I vote this the LMAO thread of the day. Even better than the 30k ring thread
1st, i'm NOT a man, so i'm not dense and my iq didn't drop from wearing tat green thing... did urs drop from staring too much at it?
come on, u dun even SEE him when he's at work IN his new ugly uniform... just make him wear the old manly ones when he comes home to make ur knees go jello lah...
i nvr thot i'll see the day when army uniforms bec the new hot cosplay trend... wahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaaa
k lah k lah i shall give army wife the benefit of doubt.
armywife if wat u said is true and sincere then i truly sympathize wif you. you can pm me to talk about it if u want.
Originally posted by the Bear:actually no.. i'm not jealous..
i pity those who sign on in the SAF and like it in there.. and my friends know i save my pity for retards
You mean your fellow 'genius' friends in Chao Yang with you? Oh....no wonder they thought you were Einstein and gave you a pat on your back for your IQ!!!
As for signing on and liking it in the SAF, ....let's just say different people have different lots, fate and legacy in the force.
Originally posted by tare:1st, i'm NOT a man, so i'm not dense and my iq didn't drop from wearing tat green thing... did urs drop from staring too much at it?
hot cosplay trend... wahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaaa
That response was meant for The Bear, not you. I can INSTANTLY spot the bitter and jealous ones. Just read his replies!!! Yours had no jealous ones.
Please lah The bear, you think you're so great?!?! If you can ever become as rich or powerful as the people who are the who's who in SAF, then you earn the right to talk like this (in your dreams).Who do you think you are? Ha!
did you get many orgasms while at the parade?
knn people go to the battlefield to fight a bloody war
not a fucking fashion show
Originally posted by ArmyWife:Please lah The bear, you think you're so great?!?! If you can ever become as rich or powerful as the people who are the who's who in SAF, then you earn the right to talk like this (in your dreams).Who do you think you are? Ha!
That is an elitist statement, without the conscript rank and file soldiers, your rich and powerful who's who in SAF is nothing...
my goodness, u see so many years of the same camo pattern not sian one mah. time for a change lah. i think ur hubby everyday wear the same pattern also sian. think about ur own well being only never think for him.
*Raise hand shyly*
Ehhhh~~Cld someone tell me how the old no.4 looks like tat ArmyWife is swoonin abt? Issit tat sauve looking??
Originally posted by mamamamama:did you get many orgasms while at the parade?
NO. Its not so comical and NO it's not a joke.
Ok are you a guy? Say you really have a thing for girls with tattoos....do you get an orgasm in public when you see a slim and pretty colleague with a gorgeous tattoo? is it so exaggerated? Like in a stephen chow comedy?? Obviously not right?
You just really have a thing for it. And you love it when you see her wearing something that exposes it. And you feel your knees go weak. Gettit? It's like that.
k lah u all dun flame aw liao lah. i think she genuine abt it. aw y dun u put it in aa or whinehouse?
Somehow i pity ArmyWife..for havin to be laughed upon with her..erm..no.4..erm..fetish?
I think changing the uniform will bring the 59% singaporean babies further down.. no more attraction but turn off.. more divorce cases coming up because husbands no longer smart enough in the new number.
the concern to the guys is not only it's lame to change uniform standards every now and then, go beach road sew stupid tags and now change uniforms. those seasoned uniforms so shuang now have to change. so er xin.
Originally posted by Man!x:
That is an elitist statement, without the conscript rank and file soldiers, your rich and powerful who's who in SAF is nothing...
1) Did i say that the who's who in the SAF do not have people under them who report to them? Who doesn't know that in every organisation, including private ones, it's a pyramid shaped? Of cos the who's who on top have 1000x more people under them lah. Did i say that they exist on top without a bottom?
2) I was answering what the Bear said. Pls reread all the antagonistic, derogatory and inflammatory statements he made about a) SAF b) regulars c) both in his two posts to me. Before you point a finger at me.
does he think he is???! He thinks he can even come close to them?! Not
even to a 'normal' LTC I totally expect! Yux!!! Get off your high horse
and take a look at yourself in the mirror first lah. Yucks! (this is directed to him, not you)
Before he dare to throw the first stone, aiyo look at himself first! He thinks he is even an ounce of the who's who he's making bitchy remarks about?
if they want to crush him with their spit, i think they can.
Why is it that the powerful people i talk to are so humble and nice, and the obnoxious and deluded ones are always the nobodies..
amywife just ignore them lah. the more u reply the more happly they'll be de.
Originally posted by cuddles:I think changing the uniform will bring the 59% singaporean babies further down.. no more attraction but turn off.. more divorce cases coming up because husbands no longer smart enough in the new number.
the concern to the guys is not only it's lame to change uniform standards every now and then, go beach road sew stupid tags and now change uniforms. those seasoned uniforms so shuang now have to change. so er xin.
Yes but your hypothesis only applies to the marriages of army regulars. I don't think there's any change in the no.4 of navy and air force, correct me if I'm wrong. civilian marriages should not suffer too. yes yes my husband always says that a season no.4 uniform is extremely comfortable and nice to wear.. he likes to wear his seasoned ones more than the newer ones..
Look i never once said that this spells the end of my marriage, or said that because the super nice and smart uniform is being swopped for a shapeless, ultra hideous one, i don't find him attractive anymore.. I will just have to enjoy my hubby in his CVs,..
You men will never get what the no.4 uniform does to women..,,.
what are you expecting out of us anyway, army wife? you're like talking to a bunch of NSmen or NSFs.. there's nothing we can do.. you should form up your wife's club thingy and write a letter or something..
I'm friends with wives of several generals and my intention was to bring up the issue... and wanted to ask you all here whether it's a good idea first..
Originally posted by cuddles:what are you expecting out of us anyway, army wife? you're like talking to a bunch of NSmen or NSFs.. there's nothing we can do.. you should form up your wife's club thingy and write a letter or something..
erm... and make the highly respected who's who died laughing??!!
I suggest you sound out the idea at a lower level first ....
call this number ...
Originally posted by ArmyWife:I'm friends with wives of several generals and my intention was to bring up the issue... and wanted to ask you all here whether it's a good idea first..
several Generals.. there's not much generals around.. and won't the generals have more say than asking the most LTA here?
to be honest, I don't want so much changes to the uniform la.. go sew and take out all these very mafan and waste money.. plus my uniform seasoned liao.. wear liao sooo comfy..
Originally posted by ArmyWife:Yes but your hypothesis only applies to the marriages of army regulars.
I don't think there's any change in the no.4 of navy and air force, correct me if I'm wrong. civilian marriages should not suffer too. yes yes my husband always says that a season no.4 uniform is extremely comfortable and nice to wear.. he likes to wear his seasoned ones more than the newer ones..
Look i never once said that this spells the end of my marriage, or said that because the super nice and smart uniform is being swopped for a shapeless, ultra hideous one, i don't find him attractive anymore.. I will just have to enjoy my hubby in his CVs,..
You men will never get what the no.4 uniform does to women..,,.
I dunno, most women I know don't have this uniform fetish....although some like firemen uniforms..but let's not go there.
Food for thought:
male strippers are usually asked to dress up as firemen or policemen. I don't recall even one instance of a stripper being asked to dress up as a soldier
Originally posted by RedizAlertz:*Raise hand shyly*
Ehhhh~~Cld someone tell me how the old no.4 looks like tat ArmyWife is swoonin abt? Issit tat sauve looking??
Originally posted by av98m:I dunno, most women I know don't have this uniform fetish....although some like firemen uniforms..but let's not go there.
Food for thought:
male strippers are usually asked to dress up as firemen or policemen. I don't recall even one instance of a stripper being asked to dress up as a soldier
There are some meanings to why those strippers are required to dress up as firemen or policemen de..
Fireman: U r HOT! Lemme put out the fire in u~
Police: U hav broke the law, missy..I'll hav to HANDCUFF u.
Soldier: .......