sure, but one does not need to be from the SAF. You can be a regular farmer LTA in SAF and only see dicks and take stabs in the dark cos dicks are the only thing you see from your vantage point.
Haha ok first BG Hugh Lim is Chief of Staff - General Staff, not chief guards. And I believe when 'master' guessed the contenders for COA and said "BG Lim", he meant Lim Teck Yin, not Hugh Lim. Of cos I was aware who Hugh Lim was, everyone in SAF knows him.FYI, Chief of Staff is a very high appointment, (did you know he's practically one step below MG Neo only?
) However, I think Hugh Lim is a bit old for COA position and its been awhile since he got his one-star.
I didn't know who was Lim Teck Yin.
Tung may be chief guards but he is but a farmer. The COA position will never be within reach to a farmer.
The previous COAs need not even be chief guards. Desmond Kuek was armour, Lim Chuan Poh is infantry and Ng Yat Chung is signals for heaven's sake. The common denominator among them is that they are clever.
I wonder did you know about this well known knowledge going about that Ng was competing against Lim for the COA position. But because of Ng's size which posed as an 'image problem' for him, he lost the COA position to Lim. Lim became COA. But of cos the race was not over. Because at the that time, both were very young generals in their 30s. And because Ng is undoubtedly brilliant, he became the COA after Lim. :) The game is not over when one is brilliant.
All I can tell you is that the COA after Lim Neo Chian onwards has never been and will never be a farmer. There are (I estimate, of cos since I'm not a regular i may not be 100% correct but I am sure I'm close) high 20 something to 30 BGs so for them to put some farmers as BG it's entirely possible but the COA position is way too competitive. :) being in charge of some ndp parade is not a show of brains and not enough for the perm secs and ministers. They look for high IQ.
And COA has to be much cleverer than 'just' a BG. :)
ya i know hugh lim is COS-GS and how big his appt is. :)
Originally posted by naix_forever:guys. wtf? u all discussing those people's careers? who cares who comes from where go through where? all are paperpushers, paper generals. who cares.
dun be so quick to comment when u dun even hav it takes to be a 'papergeneral'
wow my topic generated some interesting discussions indeed.
just a few things i wanna ask... i believe Lim Chuan Poh is from arty? And I agree the COA position will never be in reach of a farmer. The SAF has too many darling SAFOS and SAFOS cum President's scholars to promote to the appt, as such we will almost never (and this I dare say!) see the light of a farmer COA - unless in times of operation/war.
Having been under the command of Hugh Lim, I can't tell you much whether he is a talented general, but I shall always rem him for his moustache.
Oh, and trust me, I would prefer a COA from the Combat Support Arms ( Engineers, Signals, Arty) as their training and tours allow them to see the wider scope of the army from an junior appointment. As compared to a Commando officer, for example, he is perhaps very well trained in small unit combat but is hardly exposed to inter unit or brigade level ops till he reaches a senior rank. of course there will be exceptions, but this is on average.
Gloater: "All I can tell you is that the COA after Lim Neo Chian onwards has never been and will never be a farmer."
Okay lah.......noted.
Originally posted by sir sickolot II:Oh, and trust me, I would prefer a COA from the Combat Support Arms ( Engineers, Signals, Arty) as their training and tours allow them to see the wider scope of the army from an junior appointment. As compared to a Commando officer, for example, he is perhaps very well trained in small unit combat but is hardly exposed to inter unit or brigade level ops till he reaches a senior rank. of course there will be exceptions, but this is on average.
Agreed. Somehow, i always felt that those Inf/Gds/Cdo can never FULLY understand the needs and job scope of those in Support Arms ...
Anyway, Lim Teck Yin is now Head, TRADOC. Also another blue beret, right ???
Another thing. This Lim Teck Yin is from Commando?! it's very true that commando officers very very hard to be general. That's because Commandos are way too specialised, and they're like in their own little world, their own little clique with their own spirit blah blah, totally ostracised and detached from the SAF. They're part of the family but like a branch so different from the rest, similar to that odd eccentric sibling at home that doesn't mix with the rest.To be a general, one has to have a wide horizon view of the organisation. That is why it's called general, right?> to be a generalist hahaha. anyway commando almost impossible to be general this urban legend hor, is true to a certain extent but not 100% true. This just means it decreases chances lor. This is why you will find only commando SAFOS like what? every 5 yrs?? Cos SAFOS sign on to be Generals. In 1997 batch got one Lien Choong Luen. He should be a CO now. I think in early 2000+ there was another one. They are the exceptions I know cos they're even more siao-on than the normal SAFOS siao-on and truly believe in commando pride.
Originally posted by temasek_green:
Originally posted by sir sickolot II:wow my topic generated some interesting discussions indeed.
just a few things i wanna ask... i believe Lim Chuan Poh is from arty? And I agree the COA position will never be in reach of a farmer. The SAF has too many darling SAFOS and SAFOS cum President's scholars to promote to the appt, as such we will almost never (and this I dare say!) see the light of a farmer COA - unless in times of operation/war.
Having been under the command of Hugh Lim, I can't tell you much whether he is a talented general, but I shall always rem him for his moustache.
Oh, and trust me, I would prefer a COA from the Combat Support Arms ( Engineers, Signals, Arty) as their training and tours allow them to see the wider scope of the army from an junior appointment. As compared to a Commando officer, for example, he is perhaps very well trained in small unit combat but is hardly exposed to inter unit or brigade level ops till he reaches a senior rank. of course there will be exceptions, but this is on average.
Lim Chuan Poh is Infantry. Not Arty. Please la I am very sure about that. you can ask him any of the SAFOS who are in their mid 20s now. When they got their scholarship, it was Lim Chuan Poh who gave it to them, if you calculate by timeline. I am super sure lah. This is what the SAFOS tell me. I know at least one that was influenced by him and chose Infantry also. Pls read
In light/operations of war? You sound jealous. Do you honestly think God made everyone equal? Then you must be as clever as Einstein cos you are both humans? The sooner you face up to you are, the better it is for yourself. Delusions can be deadly for your mental health. Its very simple. you only have to answer me whether you think you are better than a PS. if you dare say you are, then we proceed from there. if you admit you're not as most sane non-shameless people do, I made my point.
Hugh Lim's moustache everyone knows lah not just you. You can't tell whether he is talented cos you never worked with him?? 1) Just because he has a moustache doesn't mean he is not talented. 2) And oh, if i have never worked with him, I'd take it as he is definitely better than I'll ever be. Simply because of what he has achieved and who he is and who I am. A NOBODY. Simply because he's a chief of staff and I am a nobody. But then again, I concede not everyone has so much self-awareness like me lah... sad...
As for your last paragraph, its common knowledge in the army. Even for a SAFOS sign on commando decreases chance of becoming general by about half. This is what I feel. So for farmers, is infinitely many times worse. You can tell simply by the no. of commando BG ever.
This is the order of most ideal arms to be in for career progression of SAFOS to be General
1) Combat arms
2) Sissy combat support
3) Commando/Logistics
This is the order of most ideal arms to be in for career progression for army officers
1) Combat arms
2) Commandos (at least theygarang image, if you do well enough as a CDO, you can be brigade commander)
3) Sissy combat support
4) Logistics
Originally posted by temasek_green:Gloater: "All I can tell you is that the COA after Lim Neo Chian onwards has never been and will never be a farmer."
Okay lah.......noted.
Sorry I made an English error. It should be ""All I can tell you is that the COA SINCE Lim Neo Chian onwards has never been and will never be a farmer."
Since, not after. Because Lim Neo Chian is a SAFOS.
There was no one born after the 80s who doesn't know this. Even 19 yr old NSFs also know. You didn't know???!
Originally posted by Gloater:
This is the order of most ideal arms to be in for career progression of SAFOS to be General
1) Combat arms
2) Sissy combat support
3) Commando/Logistics
This is the order of most ideal arms to be in for career progression for army officers
1) Combat arms
2) Commandos (at least theygarang image, if you do well enough as a CDO, you can be brigade commander)
3) Sissy combat support
4) Logistics
OH, Sissy combat support. very well then. If u have the chance, please kill all ur enemies by ur own bullet, never mind the sissy arty fire. And let ur CSS elements ride through the minefield and other obstacles ... it is ok, u know, afterall, it is only a 12% chance that ur CSS elements will get blown up by mines. Heaven will also maintain and protect ur GSM network in war, i believe ... ...
Originally posted by gd4u:
OH, Sissy combat support. very well then. If u have the chance, please kill all ur enemies by ur own bullet, never mind the sissy arty fire. And let ur CSS elements ride through the minefield and other obstacles ... it is ok, u know, afterall, it is only a 12% chance that ur CSS elements will get blown up by mines. Heaven will also maintain and protect ur GSM network in war, i believe ... ...
of cos combat cannot function optimally without combat support. but if you were the CDF and had to choose only 1 between 2 due to constraints (troops dead), obviously you choose combat. combat can still function without support but combat support ceases its meaning of existence without combat arms. they are there to support and aid for optimal.
its the training that makes combat support sissy. haha i mean besides combat engineer, the rest are well known to be slack physically, no need to do route march, run and no need to chiong sua
Originally posted by Gloater:Another thing. This Lim Teck Yin is from Commando?! it's very true that commando officers very very hard to be general. That's because Commandos are way too specialised, and they're like in their own little world, their own little clique with their own spirit blah blah, totally ostracised and detached from the SAF.
Lim Teck Yin was trained as a Commando. He moved on to be converted as Armour officer about 10 years ago ... as such, he managed to climb further up on his SAF career ladder now ...
wow. i am a combat engineer. so i was only that close from having a slack combat support vocation? that sucks!
Originally posted by flash9933:
Lim Teck Yin was trained as a Commando. He moved on to be converted as Armour officer about 10 years ago ... as such, he managed to climb further up on his SAF career ladder now ...
I did ask a combat arms scholar before since he's so siao on why he never sign on with commando like Lien Choong Luen. He said sign on as commando not much different from the rest cos only up to Battalion. No commando brigade. After CO tour, a commando officer is taken out and has to go to non commando units liao in order to proceed. So he said an officer's journey as a commando even if sign on at the start as commando ends by 30 yr old (if he's a scholar). So no different at all. He said : "Lien's not much different from the rest of us. Only first few yrs. chey!"
Originally posted by skythewood:wow. i am a combat engineer. so i was only that close from having a slack combat arms vocation? that sucks!
yes its generally understood among combat officers are combat support arms are sissy. such as arty, signals are the two sissiest....