As stated.
I don't think clerks should be forced to stay in UNLESS there is a mission/exercise going on in the camp.
Some of you people might be thinking clerks where got stay in one, but the fact is that there are and you're talking to one.
Even if everyone in this thread agrees that clerks do not need to stay in, it would not change the fact that you still need to stay in in the end.
Anyway, it's only 2 years. Just suck thumb lar.
if they stay in, it might reduce the no, of people who think of kenging themselves to be a clerk.
anyway everyone is expected to stay in, if you get stay out, its just a bonus.
If you're seeking sympathy, then you ain't gonna get it in here, cos I know of a few stay-in clerks as well. Pretty sure others here would know of stay-in clerks as well.
Anyway, see it this way: you cut travelling time and costs by staying in.
Originally posted by SexyChin:Even if everyone in this thread agrees that clerks do not need to stay in, it would not change the fact that you still need to stay in in the end.
Anyway, it's only 2 years. Just suck thumb lar.
If stay in, book out on friday and book in on monday then maybe I will suck thumb.
But how to suck thumb when you have to drag yourself every sunday night into camp?
Combat fit servicemen book in on sunday night because next day confirm will have training/exercises but what do we clerks book in for? To sleep in the bunk until next morning sun shine on our butt?
Originally posted by stellazio:if they stay in, it might reduce the no, of people who think of kenging themselves to be a clerk.
anyway everyone is expected to stay in, if you get stay out, its just a bonus.
True True, but those kengers can always get a letter to keng stay out mah.
So it's no difference.
Originally posted by fudgester:If you're seeking sympathy, then you ain't gonna get it in here, cos I know of a few stay-in clerks as well. Pretty sure others here would know of stay-in clerks as well.
Anyway, see it this way: you cut travelling time and costs by staying in.
Ya I know, but I'm not seeking sympathy.
Anyway would like to know how is their living environment like.....such as the place they sleep in, what facilities are accessible to them.
for most clerks there is no need to stay in. stay in will only waste space, manpower and resources. taxpayer pay for medically unfit personnel to stay after 5.30pm and do nothing in the camp?
yoz you dunno it is saf's aim to eventually make everyone stay in???
Meaning whether you are in ICT, clerk, rifleman, storeman, you will be told to stay in once your food and shelter is ready.
Originally posted by aiglosicicle:for most clerks there is no need to stay in. stay in will only waste space, manpower and resources. taxpayer pay for medically unfit personnel to stay after 5.30pm and do nothing in the camp?
Maybe SAF too rich liao...swimming in all those taxpayers money...
Originally posted by FirePig:yoz you dunno it is saf's aim to eventually make everyone stay in???
Meaning whether you are in ICT, clerk, rifleman, storeman, you will be told to stay in once your food and shelter is ready.
That's if you can call a converted storeroom a shelter.
It's all depends on unit poliy...i know some units clerk do not need to stay in but some does....but of cos if there is a reason for you to stay out, you can always speak to your superior. Btw I personally feel if you are staying to far away from camp i rather stay in then stay out.....
Once you put on your uniform be it No3 or 4, your are part of the fighting force. Why must you be allow to enjoy better life instead? How about your fellow soldiers????
Originally posted by FirePig:yoz you dunno it is saf's aim to eventually make everyone stay in???
Meaning whether you are in ICT, clerk, rifleman, storeman, you will be told to stay in once your food and shelter is ready.
anyhow say.
Btw i don't know how some of the clerks think....once enlisted you must be prepared to stay in even you are on the service it a store man, clerk......staying out is previliges to some people only not the standard to all the vocations.
wana complain that they do not provide you with mont blanc pens as part of your stationery supplies?
its e trend 4 units to make ppl stay in . eben airforce n navy ish doing dat ..
even for my unit which is on e service side is gradually implementing stay in for all coys n nodesthanks to e new S1 who jus posted in who suggested it to CO *praying dat stay in wld b implemented onli after i ORD
wad to do. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Originally posted by Manager433:Once you put on your uniform be it No3 or 4, your are part of the fighting force. Why must you be allow to enjoy better life instead? How about your fellow soldiers????
Staying out = better life....give me a break.
They (wearing no.4) chiong sua, we (wearing no.3) also "chiong sua" mentally.
Physically stress can be cured by a day rest, mentally stress might or might not be cured by a day rest.
Originally posted by Chelzea:its e trend 4 units to make ppl stay in . eben airforce n navy ish doing dat ..
even for my unit which is on e service side is gradually implementing stay in for all coys n nodes
thanks to e new S1 farker who jus posted in who suggested it to CO *praying dat stay in wld b implemented onli after i ORD
wad to do. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Mine is the previous CO before I enlisted.
Originally posted by RoyFang:
Staying out = better life....give me a break.They (wearing no.4) chiong sua, we (wearing no.3) always "chiong sua" mentally.
it is. don't tell me being able to sleep on your own beds, going out to meet gf isn't considered a better life?
and eating otuside rather then SFI food.
Originally posted by RoyFang:
Staying out = better life....give me a break.They (wearing no.4) chiong sua, we (wearing no.3) always "chiong sua" mentally.
no logic lei......staying out = better life....u worked less. Or u don't do so much duties....
Originally posted by stellazio:it is. don't tell me being able to sleep on your own beds, going out to meet gf isn't considered a better life?
and eating otuside rather then SFI food.
Lol, to me food is food....
Bed in bunk, bed at home both = your bed...
Just that stay out lets you get away from some farkers.
Originally posted by tarutaru:no logic lei......staying out = better life....u worked less. Or u don't do so much duties....
Stay out still have to do duties one leh.
Where did you hear that stay out = lesser work, lesser duties?
Maybe different camps policy or you can slap whoever give you the idea.
Originally posted by RoyFang:Lol, to me food is food....
Bed in bunk, bed at home both = your bed...
Just that stay out lets you get away from some farkers.
Stay out still have to do duties one leh.Where did you hear that stay out = lesser work, lesser duties?
Maybe different camps policy or you can slap whoever give you the idea.
Becos you stated staying out = better i only thought maybe u stay out no need to do duties...or lesser work........
Originally posted by tarutaru:Becos you stated staying out = better i only thought maybe u stay out no need to do duties...or lesser work........
You forgotten to read the words after that:
Staying out = better life....give me a break.
i can stay out, but I choose to stay in. haha
Originally posted by airgrinder:i can stay out, but I choose to stay in. haha
Stay too far away?
Originally posted by airgrinder:i can stay out, but I choose to stay in. haha
Most probably like what tarutaru stay too far away from camp.
be it stay in or out, u must be operational ready. if button pushed, u still need to go back as required.
Most clerks and storeman of combat units stay-in unless you got some special reason. I'm one of those stay-in clerks. I feel that booking out give you a damn good break after a day's work, especially when we get so much stress and shit. Not to mention, staying-in makes time passes so slowly.