One thing lar.......you very suay. People like that exist everywhere and you had to have such platoon mates.
I had such platoon mates. But I had a wonderful section that pulled me through, so I feel lucky.
Originally posted by sans-culotte:Lol the thing is, so suay bunch of them get together. Or maybe there is this saying,”moron always friend with another moron”.
Well, look at the bright side. You're only stuck with them during ICT and not for 365days. Many of them are probably stuck in those jobs where they suffer from inferiority complex so they tend to take it out on others when they have the chance (in this case, ICT). Its bad to be stuck with them so why not try to make friends or at least have a talk sometimes may help.
Wah, NSmen ... ICT ar ??? Knn sounds like recruit to me. Well, i think u need to talk to tt gang, like tell them 'it is not like u nvr bathe for days/yrs or etc', it only one activity ... blah blah. Be nice, maybe they will listen n change?
If they won't ... try the 'be angry' way. Blow up (maybe u r too nice, n let them get over ur head, so blow up n make them know u had enuff) ... If both fails ... hehe... either u torlerate them all the way, or just dun meet them all the way ...
Originally posted by sans-culotte:Ok let me first introduce myself. I am CPL Lee and currently serving my 1st ICT. I believe everyone of you here either serving NS currently or are already NSmen serving your ICT. I assume each and every one of you have your own very good buddies.Now here is my situation, I have ORDed on the Oct 2006. During the beginning of March of 2006, I am somehow ‘being condemned’.
REASONS: Nv bathe after IPPT or SOC. Ok this sounds lame, but someone in the platoon which I don’t know who he is, but I know must be one of that ‘Gang, ‘Kua Da’ the whole thing to make it as if I never bathe for years. Well i think most likely he is the ‘leader’ of the gang, and of course there is bound to be ‘monkeys’ following them. Kind of pranks they made on me:
1) When during fall in, they will try to ‘push’ around their gang buddies to stand either beside me or behind me trying to make me feel embarrassed. Well i have somehow already get used to it so i never really bother about it.
2) Apply the same logic when queuing up to scan 11B and when eating in the cookhouse. Goes for when loading up the tonner.
3)Trying to pin point me when being asked to volunteer to do shits, well for this i treated it as get it done and get over with, so i just do it for the sake for myself.
4)There is one time my PS appointed one of the morons to take over me as platoon IC. But when he made that appointment is not really that clear and not announced to the whole platoon. So he acted as if I am still the IC, so the next day when fall in, i just tell my sergeant that moron has been appointed IC, but the lot of morons still say that i am still the IC. As that day I am also been assigned to do office duty, which is a requirement in my coy to rotate among ourselves even though we are PES B combat. So for that whole day I am inside the coy office doing duty. Then the following week monday when I book in, I saw my cupboard’s lock being changed, because i unable to fit in my key to the lock. So without a shadow of doubt, I know must be the moron who being appointed IC trying to get back at me.
So at that time I am damn pissed off, and I actually have decided to tell my PS. One of my best buddy who actually do not get influenced by the morons help me to talk to one of them to get back the key or they will face the consequences. So they lan lan send one of their ‘reps’ to give me the key for the lock. And he still dare to whisper me that if I ever tell this to PS, i will get it. Anyway I never intend to tell PS since i got back my key but that doesn’t mean I scare to tell him because we were moving to Thailand cresendo for the exercise and I don’t want to play any number disadvantage game.Those above few scenarios or examples have been ‘applied’ throughout the end of ORD. So i thought well maybe things will get back to normal after 1 yr plus only until this month ICT. Well the same group of morons get back together, and doing the same thing from point number 1 to 2. Point 3 i will see on Thursday which will be our outfield (sure to have alot of ‘happenings’
. And the worst thing is I am still the same platoon and same section with most of them. Most of them are hypocrites who always talk nice nice in front of upper rank and talk bad behind them.
Well so now is, should I continue and endure for next 9 ICT?
Even though my mental endurance is good against such things, but I don’t like the way they do it, if they have a fucking problem with me, why not just come to me and speak nicely? And my ICT platoon there are some other who just join us, i am sure that they will try to tell them about my ‘smell’. If my other buddies have no problem with me, I don’t see whats the big deal? In fact the problem is not exactly a problem at all, they lack of entertainment is it? Or because being back at army sucks so bad that they have to use me as an entertainment? Talking behind my back and still let me know even though i cannot hear what they are saying but i can tell through their expressions.My personality is those passive type, that they think they can take advantage? Most of them, i personally find that their personality are quite fucked up anyway, and one of them is my best friend’s eyesore during his secondary school days.
Is going through chain of command helping anyway? Because afterall I don’t think it will change anything in particular. Most likely they will get me with them shake the damn hands, they will act as if they will accept me, but after that of course when all the upper ranks gone, things will get back to normal. Talking and confronting them i think will not make any difference from the outcome (Based on their fucked up attitude)of going through chain of command.
Or anyone of you here has any ‘unofficial’ way to get back on them? I am not talking about revenge or things like that but I just want to pass a message to them that they are just bunch of noobs. Now the problem is no longer whether i did bathe or not, is just that they want to make fun of me.
Sorry, ignore the first and second post due to some coding errors i had made.
Some advices: http://www.lifeafteradultbullying.com/
Can't win them? Join them.
Why not you just defer and confirm you'll be with a different batch?
Ai yo... if you did nothing wrong in the first place, they would not kajiao you one... Just ignore them and soon they will lose their interest...
They way TS says it may seem that the rest are assholes. Perhaps they are just disgusted by ur hygiene? Imagine at night going back to bunk and ur smell due to not washing spreads around the whole bunk. Your bunkmates may think you are a selfish fellow who can't care less about others. Maybe u can play a part by bathing after ippt/soc? They might treat u better after that. I don't see why is it so difficult to. You will feel better after a bath too.
Originally posted by ironpeasant:They way TS says it may seem that the rest are assholes. Perhaps they are just disgusted by ur hygiene? Imagine at night going back to bunk and ur smell due to not washing spreads around the whole bunk. Your bunkmates may think you are a selfish fellow who can't care less about others. Maybe u can play a part by bathing after ippt/soc? They might treat u better after that. I don't see why is it so difficult to. You will feel better after a bath too.
To further clarify my point, I did bathe after ippt/soc since I know what is going on for the sake of myself and them. But as I said, they are assholes because whether i did bathe or not after that they just did the same thing. Basically the whole thing becomes gesture attacks instead of solving the problem. Like what i have mentioned, if they really so bothered about my hygience, why not speak to me about it? Instead of doing such things. They are making an entertainment right out of it. In fact today ICT ippt, one and another bunkmate never bathe after our ippt because we fall out during our 2.4 km. In other words, we never really pespired a lot. But the morons just focus on me instead. In this sense, they are aimming the person and not the issue.
pray that ya unit would be disband and merge into other NS units...because of that i wun be seeing 90% of my nsf mates again in this life
be a soldier stop complaining.
Originally posted by sans-culotte:To further clarify my point, I did bathe after ippt/soc since I know what is going on for the sake of myself and them. But as I said, they are assholes because whether i did bathe or not after that they just did the same thing. Basically the whole thing becomes gesture attacks instead of solving the problem. Like what i have mentioned, if they really so bothered about my hygience, why not speak to me about it? Instead of doing such things. They are making an entertainment right out of it. In fact today ICT ippt, one and another bunkmate never bathe after our ippt because we fall out during our 2.4 km. In other words, we never really pespired a lot. But the morons just focus on me instead. In this sense, they are aimming the person and not the issue.
in real life what you working as? if sale line, invite them to SPA, bath together.
i do not have trouble with last time those cooks, well know for mis-behave.
is it you look down on them?
my platoon mate, many like gamble during rest time in ICT, even officer net work them while gamble session.
most my platoon mate drivers. (all kinds, land rover driver, 5 ton drivers, low bed drivers, POL tanker drivers, water tanker drivers, CR 3 ton, CR 5 ton, flat bed , even fork life drivers)
do what they like, but observe basic rule, when trainer around act a bit, when Ex all serious.
erm can i ask how about life before the last 6months? still good? or they already start bullying you...
How come I got an impression that your ICT lasted months or years. While all post are made on 17th Jun 08, but...
Quote : "Ok let me first introduce myself. I am CPL Lee and currently serving my 1st ICT..."
Quote : " I have ORDed on the Oct 2006. During the beginning of March of 2006, I am somehow ‘being condemned’...."
Quote: " In fact today ICT ippt, one and another bunkmate never bathe after our ippt because we fall out during our 2.4 km...."
Defer and you will get to go other batches of ICT
Originally posted by cairocks:How come I got an impression that your ICT lasted months or years. While all post are made on 17th Jun 08, but...
Quote : "Ok let me first introduce myself. I am CPL Lee and currently serving my 1st ICT..."
Quote : " I have ORDed on the Oct 2006. During the beginning of March of 2006, I am somehow ‘being condemned’...."
Quote: " In fact today ICT ippt, one and another bunkmate never bathe after our ippt because we fall out during our 2.4 km...."
The thing happened during March 2006 to Oct 2006 before i Orded which is during my nsf days.
17 June 2008 is my 2nd day of my first ICT which we have ippt. In this case, that means after 1.5 years of peace, this ICT brings back all their nonsense.
And they are the ones instead looking down at others. In fact I am not the first victim. There is another platoon mate of mine which they also look down and make fun upon before March 2008. I am the 'replacement' after they get tired making of him. Of course that buddy of mine has deferred for this ICT.
Originally posted by Stucktoes:If you realized, all these people got no friends outside. They probably got no gfs and are hoping to get one. Are they always asking people in a jokingly manner to introduce girls to them? And when outside camp, do this gang meet up and do things together all the time instead of meeting their own group of friends?
Anyway, I got a question for everyone here. From TS's post, is it true that after I ORD, regardless of whatever year they chose to call me back for reservist, I will end up with people who were my BMT mates during my BMT days, as a new reservist platoon or section? And if thats the case, all my cycles high key low key all would be the same platoon as them?
go to www.ns.sg , under the NSF section, go to "MyORD" module.
there got all the info for ORDing NSmen. there is even a simple chart for the SOP posting of reservists.
i would like to hear the other party's story.