First of all,are you going for IC1 or IC2 spec? IC1 is trunk comms(aka unimog). After that,you will most likely be posted to signal battalions or ADA. IC2 is manpack and you will be posted to a variety of chiong sua units(infantry,guards,armour,etc)...but if you lucky,you might get to be rebro det,got bike to ride.
The training itself I cannot say because retricted but it lasts for about 3 months IIRC,i was IC2 operator so not sure for spec.
Enjoy your time at Stagmont,guard duty plenty to spread around since you are the new batch. Please remember to yell "Speed through skill" when you kelua baris if there is dua tao around or they confirm will kpkb about it.
Speed through skill!
its not called slackmont camp for nth.
haha signal is slack all the way
i think now all spec trainees must go through some IS stuff, basic CCIS and all.
signals spec course is relatively less physically intense as compared to let's say, armour course. For one, there is no SOC to clear, iirc. Also, there is no vehicles to wash. Weapons (M16) will still be issued, but since there is no range, no blanks need to be fired = no cleaning required.
Stagmont Camp has one of the most complex guard mounting drills, if i recall correctly. I rem still got 'pasang bayonet' which is to mount the bayonet onto the rifle. THat's my time la, maybe now change liao.
The course is quite relax one, alot of theory, and alot of 'free time'
Don't abuse the vending machine if it is still there hor.It was my only companion in that camp,lol.You should see a bunch of washing machines there but only 1 or 2 was working...that was about close to 1.5 years back,dunno if they repaired it now.
The canteen behind the cookhouse is hopeless,you are better off buying from the spectrum mess uncle,they even sell at night.The fries is quite nice.Or if your SOTC is feeling rich,you guys can pool your money together to order zhi cha from outside.
Originally posted by maxfly:First of all,are you going for IC1 or IC2 spec? IC1 is trunk comms(aka unimog). After that,you will most likely be posted to signal battalions or ADA. IC2 is manpack and you will be posted to a variety of chiong sua units(infantry,guards,armour,etc)...but if you lucky,you might get to be rebro det,got bike to ride
so cheem catch no balls lol.
i onli noe im reporting to slackmont camp haha.
Eh weird leh....they should tell you what course you going to with your posting orders. If like that,you will most probably have to check where your name is from a list at the camp gate or the list will pasted somewhere outside the hall assembly area.
InfoComm1(IC1)=radio in vehicles,mainly vehicle bound.
InfoComm2(IC2)=mainly move on foot carry manpack radio..if you end up in SIR like me last time,ho say liao.
InfoSys(IS)=Now i don't think have this course anymore but they are mainly dealing with computers and setting up CPs.
Originally posted by maxfly:sounds like the 3rd one is the best. so u chiong sua a lot ah. no free time? i hope i get aircon one.
Don't put too high hopes for IS,like I said,I think that course no more liao.
Back in SIR,yes I did chiong sua...pc runner cum manpack.Basically rifleman lah.Now I downgraded already..so no more doing that.
Originally posted by maxfly:sir sickolot II, how long was the course?
baikachuchu did u have to go outfield and camo still? as a spec do u have to carry a signal set? yea i guess the final posting ordes shld be at the gate...
I not spec leh...only men.In general,IC1 and IC2 have to go outfield.During major exercises,camo and everything else on.
Whether need to carry manpack depending you IC1 or IC2.IC1 no need.
1 more month to ORD actually!
I will try to explain as much as possible but some things just cannot say out,hope you understand.
No,you cannot choose which course to go to.I have no idea as to how they choose people for the courses but in general,IC2 mainly take in fitter personnel.IC1 has some PES C guys but I have not seen any for IC2 so far.
If you do very well in your course(IC1 or IC2),you have a chance to be a course spec at SI but that is depending on manpower requirements too.So if your course spec is going to ORD when you graduate,you might have a chance.
Once you go unit,3SG is actually like CPL,not much diff.Yes,the sergeant got to go chiong sua.
I don't envy my commanders for their rank although I wish there was a mess for the men too rather than just spec and above.In the end,I just want to serve and FO....as long as we all work together and don't sabo each other,I happy already.
Originally posted by maxfly:wah 1 mth wtf i have 18 mths left and the past 4 mths have felt like 1 yr...man i'll have to chiong sua? sian but i heard signals is relaxed... hai~ thought i'd have time to read and play.
thanks for the pointers:) it'll help a great deal realli. hey but 1 mth to ord u shld be relacking like clearing leave, or simply just boookingin to slack... shiok la until reservice comes knocking.
Steady lah. Signals is actually considered the least physically demanding of all the combat arms but it really depends on where you get posted to and what course you go through.A Guards signaller is definitely not relaxing.
In stagmont,you should still have plenty of free time since bookout is normally on friday.It is where you get posted to after your training that matters more.
When you finish your course,you get your 3SG and blue beret.
Originally posted by Detached:You guys have said your piece for IC1 and IC2, I won’t add on.
IS still exists. Period. And it’s the longest course out of the 3. IS is a 8 weeks course.
For spec, it’s always IC1 and IC2; 6 and 7 weeks respectively.
Stagmont’s a nice place, I dare not say for the cookhouse food though
Wah,IS still exist.They had been talking about getting rid of it for a very long time already.
Didn't know that spec course was so short,as operator mine was about 5 weeks and the spec trainee I spoke to back then gave me the impression that they had been there for a very long time already,so I end up thinking months,lol.
last i recall Signal spec IC2 course is 11 weeks long
I am not sure abt operator courses, although they are shorter
i dare say IS is getting to be more and more important, so gear up to learn more about LAN, routers, TCP stuff, server maintenance etc
if you're gg in as a spec, no matter what there is outfield. Don't worry max is overnight exercise. No more 3 days 2 nights or field camp kinda outfield =D
But trust me, exercise is dam shag. You've got to worry abt equipment and try to get comms through, if not your warrant will f*** you.
hey does anyone know if there is block leave for this new batch of signal specs? =D
i wanna watch champs league final badly hehe