Originally posted by thoreldan:
Haha, shit man, nice one! Oh ya Andrew y not try to punch some colonel when he walks past? U might get a few days in the nice old DB. Like that u dun even need to do any admin work. U can just stay there and sulk and cry and wish ur gf isnt crying over u.
Originally posted by annoy-you-must:Frankly speaking, I despice people like you. People who don't even have the basic courage to go through 2 years of NS, trying to keng here keng there, claim yourself to have much mental illnesses and stress.
I tell you what. Most healthy Singaporean males go through the same bullshit. And healthy people like me (pes A, B, C) face each day of bullshit just like everyone else without even thinking of kenging.
What makes you so different?
He is a total nutcase and he shouldnt even be serving in the first place.That is what make him different from us.
Originally posted by Short Ninja:He is a total nutcase and he shouldnt even be serving in the first place.That is what make him different from us.
I don't think real cases would go around asking how to keng ....
nor would they need to ...
my girlfriend is pregnant and having 3 kid...and when i re enlist ns again they will re pes me again...hope can still in pes E but not 100% so this is the reason why i need u all help me think of a idea in pes F and beside i am working in my own business so for income to support my kids and my wife will not be a problem...and i have heard before from my friend say that can pay mindef a sum of money and i cannot don't need enlist ns is that true?but my friend did not tell me the sum of the money is how much?so does anyone know?it really stress me in that fuck up camp...keep on get insulting all this...and keep on want to find me trouble...for i did not keng till i awol and get caught at building for attempt suicide...then get send to DB after that when i go back to the fuck up camp and they still even did not change and still say what i ah gua go cut hand all this shit lor...so hais..hope u all can help me...if u all don't want to help and want to insult me at here i can't do anything too cause this is a web forum not a real life chatting...
you're an NSF, claims to be a maniac depressive, with suicidal and murderous tendencies, a girlfriend, with THREE kids ... got sent to the SAF ward and IMH before ....
but you function well enough to run your own business, for income ? .....
so .............
which part of the above you want us to believe ? ....
Originally posted by andrew9030:my girlfriend is pregnant and having 3 kid...and when i re enlist ns again they will re pes me again...hope can still in pes E but not 100% so this is the reason why i need u all help me think of a idea in pes F and beside i am working in my own business so for income to support my kids and my wife will not be a problem...and i have heard before from my friend say that can pay mindef a sum of money and i cannot don't need enlist ns is that true?but my friend did not tell me the sum of the money is how much?so does anyone know?it really stress me in that fuck up camp...keep on get insulting all this...and keep on want to find me trouble...for i did not keng till i awol and get caught at building for attempt suicide...then get send to DB after that when i go back to the fuck up camp and they still even did not change and still say what i ah gua go cut hand all this shit lor...so hais..hope u all can help me...if u all don't want to help and want to insult me at here i can't do anything too cause this is a web forum not a real life chatting...
If u can have a pregnant gf with kids, u know committing suicide is not the solution to your problem. Fyi pes F is normally given to people who has critical illness etc....so i can be quite sure you'll not be given F unless u r dead. If they are going to re Pes you, maybe u can voice out your problem to the MO and they can place u in a different camp.
my business is run by my girlfriend and my family not really is me...
tarutaru how about if i got high blood pressure what pes will i get a comfirm of pes E?
Originally posted by andrew9030:tarutaru how about if i got high blood pressure what pes will i get a comfirm of pes E?
I cannot tell you on this but what was your reason when u were pes E in the 1st place.
due to imh record for stress till depression saf ward downgrade me de...
Originally posted by andrew9030:my girlfriend is pregnant and having 3 kid...and when i re enlist ns again they will re pes me again...hope can still in pes E but not 100% so this is the reason why i need u all help me think of a idea in pes F and beside i am working in my own business so for income to support my kids and my wife will not be a problem...and i have heard before from my friend say that can pay mindef a sum of money and i cannot don't need enlist ns is that true?but my friend did not tell me the sum of the money is how much?so does anyone know?it really stress me in that fuck up camp...keep on get insulting all this...and keep on want to find me trouble...for i did not keng till i awol and get caught at building for attempt suicide...then get send to DB after that when i go back to the fuck up camp and they still even did not change and still say what i ah gua go cut hand all this shit lor...so hais..hope u all can help me...if u all don't want to help and want to insult me at here i can't do anything too cause this is a web forum not a real life chatting...
ur gf is expecting triplets???
all this story abit hard to believe...
ts so young already wan to be family man.... he is definitely not the last guy to geng... at most is u get downgraded but to get instant discharge wun be easy... u geng mental illness u better prepared forget abt getting gd jobs esp in gov... even MP sons also serve ns so u die die cant escape... ah di should jz serve la... ur family need not a reason to siam... theres many guys need more $$$ than u so better plan ur future well rather than be such a guniang... if ur gf preg so many times means u already screwed up so jz face the damn problem and plan ur finance... time to grow up and stop escaping...
Originally posted by Mengna Lisha:ur gf is expecting triplets???
Yah The singapore version of 'The three Stooges'
stress/depressed... can have sex.
i so handsome , do NS, stay in camp for a whole week for new recruits' enlistment... wake up 4.45am to conduct morning run for recruits, sleep 1am to ensure recruits are asleep, take 1st train to go camp each weekday.. no sex.
is an unfair world.
Originally posted by sinicker:stress/depressed... can have sex.
i so handsome
, do NS, stay in camp for a whole week for new recruits' enlistment... wake up 4.45am to conduct morning run for recruits, sleep 1am to ensure recruits are asleep, take 1st train to go camp each weekday.. no sex.
is an unfair world.
u din conduct training in GL?
Originally posted by BrUtUs:
u din conduct training in GL?
Originally posted by sinicker:
geylang la.. ur recruits sure will jio one ma...
Originally posted by BrUtUs:
geylang la..ur recruits sure will jio one ma...
haha no lah.. i managed to make some of them admit though. hahaha.. they had to go for a random urine test..
i act serious ask question...
"who had sex over the weekend? tell me now."
abt a third of my platoon raise up hand.
Originally posted by sinicker:
haha no lah.. i managed to make some of them admit though. hahaha.. they had to go for a random urine test..
i act serious ask question...
"who had sex over the weekend? tell me now."
abt a third of my platoon raise up hand.
wa not bad... ur platoon 1/3 active...
that means ur platoon is just 1/3 awake nia ~~~ What happen to the 2/3 ????
TS,ur story is way too much to believe,saying that u are sucidial but well enought to work??? You are not the first person to say want to keng or down PES. But you already got PES E,most of us are juz PES A or B, or some PES C which are you are way luckier than us.. Even PM Lee's son did NS too,so stop whining and get on with it. It is just 2 years.. And why ur superiors keep on bothering you,did u even ask yourself why ??? It is because u pity urself and i can tell u pitying urself is not going to get past these 2 years.. Even if u change unit,ur booklet will still show that u are AWOL personnel and there are chances that u might do it again,in the end u are back to a square one. They will keep you under supervision,they will farking assign one unlucky NSF to follow you everywhere u go. The NSF who assigned to look after you must also clear his own stuff too,you tink he wan to babysit you??? He also want to go for canteen break,go for nites off, and clear his leaves and off.. Go to toilet,go to cookhouse for meals. And the NSF who is been assigned looking after you,must farking make sure that you are accountable at all times. Must report to BOS or DOS to sign ur attendance.. So u go make ur choice,either u keng or u suck it all up,serve finish the 2 years... In addition Malingering in Singapore Armed Forces is an offence and will dealt seriously in an SAF court martial...
wat a loser....class S loser.....
Originally posted by gaoxingdcf07:that means ur platoon is just 1/3 awake nia ~~~ What happen to the 2/3 ????
the other 2/3 over the weekend iron uniform, polish boots listen my instructions??
haizx. kinda miss NS now. some more today had a meet-up with all the ORD instructors..
TS wanting to forgo NS is really missing a lot.. and what will he say abt NS if his kids ask about it?
"oh. daddy was depressed & suicidal. daddy didnt do NS."
hmm, not a manly answer for a father..
Originally posted by sinicker:
the other 2/3 over the weekend iron uniform, polish boots listen my instructions??
haizx. kinda miss NS now. some more today had a meet-up with all the ORD instructors..
TS wanting to forgo NS is really missing a lot.. and what will he say abt NS if his kids ask about it?
"oh. daddy was depressed & suicidal. daddy didnt do NS."
hmm, not a manly answer for a father..
Wah,then the 2/3 is very on da ball lah... But sian sia,weekend is to enjoy wan,not polish boots and iron uniform wan ~~~ Used to hate it when i was a recruit,but no choice lah,suck it up and do it.. Even my lao pei say i go NS,from little boy boy will change into a man.. Even i do things,i also think much more mature than i was still studying...
fuking cb gu niang serve army also don want, chao keng until pes e still don want to serve. 18 years old wanna marry gf confirm is tio kia one.
In war time how u gonna protect your family and your wife?! Ask your cousin? ask your friends is it? I tell u, of course they protect their own family first.
U sounds like a kid u know.. immature thinking.. wat spend your whole life with your gf.. This society don need ppl like u ok..
U in army your gf suffer alot, then wat abt others? THeir gf nv suffer is it? Some of them their gf left them u know anot? My friend even cried during lights off u know or not?
Now u tell me u suffer.. Wat abt Dave teo? Take gun out and got jailed because of gf thingy and now u telling me u suffer.
Wat abt that recruit who do 2km march and die?! U got think abt it or not
Fuking selfish guy.