Originally posted by Exonerate:got put in IC2 and there IS block leave :)
is IC2 much tougher than IC1 or generally still slack compared to other vocations?
kinda worried as i got a niggling injury which bothered my throughout the whole bslc
IC2 is "physically" more demanding because of the fact that you will be on foot most of the time. If you posted to infantry, you are expected to perform whatever a riflemen does besides your signal role too.You will have to lug around that bloody manpack radio on top of the usual combat load. Route march have to go,field camp have to go,they attack up the hill,you go along with them,they run,you run too.
Watch that injury of yours especially if it is lower limb or spinal.
Originally posted by baikachuchu:
Steady lah. Signals is actually considered the least physically demanding of all the combat arms
keke yeah. true...
but artie also leh. hahaah
me was from 08/07 IC2 Signal Course...same batch with Detached just that he is IS me is IC2...actually all this doesnt matter, depends on ur unit.
if u got to 7SIB, signaller there quite good life except now quite sux cos of MSK so on ops..if not is 1-2 mths once 1 exercise, how i know? my buddy in SI was in 7SIB before he came to SI...their beret looks nice too lol, its the normal blue one with the GDS crest.
if u go to TRADOC which i am at now..got 2 units, one is gd(TRMC) other 1(BFI) is abit sian 8-5 but got overseas attachment which dey jus came back from.
but of cos..the best to go is RSAF. signaller life there is good, some even get to sit in chopper! lol
anyways, the course time is fucking easy, just smoke ur way through..of cos got some legendary CCs there like mr fairy 1WO Ng, the mama 1WO Margaret and colonel sanders 1WO Ramesh lol..
very few commisioned officers in SI except for the cadets who stay in the 2nd level followed by the specs trainees in 3rd floor and 4-6 is occupied by the operator trainees.
there is 2 fucked up things abt SI tho..alot of guard duties and the food. lol the food u will get used to but the guard duties is no no lol.
OC is quite strict, no nonsense kind one, MWO Ravi. jus make sure dont get in trouble den shld be fine bah. if u got any suggestions, tell LTC Logan, he is really power.
the RSM is really very strict, dont play play. i once forgot my jockey cap when we went to the parade square frm the labs to test the BFTS den he caught me wah nb..regret sia.
but overall SI is a really great place, met my best buddies there and truthfully, i havent met any better ppl even in CV life den this band of brothers. these few, kay long, edmund, nash, koh bin, chris, andre and calvin..really brings back memory. lol cant forget my course spec yaowen lol wad a joker.
if u do smoke, pls dont throw in the drain at the smoking corner. dat time when me and my buddies smoking, i realise those guys from IS were cleaning it..really dont be a bastard bah, all also signallers..one for all and all for one.
the course is pretty easy..CCNA can smoke thru one can even get full marks one LOL dont worry im sure u sure know how to do dat once u there lol...
the outfields are ok lah jus dat now is hot season liao jus rmb to drink up always. my course time had this 2SG, he had heat exhaustion and fainted. so better be safe den sorry.
all the best to you and enjoy ur time in SI.
Speed Through Skills, SIGNALS!
WO Ravi is now MWO Ravi ah, and OC somemore ah! wow hahah, used to by my Course Commander. Very nice guy actually, but i think since he became OC must have some responsiblity. He's been in the force for a good many years, in fact he was once RSM 6 Sig Bn if I'm not wrong!
actually was quite disappointed with SI.. the bunks and all. bunks quite squeezy compared to sispec and place looks quite run down =/ but oh well..
Originally posted by fatone:me was from 08/07 IC2 Signal Course...same batch with Detached just that he is IS me is IC2...actually all this doesnt matter, depends on ur unit.
if u got to 7SIB, signaller there quite good life except now quite sux cos of MSK so on ops..if not is 1-2 mths once 1 exercise, how i know? my buddy in SI was in 7SIB before he came to SI...their beret looks nice too lol, its the normal blue one with the GDS crest.
if u go to TRADOC which i am at now..got 2 units, one is gd(TRMC) other 1(BFI) is abit sian 8-5 but got overseas attachment which dey jus came back from.
but of cos..the best to go is RSAF. signaller life there is good, some even get to sit in chopper! lol
anyways, the course time is fucking easy, just smoke ur way through..of cos got some legendary CCs there like mr fairy 1WO Ng, the mama 1WO Margaret and colonel sanders 1WO Ramesh lol..
very few commisioned officers in SI except for the cadets who stay in the 2nd level followed by the specs trainees in 3rd floor and 4-6 is occupied by the operator trainees.
there is 2 fucked up things abt SI tho..alot of guard duties and the food. lol the food u will get used to but the guard duties is no no lol.
OC is quite strict, no nonsense kind one, MWO Ravi. jus make sure dont get in trouble den shld be fine bah. if u got any suggestions, tell LTC Logan, he is really power.
the RSM is really very strict, dont play play. i once forgot my jockey cap when we went to the parade square frm the labs to test the BFTS den he caught me wah nb..regret sia.
but overall SI is a really great place, met my best buddies there and truthfully, i havent met any better ppl even in CV life den this band of brothers. these few, ashton, kay long, edmund, nash, koh bin, chris, andre and calvin..really brings back memory. lol cant forget my course spec yaowen lol wad a joker.
if u do smoke, pls dont throw in the drain at the smoking corner. dat time when me and my buddies smoking, i realise those guys from IS were cleaning it..really dont be a bastard bah, all also signallers..one for all and all for one.
the course is pretty easy..CCNA can smoke thru one can even get full marks one LOL dont worry im sure u sure know how to do dat once u there lol...
the outfields are ok lah jus dat now is hot season liao jus rmb to drink up always. my course time had this 2SG, he had heat exhaustion and fainted. so better be safe den sorry.
all the best to you and enjoy ur time in SI.
Speed Through Skills, SIGNALS!
I was the one cleaning the drain, dude
Where are you posted to now? I'm in 8 Sig
Originally posted by Detached:
I was the one cleaning the drain, dude
Where are you posted to now? I'm in 8 Sig
cleaning drain? saikang?
Originally posted by Exonerate:actually was quite disappointed with SI.. the bunks and all. bunks quite squeezy compared to sispec and place looks quite run down =/ but oh well..
bet you haven't met the big fat rats in SI. sheesh, they're huge.
Originally posted by Detached:
I was the one cleaning the drain, dude
Where are you posted to now? I'm in 8 Sig
i was posted to TRADOC(TRMC). it's in PLC.
currently doing the same thing as you, oscar victor lima:D
btw do u smoke? cos maybe i might know u/u might know me lol.
at my place, signaller life=heaven and get to do alot of new stuffs dat ppl dont really get to do in their nsf life for land vocations. such as going up in a SP and fixing the signal set onboard and of cos, accompanying the CDOs for their heli l/f, this one very fun:D
and @ exonerate, Welcome to SI. dont complain abt the bunks and stuff bah, you will get used to it, Stagmont aint exactly a new camp bro. actually SI stand by bed also so slack so doesnt really matter leh.if im not wrong right, when u finish ur spec course in SI, the cadets will also finish right?
Haha... Ic2 still got chance to become sgt of SI de... Must show your leadership there... No need to become top trainee de cos most of the top trainee will be sent to those very xiong unit... Trust me... Sometime depend on your sgt recommendation also de... But those who are in ic1 now, pls get along well with the cso of truck comm team cos they will tell our team warrants who is good to be instructor... LOLz... Cos i am one of the ex cso in the camp who are instructor of ic1...
Other than that, the food there really sux... Haha... But canteen i dunno whether aunt still there or not... The wantan me and fried chicken chop power... But she a bit attitude problem... Haha... The cookhouse at one time very nice cos PM lee son was in the camp, after that i dunno le la... Lolz...
IS was introduce in 2005 so i dun think it will face out de lo... But ic1 intake was reduced cos all radio sets are damn heavy and old le... Hehe... Enjoy your stay there la...Wait for the cadet to come back lucky enough can see gals... I took several gal trainees before le.. But ic2 no gal de la... Be it spec or operator... Hehe... Good luck...
the cadets when 2 weeks aft my batch entered, which was on 26 dec. so the cadets should be leaving quite soon actually and dat batch zero girls..
lol and btw wad canteen?
there is one run down canteen-like place behind the cookhouse
if u refering to that den no canteen le bah
but hor in plc..the SAFWOS hor..got a few MSG ladies quite good looking wors..milf
Originally posted by fatone:i was posted to TRADOC(TRMC). it's in PLC.
currently doing the same thing as you, oscar victor lima:D
btw do u smoke? cos maybe i might know u/u might know me lol.
at my place, signaller life=heaven and get to do alot of new stuffs dat ppl dont really get to do in their nsf life for land vocations. such as going up in a SP and fixing the signal set onboard and of cos, accompanying the CDOs for their heli l/f, this one very fun:D
and @ exonerate, Welcome to SI. dont complain abt the bunks and stuff bah, you will get used to it, Stagmont aint exactly a new camp bro. actually SI stand by bed also so slack so doesnt really matter leh.if im not wrong right, when u finish ur spec course in SI, the cadets will also finish right?
Oscar Victor Lima indeed
You probably would know me, you're in Aloysius' platoon right?
Originally posted by Detached:
Oscar Victor Lima indeedYou probably would know me, you're in Aloysius' platoon right?
er no
my platoon was the only platoon which not all come frm bmt straight
mine was the one with all ndu, cdo, sispec, ocs out of course de lol.
aloysious is who? the fat guy who act garang one ah LOL u noe he march right we say he like driving lorry LOL.
i am from the platoon whos course sgt in the botak one.
Originally posted by fatone:er no
my platoon was the only platoon which not all come frm bmt straight
mine was the one with all ndu, cdo, sispec, ocs out of course de lol.
aloysious is who? the fat guy who act garang one ah LOL u noe he march right we say he like driving lorry LOL.
i am from the platoon whos course sgt in the botak one.
Oh.. that NDU dude was in your platoon ah.. wah his PT damn garang ah he's a 2nd sgt right? I heard them said..
Our batch so small. we confirm at least got see each other before
Originally posted by Detached:
Oh.. that NDU dude was in your platoon ah.. wah his PT damn garang ahhe's a 2nd sgt right? I heard them said..
Our batch so small. we confirm at least got see each other before
hmm confirm lah summore me was one of the more di siao kia together with my good frens kay long and edmund..duno u got heard of before or not
Originally posted by fatone:hmm confirm lah summore me was one of the more di siao kia together with my good frens kay long and edmund..duno u got heard of before or not
never leh.. But I'm one of my platoon's di siao kia too lol.. Together with "ah beng" u heard before not? That siao siao funny guy?
Originally posted by Detached:
never leh.. But I'm one of my platoon's di siao kia too lol.. Together with "ah beng" u heard before not? That siao siao funny guy?
i tink heard before...
Originally posted by fatone:i tink heard before...
my friend went for this batch IS intake leh... he also this batch IS di siao kia.. first week area cleaning.. the sgt saw his gf picture in locker.. asked "gf ah?" my friend reply was "no.. your sister" and that won my friend a 20..
My batch happening sia.. beer, staying up all night and swensens/pool/pizza when we nights out... miss life in SI.. unit life is honestly so screwed up
Originally posted by Detached:
never leh.. But I'm one of my platoon's di siao kia too lol.. Together with "ah beng" u heard before not? That siao siao funny guy?
btw wads ur name? maybe i recall. pm if u dont wan to say in public
Originally posted by fatone:btw wads ur name? maybe i recall. pm if u dont wan to say in public
ok.. pm
Originally posted by Detached:
my friend went for this batch IS intake leh... he also this batch IS di siao kia.. first week area cleaning.. the sgt saw his gf picture in locker.. asked "gf ah?" my friend reply was "no.. your sister"and that won my friend a 20..
My batch happening sia.. beer, staying up all night and swensens/pool/pizza when we nights out... miss life in SI.. unit life is honestly so screwed up
my nights out best lah
i still rmb u noe ah guard duty on sat right fri nite mus come back..so fri we book out we go kopitiam drink coffee relac talk cock till 11pm den go back. so my buddy all abt 10 of us kena guarrd duty den got 1 cock in my platoon, lets call him W. he keng his way out of guard duty cos his gf leaving for australia to study...so we call him at 10+. we say eh W, sgt say mus come back so edmund sick he on mc liao. den he start to panic and almost cry LOL den we say eh u noe right we guard duty once u kena activated the bell in the guard room will keep ringing till all 11 ppl come...lol den we play frm my fren hp a bell sound..den he kanchiong spider panic LOL!! den we said sgt say u prowl 1 round can go back home le but u mus come now..lol he almost shitted in his pants and he go call my sgt LOL! we at the kopitiam laugh until pengz sia
Originally posted by fatone:my nights out best lah
i still rmb u noe ah guard duty on sat right fri nite mus come back..so fri we book out we go kopitiam drink coffee relac talk cock till 11pm den go back. so my buddy all abt 10 of us kena guarrd duty den got 1 cock in my platoon, lets call him W. he keng his way out of guard duty cos his gf leaving for australia to study...so we call him at 10+. we say eh W, sgt say mus come back so edmund sick he on mc liao. den he start to panic and almost cry LOL den we say eh u noe right we guard duty once u kena activated the bell in the guard room will keep ringing till all 11 ppl come...lol den we play frm my fren hp a bell sound..den he kanchiong spider panic LOL!! den we said sgt say u prowl 1 round can go back home le but u mus come now..lol he almost shitted in his pants and he go call my sgt LOL! we at the kopitiam laugh until pengz sia
SI really lagi best.. Machiam heaven.. I don't mind 2 years trainee sia I don't like the stand-by bed everyday nia.. Especially clean the comms block.. the drains really can die..
How's ur unit life like eh? Now I'm attached out for MSK ops leh.. almost 3 months nv had a night in my bunk in 8 sig liao
u attached to where? gedong? unit life slack lor but not many frens cos unit life they like got own cliques one and my unit only gt 3 smokers, one of my enchiks and my fren who gonna ord in sept so soon gonna be sian place.
but i do enjoy my bountiful offs:D
btw sorry i dont recall u..do u recall me? lol..
Originally posted by Detached:
SI really lagi best.. Machiam heaven.. I don't mind 2 years trainee sia
I don't like the stand-by bed everyday nia.. Especially clean the comms block.. the drains really can die..
How's ur unit life like eh? Now I'm attached out for MSK ops leh.. almost 3 months nv had a night in my bunk in 8 sig liao
actually hor me n my buddies in SI tried to out of course to be there again..knn my cc warrant ng found out and make sure we pass out..cos srsly we were the fucking most slack bunch...all the test fail LOL and ccna smoke thru..i still rmb my sgt tell us we r the worse batch ever cos everytime he headache..