Hi there, i am enlisting on June 5 2008 (which is next month ) under Obese BMT Batch. My BMI is 27 and the Medic graded me as PES BP. Right now I am training real hard to shed off that extra weight as well as buffing myself up for the trainings in Tekong. I would consider myself as borderline over-weight .
A brief summary about myself :
Just graduated from Temasek Polytechnic (20yrs old this yr)
I failed my NAPFA test.
Although i am borderline over-weight, i am still able to pass my NAPFA test items other than pull up (i passed my 2.4km run n etc)
ok, for the main thing now is whether I am still able to sign on as an Officer ( Either as a combat officer / WSO Fighter / UAV) during my BMT? What worries me is that I am in Obese BMT Batch and I am afraid that there is no OCS intake for Obese BMT Batches. I've already made up my mind about taking up a military career .
I am confident that i can pass my IPPT / SOC during the trainings in BMT. Although i heard the trainings in Obese BMT are quite slack, but I am still ready and willing to chiong .
Like i mentioned above, I am mentally prepared for it, but will chances be given to us that are in Obese BMT batches? moreover I am interested in signing on.
*by the way this is my virgin post =p Senior forum members / officers / old birds n new birds please share your views !
dip sign for officer not very good, you will get struck at LTA rank up to 30 years old.... Even those 18 year old small boy just grad from jc will get this rank in less than 2 years......
I'm not sure when Obese BMT passes out-- IIRC, they pass out later than the normal BMT. In that case, direct entry into OCS is unlikely.
Still, if you want to enter OCS, you should look at least at getting a silver for your IPPT, if not a gold. This is not just to meet fitness standards, but to minimise the chances of injury during OCS training.
Just a word of advice-- don't sign on until you've had a chance to experience military life and decide whether you like it or not.
snowfoxx > I am well aware of that. In fact i am planning to furthering my studies by taking up appropriate scholarships ( not the merit one) to get a degree if i were to commissioned as an officer. that is IF i were to sign on.
edwin >I get what you mean. I'm being posted to a 15weeks (my PES A/B friends are in 13weeks BMT) Obese BMT . Honestly speaking, with my current physical status and with the trainings to be given in BMT, i don't think getting a silver for IPPT is a problem. And yeah, I've been looking around in various forums regarding people's opinions and views on Army and it's system. I've got 2 elder brothers who already served the NS and i've been asking them for advices.
But all these "research" are just for my reference, I'll see how it goes when I enter BMT. Thanks for your reply though ^^
yeah edwin is right, you can experience it first then see if you enjoy it, its quite a long bond also... up to ten years....
once signed, its irreverisible, unless you pay lots lots of compansation
for the degree what kind of degree are you going for? SAF very particular in these kind of things.... if you go local university, you will most likely be promoted to CPT very quickly after you grad and promoted maj after some time, most likely end your carrer at LTC, average prospects.
If you are going for Ivy league pattern kind of university then you raise very fast, will promote to maj in your late 20s early 30s, end at COL or even BG
If you cannot make it for both of these above ones, even you get a degree from those not very top aus university, your promotion will still be very slow..... struck at LTA until 30 plus......
plus they dun just spend the money on anybody who wants to go for further education, its performance tied...... you have to justify why you are worth their money. so it depends on different individuals
I was a manpower officer, so i do know a couple of things, singapore army very hard to promote by performance one.... cos chances for you is far from many....
Word of advice is that sign on if you have very good qualifications, but again, if you have very good qualification... then why sign ? you can have a better life elsewhere
mild obese is bmi above 25-27 fyi..
i think u can't sign on in your BP status.
but when you finish BMT, you'll be pes B.
kopiosatu > Yes, i don't think one can sign on as BP status. Put the "don't sign on man you will regret " mindset aside for now, I am asking from a BP's point of view. If i can perform well and pass my IPPT /SOC and stuffs, am i still able to sign on as a officer during BMT ? From what i know the contract only takes effect if i satisfy all the critera such as pass IPPT and qualify for OCS then graduate from OCS and etc.
To sum up, will chances be given to potential BP recruits to sign on during BMT as a officer?
I have to pass my BMT, POP liao get posted to other units then can sign on as an officer ?
Stellazio> yes i know, the medical slip given to me said i'm mild obese. Honestly I don't even look fat if you see me IRL. Well, that doesn't matter anyway.
Snowfoxx> I was planning to apply for the SAF Academic Scholarship to take a degree in either Engineering or political science field. And one of the criteria of applying is finish serving OCS. And since you are a manpower officer, is it possible for you to elaborate more on how they approve ppl's application for the scholarship ?
This is just my thoughts of signing on as a officer before enlisting, I roughly already know the Pros & Cons of signing on . Ultimately, the decision will only come after i've experienced military life.
Edit - Kopiosatu nevermind about the qns i asked earlier. I actually called up CMPB and had a talk with them. I guess no point thinking so much about signing on for now, who knows after BMT i will become anti SAF ! =p
Ok for a start both of your degree choices are valid for the SAF, like engineering degree, most likely you will work in units like HQ MES etc etc... Political science is valid too.
However there is this CEP system in place for promotion. Current Estimated Potential, a civil service term which determines how many times you must be promoted within x number of years.
as below
If you do badly in school, and then you join , you will have a low CEP score. Even if you subsequently produce the most utterly outstanding performance year after year after year, you will still get promoted very slowly, if at all.That's because your potential has been assessed to be low, and CEP is a measure of your inherent, long-term qualities which can't change.
In contrast, suppose a PSC scholar performs quite badly year after year after year. He will not get good bonuses, because bonuses are linked to performance. However, since his CEP score is high, he will still get promoted year after year after year. That's because CEP is a measure of his inherent, long-term qualities which can't change.
Thus how much career success you can achieve in the SAF, by the age of 45 or 50, has already been determined. It was determined when you were 22 or 24 years, at the time you first joined the SAF, on your very first day at work. Sorry, before your first day at work......
I could give you a rough estimate of your CEP if you want......
Thus, what kind of grades did you got for your dip, in what field? This will determine whelter your CEP is high enough for they to even consider developing you further and approving your scholarship......
Diploma in Info-Communications , GPA 2.94 . I got a friend who's GPA was 2.4++ and actually got approved and was sent to UK manchester for studies in the Army. So what's the "cut off" point for the CEP ?
i'm willing to bet you after BMT and a taste of army life, you'll not want to sign on even under the threat of torture to death..
Originally posted by the Bear:i'm willing to bet you after BMT and a taste of army life, you'll not want to sign on even under the threat of torture to death..
hehehe .. these are just my thoughts only ^^ Like i mentioned many times in my previous posts the final decision will only come after i experience army life .. =S
Originally posted by the Bear:i'm willing to bet you after BMT and a taste of army life, you'll not want to sign on even under the threat of torture to death..
I'm willing ro bet after BMT, he would like the military life more - all those delusions of "buddies", "chiong" and "one-for-all, all-for-one". It would be the unit life that would break his bubble of dreams...
Poof... Military life suxorssss
i think it's good u want to sign on, just rmb to stay fit and lean after ur 6 mths bmt ok?
but u must ask urself, why u wan to sign on? is it for the $$, just the initial kick or you have the never dying flaming passion. cos it's no joke, 10 yrs is not a short time. there can be war anytime and you must be ready 24/7 for your nation.
can you do it? if you can, i hope you will sign on, we are the knights w/o armour protecting our land.
pm me for any details you need..i'm more than willing to help you
sometimes my friends do ask me why did i signed on..they asked me what am i, S\some kind of war junkie? i won't say anything cos they won't understand. they won't understand why i did it. they won't understand that it's about the men next to you. 9 div infantry all the way, AIRBORNE RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!
the moment you put your name on their contract your life is gone...
Originally posted by Hanagata:the moment you put your name on their contract your life is gone...
Originally posted by Detached:
on leave/off?
Originally posted by rey619:on leave/off?
Actually no, I'm supposed to be in camp - on ops now. But enick was kind enough to let me come home... Of course must go back later for night duty lah
Next book out... tuesday
Originally posted by rey619:-edit-
-edit, not gonna let a post get me in trouble-
well me aft roc now in ops room..but i clear my off 1st..got stuffs to do
Originally posted by rey619:i think it's good u want to sign on, just rmb to stay fit and lean after ur 6 mths bmt ok?
but u must ask urself, why u wan to sign on? is it for the $$, just the initial kick or you have the never dying flaming passion. cos it's no joke, 10 yrs is not a short time. there can be war anytime and you must be ready 24/7 for your nation.
can you do it? if you can, i hope you will sign on, we are the knights w/o armour protecting our land.
pm me for any details you need..i'm more than willing to help you
sometimes my friends do ask me why did i signed on..they asked me what am i, S\some kind of war junkie? i won't say anything cos they won't understand. they won't understand why i did it. they won't understand that it's about the men next to you. 9 div infantry all the way, AIRBORNE RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!
u guess who am i loh
Originally posted by rey619:-edit-
ROC.. I know who u liao.. Hi, friend..
Originally posted by Detached:
ROC.. I know who u liao..Hi, friend..
hello haha
Originally posted by rey619:hello haha
edit my post too leh.. lol..
why always change nick???