Originally posted by Detached:
edit my post too leh.. lol..why always change nick???
edit le
kena ban loh
Originally posted by rey619:edit le
kena ban loh
u eberitime one ah.. wei.. pm me ur msn.. we talk there easier..
Originally posted by snowfoxx:yeah edwin is right, you can experience it first then see if you enjoy it, its quite a long bond also... up to ten years....
once signed, its irreverisible, unless you pay lots lots of compansation
for the degree what kind of degree are you going for? SAF very particular in these kind of things.... if you go local university, you will most likely be promoted to CPT very quickly after you grad and promoted maj after some time, most likely end your carrer at LTC, average prospects.
If you are going for Ivy league pattern kind of university then you raise very fast, will promote to maj in your late 20s early 30s, end at COL or even BG
If you cannot make it for both of these above ones, even you get a degree from those not very top aus university, your promotion will still be very slow..... struck at LTA until 30 plus......
plus they dun just spend the money on anybody who wants to go for further education, its performance tied...... you have to justify why you are worth their money. so it depends on different individuals
I was a manpower officer, so i do know a couple of things, singapore army very hard to promote by performance one.... cos chances for you is far from many....
Word of advice is that sign on if you have very good qualifications, but again, if you have very good qualification... then why sign ? you can have a better life elsewhere
which r the not very top aust unis?
Originally posted by rey619:i think it's good u want to sign on, just rmb to stay fit and lean after ur 6 mths bmt ok?
but u must ask urself, why u wan to sign on? is it for the $$, just the initial kick or you have the never dying flaming passion. cos it's no joke, 10 yrs is not a short time. there can be war anytime and you must be ready 24/7 for your nation.
can you do it? if you can, i hope you will sign on, we are the knights w/o armour protecting our land.
pm me for any details you need..i'm more than willing to help you
sometimes my friends do ask me why did i signed on..they asked me what am i, S\some kind of war junkie? i won't say anything cos they won't understand. they won't understand why i did it. they won't understand that it's about the men next to you. 9 div infantry all the way, AIRBORNE RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!
There r many many manyyyyyy reasons that i want to sign on. Monetary and other benefits are part of it too. Other reasons would be that I'm always very interested in stuffs related to military & War / Conflicts (Probably because of my family background ) Probably like what you said, this maybe just the initial kick only, who knows what will happen after i finish bmt.
Many of my friends said i'm stupid or crazy because I am actually looking forward to enlisting into SAF. I am actually getting excited over it (like some kids getting their CNY angbao). Maybe the feeling just last for awhile and will change after I get a taste of military life... maybe i will like military life more ? I don't know... I'm just waiting for my turn to be at the cross junction of my life, deciding which path to take...
Edit- and by the way my Obese BMT batch is 15weeks (roughly 3mths 3wks).. 6mths bmt is those BMI > 30 i think.
Originally posted by walsly:
There r many many manyyyyyy reasons that i want to sign on. Monetary and other benefits are part of it too. Other reasons would be that I'm always very interested in stuffs related to military & War / Conflicts (Probably because of my family background ) Probably like what you said, this maybe just the initial kick only, who knows what will happen after i finish bmt.
Many of my friends said i'm stupid or crazy because I am actually looking forward to enlisting into SAF. I am actually getting excited over it (like some kids getting their CNY angbao). Maybe the feeling just last for awhile and will change after I get a taste of military life... maybe i will like military life more ? I don't know... I'm just waiting for my turn to be at the cross junction of my life, deciding which path to take...
the foremost advice pple will give is to experience bmt 1st, or even in unit life 1st... cos life in bmt n unit is different... bmt is the 'just started' learning military part, so factor in the fun element. when transited to unit, there is a change of environment wif whatever thrown in...atec... ISO checks... unit culture...etc...
if u learnt some basic principles of economics, u will hear the law of diminishing. read it. in simple, it means interest will diminish over time. most of the time it applies to most things as well.
n u will be misleaded if u heed someone 'advices', when he just signed the dotted line, have not enter ocs yet, n if u bothered to check some replies of his multi nicks, u will understand... cos empty vessels make the most noise...
Originally posted by eac:
the foremost advice pple will give is to experience bmt 1st, or even in unit life 1st... cos life in bmt n unit is different... bmt is the 'just started' learning military part, so factor in the fun element. when transited to unit, there is a change of environment wif whatever thrown in...atec... ISO checks... unit culture...etc...
if u learnt some basic principles of economics, u will hear the law of diminishing. read it. in simple, it means interest will diminish over time. most of the time it applies to most things as well.
n u will be misleaded if u heed someone 'advices', when he just signed the dotted line, have not enter ocs yet, n if u bothered to check some replies of his multi nicks, u will understand... cos empty vessels make the most noise...
Can't help but to agree with you..interest will diminish over time. I need to give some serious thoughts about this b4 and after i enlisted. Anyway, i took all the replies that i've gotten (as well as browsing through various online forums) as my reference. Kind of interesting to see what many other singaporeans think about NS and signing on. ^^
By the way, any others enlisting in june 5 as well?
Diploma in Info-Communications , GPA 2.94......
hmmm, like very difficult. normal good dip results are 'traditionally' classified under 3.5 and above. actually it differs for different courses.... more 'difficult ' courses would be biomedical science... where 3.3-3.4 is classed under good. It differs from year to year also
even if you go overseas, most likely can only apply for universities like the third tier kinds...
ok local universities like NTU are under the second tier.... i dun think with your results you will be able to gain admission, quite a distance from the cut off point
bryanw.... well in aust, they a number of universities, the best ones would be Aust National Uni,
universities that are lower than 40, normally admission requirements is low, A good pass should be able to enter, its sometimes simply the case of if you can afford it, you are admitted.....
University | Aus Rank | (World Rank) |
ANU | 1 | (16) |
Uni of Melbourne | 2 | (27) |
Uni of Sydney | 3 | (31) |
UQ | 4 | (33) |
Monash U | 5 | (43) |
UNSW | 6 | (44) |
Uni of Adelaide | 7 | (62) |
UWA | 8 | (64) |
Macquarie U | 9 | (168) |
QUT | 10 | (195) |
Uni of Wollongong | 11 | (199) |
RMIT | 12 | (200) |
Originally posted by snowfoxx:
Diploma in Info-Communications , GPA 2.94......
hmmm, like very difficult. normal good dip results are 'traditionally' classified under 3.5 and above. actually it differs for different courses.... more 'difficult ' courses would be biomedical science... where 3.3-3.4 is classed under good. It differs from year to year also
even if you go overseas, most likely can only apply for universities like the third tier kinds...
ok local universities like NTU are under the second tier.... i dun think with your results you will be able to gain admission, quite a distance from the cut off point
bryanw.... well in aust, they a number of universities, the best ones would be Aust National Uni,
universities that are lower than 40, normally admission requirements is low, A good pass should be able to enter, its sometimes simply the case of if you can afford it, you are admitted.....
University Aus Rank (World Rank) ANU 1 (16) Uni of Melbourne 2 (27) Uni of Sydney 3 (31) UQ 4 (33) Monash U 5 (43) UNSW 6 (44) Uni of Adelaide 7 (62) UWA 8 (64) Macquarie U 9 (168) QUT 10 (195) Uni of Wollongong 11 (199) RMIT 12 (200)
hehe,slack too much when i was in year 2 ^^. I wouldn't say my results are bad nor good , just normal... And i know there will be ppl with results better than me applying for it as well. Arghh! Nonetheless, thanks for the precious info ! ^^
Originally posted by snowfoxx:
Diploma in Info-Communications , GPA 2.94......
hmmm, like very difficult. normal good dip results are 'traditionally' classified under 3.5 and above. actually it differs for different courses.... more 'difficult ' courses would be biomedical science... where 3.3-3.4 is classed under good. It differs from year to year also
even if you go overseas, most likely can only apply for universities like the third tier kinds...
ok local universities like NTU are under the second tier.... i dun think with your results you will be able to gain admission, quite a distance from the cut off point
bryanw.... well in aust, they a number of universities, the best ones would be Aust National Uni,
universities that are lower than 40, normally admission requirements is low, A good pass should be able to enter, its sometimes simply the case of if you can afford it, you are admitted.....
University Aus Rank (World Rank) ANU 1 (16) Uni of Melbourne 2 (27) Uni of Sydney 3 (31) UQ 4 (33) Monash U 5 (43) UNSW 6 (44) Uni of Adelaide 7 (62) UWA 8 (64) Macquarie U 9 (168) QUT 10 (195) Uni of Wollongong 11 (199) RMIT 12 (200)
universities that r lower than 40 in world rank, normally admission requirements is low as your statement?
I think no matter what your result is, theres no harm trying, so if you are really interested, i would still advise you to apply for it, you have nothing to lose.. right?
But at the end of the day, i think that the rest of the guys are right, you should try out your life in the army, before committing yourself to any bonds of any kind....
Those who have served SAF before would understand the system better, and most of them are rather rejective of life in the army. That tells volume about this organisation... Whens your enlistment date?
one word to sum SAF... f-up
Originally posted by snowfoxx:one word to sum SAF... f-up
that is 2 words
snowfoxx> june 5 1030am. Exactly 19days from today onwards ^^ Damn nervous coz i am reporting there alone :( All my friends had their family members with them ...
i have a NSF. very good worker, likes all-things uniform...
but he won't sign on. hahahahaha~
6mths is usually for >35 bmi..
i was in the 15 weeks bmt.. and whether u 15 weeks or 26 weeks u will go for a SIT test.. which means u can go for command sch.. so dun worry..
pc interview tell ur pc u interested and pass ur ippt will increase ur chances..
juz some questions. isit true that ppl who cant get SMS and SAFOS scholarship can go far in a army career? wad if u get the LSA? thx
Originally posted by funkydude10:juz some questions. isit true that ppl who cant get SMS and SAFOS scholarship can go far in a army career? wad if u get the LSA? thx
officers regulars r forced to retire @ 45.
safos scholars go up to General (BG/MG/LG) rank.
sms got chance too, but mostly at most LTC/COL retire.
lsa is the farmer officer scheme, will stuck at LTA rank for a long time, then go on to CPT. and at best, MAJ/LTC retire.
and officers ranks oso got grading bands... e.g. CPT Grade 1, CPT Grade 2...etc.
I recently just attended my medical board and been upgraded back to PES B (previously C1L3) status. The medical board requested by myself as I hope to sign on as an officer in the combat side. I choose this career path as I sincerely is interested and enjoy what the army have provided over one and the half years. I have an A level qualification and a place in university.
But I have only completed PES C bmt, although I have pass all three basic requirement (IPPT, IFC & BTP) but i have never attended SOC and SIT test. So I'm wondering if i need to go back for an PES A/B leadership BMT before I'm eligible to sign on then proceed to OCS or if I can proceed straight to OCS after signing-on?
I hope to get this part clear asap so that I can approach my S1 to schedule for my BMT if there is a need to do so. I am left with five months of study and I really hope that I can settle this ASAP and sign on before my service end.
I don't mind extending my service to complete my BMT so that I can sign on, and I don't mind deferring one year of my study to complete my training. So I hope to get some advice here, and my chances of signing on.
Originally posted by australasia:I recently just attended my medical board and been upgraded back to PES B (previously C1L3) status. The medical board requested by myself as I hope to sign on as an officer in the combat side. I choose this career path as I sincerely is interested and enjoy what the army have provided over one and the half years. I have an A level qualification and a place in university.
But I have only completed PES C bmt, although I have pass all three basic requirement (IPPT, IFC & BTP) but i have never attended SOC and SIT test. So I'm wondering if i need to go back for an PES A/B leadership BMT before I'm eligible to sign on then proceed to OCS or if I can proceed straight to OCS after signing-on?
I hope to get this part clear asap so that I can approach my S1 to schedule for my BMT if there is a need to do so. I am left with five months of study and I really hope that I can settle this ASAP and sign on before my service end.
I don't mind extending my service to complete my BMT so that I can sign on, and I don't mind deferring one year of my study to complete my training. So I hope to get some advice here, and my chances of signing on.
y don't u just ask ur chief clerk for an official direct answer?
Originally posted by walsly:Hi there, i am enlisting on June 5 2008 (which is next month ) under Obese BMT Batch. My BMI is 27 and the Medic graded me as PES BP. Right now I am training real hard to shed off that extra weight as well as buffing myself up for the trainings in Tekong. I would consider myself as borderline over-weight .
A brief summary about myself :
Just graduated from Temasek Polytechnic (20yrs old this yr)
I failed my NAPFA test.
Although i am borderline over-weight, i am still able to pass my NAPFA test items other than pull up (i passed my 2.4km run n etc)ok, for the main thing now is whether I am still able to sign on as an Officer ( Either as a combat officer / WSO Fighter / UAV) during my BMT? What worries me is that I am in Obese BMT Batch and I am afraid that there is no OCS intake for Obese BMT Batches. I've already made up my mind about taking up a military career .
I am confident that i can pass my IPPT / SOC during the trainings in BMT. Although i heard the trainings in Obese BMT are quite slack, but I am still ready and willing to chiong .
Like i mentioned above, I am mentally prepared for it, but will chances be given to us that are in Obese BMT batches? moreover I am interested in signing on.
*by the way this is my virgin post =p Senior forum members / officers / old birds n new birds please share your views !
I was from the obese BMT too. And I am a commissioned officer. If you like to sign on, you should consider the career prospect instead. Like someone had mentioned, if you only have a diploma, the prospect is quite limited, unless you plan to further studies. However, if I'm not wrong, the current plan, the mandatory retirement age for officer is 42. So you have to think what are you going to do after that. Or you intend to sign on only for a few years.
I don't know nowadays obese training, but during my time, it is not suppose to be slack, it suppose to have a lot of weight-loss programme. Like endurance run etc. But, someone in my company died during the training, so physical training was put on halt for some time due to the tragic incident. When I entered into OCS, to me it's a culture shock, 'cos I didn't even get to do SOC during my BMT. And as cadets, we were expected to clear SOC under 9min 30sec. My best time for SOC was 8min 51sec.
To me, physical fitness like chin-ups, trust me, no issue one. From today onwards, you everyday go find one chin-up and do 1 set of your maximum repetition, trust me, can do one. I am 95kg now (shame shame, weight bounces back), I can still do 9 chin-ups. Chin-ups is not about sudden burst of brute force, is actually more on your muscle endurance to stress (in this case, hanging onto something). If you're moderately obese, I'm sure you should be quite big size too. You have the mass, make use of it, train it. You sure can do it one. Have faith in yourself.
I'm sure you have heard of combat fitness. my experience is that, after you really train and shed weight during BMT, it's really not much of a challenge for you to carry heavy stuff and endure rough terrain. 'cos it's like putting on your weight back like that. 'cos we are used to heavy weight le.
The important thing that your instructors will like to see you in BMT is really your positive attitude, cohesiveness, being decisive and determination.
Good luck.
Originally posted by australasia:I recently just attended my medical board and been upgraded back to PES B (previously C1L3) status. The medical board requested by myself as I hope to sign on as an officer in the combat side. I choose this career path as I sincerely is interested and enjoy what the army have provided over one and the half years. I have an A level qualification and a place in university.
But I have only completed PES C bmt, although I have pass all three basic requirement (IPPT, IFC & BTP) but i have never attended SOC and SIT test. So I'm wondering if i need to go back for an PES A/B leadership BMT before I'm eligible to sign on then proceed to OCS or if I can proceed straight to OCS after signing-on?
I hope to get this part clear asap so that I can approach my S1 to schedule for my BMT if there is a need to do so. I am left with five months of study and I really hope that I can settle this ASAP and sign on before my service end.
I don't mind extending my service to complete my BMT so that I can sign on, and I don't mind deferring one year of my study to complete my training. So I hope to get some advice here, and my chances of signing on.
I think you will be made to go through Pes A/B BMT once again. I heard from my friend, his brother also had some medical conditions, tried desperately in upgrade his pes status to become a navy officer. Which eventually he is now, and he was made to redo his BMT. No harm asking your manpower officer on this.
Originally posted by yamizi:I was from the obese BMT too. And I am a commissioned officer. If you like to sign on, you should consider the career prospect instead. Like someone had mentioned, if you only have a diploma, the prospect is quite limited, unless you plan to further studies. However, if I'm not wrong, the current plan, the mandatory retirement age for officer is 42. So you have to think what are you going to do after that. Or you intend to sign on only for a few years.
I don't know nowadays obese training, but during my time, it is not suppose to be slack, it suppose to have a lot of weight-loss programme. Like endurance run etc. But, someone in my company died during the training, so physical training was put on halt for some time due to the tragic incident. When I entered into OCS, to me it's a culture shock, 'cos I didn't even get to do SOC during my BMT. And as cadets, we were expected to clear SOC under 9min 30sec. My best time for SOC was 8min 51sec.
To me, physical fitness like chin-ups, trust me, no issue one. From today onwards, you everyday go find one chin-up and do 1 set of your maximum repetition, trust me, can do one. I am 95kg now (shame shame, weight bounces back), I can still do 9 chin-ups. Chin-ups is not about sudden burst of brute force, is actually more on your muscle endurance to stress (in this case, hanging onto something). If you're moderately obese, I'm sure you should be quite big size too. You have the mass, make use of it, train it. You sure can do it one. Have faith in yourself.
I'm sure you have heard of combat fitness. my experience is that, after you really train and shed weight during BMT, it's really not much of a challenge for you to carry heavy stuff and endure rough terrain. 'cos it's like putting on your weight back like that. 'cos we are used to heavy weight le.
The important thing that your instructors will like to see you in BMT is really your positive attitude, cohesiveness, being decisive and determination.
Good luck.
sir u better stop eating so much otherwise u will become like winnie the pooh
Originally posted by yamizi:I think you will be made to go through Pes A/B BMT once again. I heard from my friend, his brother also had some medical conditions, tried desperately in upgrade his pes status to become a navy officer. Which eventually he is now, and he was made to redo his BMT. No harm asking your manpower officer on this.
Thanks alot...I will approach my S1 asap. Hopefully she is supportive and not sarcastic like others.
Originally posted by bryanw:
sir u better stop eating so much otherwise u will become like winnie the pooh
Thanks bryanw =)
I have to increase my workout frequency too.
last time in bmt i saw obese recs doing 5BX with music in the background. gave me a shock how come got music. like aerobics.
after field camp the plt sgt line them up and used a hose to spray off the mud on their uniform