The illegal immigrants know their jungle so well but still get caught.MSK just walked into it from the toilet and yet they still can't flush him out
Originally posted by Ponders:Two groups of angry people now.
Illegal Immigrants : "I have been staying here safely for so long, some damn MSK escape i kena caught"
You mean they catch the illegal immigrants they see? i thought they have been leaving them alone during the search. I heard that there are so many of them its like a self contained colony in the jumgle!!
Originally posted by cookiecookie:You mean they catch the illegal immigrants they see? i thought they have been leaving them alone during the search. I heard that there are so many of them its like a self contained colony in the jumgle!!
i kinda predicted they will be discovered, but just wondering what actions they will take since Operationally it's supposed to be a "find MSK" mission. Not flush IMs out.
But i guess the orders given to them is, "destroy targets of opportunity"
So to those people growing Poppies and Marijuana in the wild thinking you can go back harvest them... don't hope too much.
i think it's so sad. this topic has no new developments.. nothing new...
He gone le la...
I think the recent erractic weather is a result of indented rain. HAHAHA.
They are distracting themselves, they are not staying focus on MSK. Eventually they will waste their efforts because they split their focus doing two missions.
They also arrest people who intentionally or unintentionally gave wrong information on the MSK to the police.
For goodness sake, leave the IM alone and thank anyone for any information on MSk, even if the caller is a three-year old kid. Don't dismiss information from mosaic theory.
Now they scare everybody. Even if someone faintly saw MSK, he wouldn't report for fear from being arrested for giving false information.
they should up the reward to at least 100,000. and it should be sponsored by government, not by members of public..
and also should give those poor soldiers a long rest after every 2-3 days...
Originally posted by Caitaokue:They are distracting themselves, they are not staying focus on MSK. Eventually they will waste their efforts because they split their focus doing two missions.
They also arrest people who intentionally or unintentionally gave wrong information on the MSK to the police.
For goodness sake, leave the IM alone and thank anyone for any information on MSk, even if the caller is a three-year old kid. Don't dismiss information from mosaic theory.
Now they scare everybody. Even if someone faintly saw MSK, he wouldn't report for fear from being arrested for giving false information.
I agree with you. People will not call because they surely doubt their eyesights if the saw MSK. Then if they call the police they are like digging their own graves. So whos calling?
Originally posted by 105090:they should up the reward to at least 100,000. and it should be sponsored by government, not by members of public..
and also should give those poor soldiers a long rest after every 2-3 days...
The higher the reward, the harder to catch
Originally posted by wilsonhao:I agree with you. People will not call because they surely doubt their eyesights if the saw MSK. Then if they call the police they are like digging their own graves. So whos calling?
they weren't arrested for giving false info. they were arrested for deliberately causing unnecessary trouble like pretending to be MSK or using MSK to get back at their enemy. haha! i like the incident where a man called the police and said that he knew where MSK the house of some guy who was in a road rage incident with him. hahaha! cute. must be those overly charged up uncles. so if the police dun arrest tt bugger, little kids can call the police and say that MSK is staying at their teachers' or friends' place. it's amazing what shameless things ppl wld do to get back at somebody they dun like. i bet that dick is regretting heavily now, and his enemy is laughing his pants off.
I wonder where the heck is MSK hidding in Singapore in such a small place where eventually there are no place for JIs to hide accept HDB blocks.......... Is he even caught yet??
Originally posted by del_co:
they weren't arrested for giving false info. they were arrested for deliberately causing unnecessary trouble like pretending to be MSK or using MSK to get back at their enemy. haha! i like the incident where a man called the police and said that he knew where MSK the house of some guy who was in a road rage incident with him. hahaha! cute. must be those overly charged up uncles. so if the police dun arrest tt bugger, little kids can call the police and say that MSK is staying at their teachers' or friends' place. it's amazing what shameless things ppl wld do to get back at somebody they dun like. i bet that dick is regretting heavily now, and his enemy is laughing his pants off.
You mean he is going to prison for playing the prank? haha that's a tad harsh. I think he should just be slapped with a fine.
I personally think Mas has skipped town and isn't even in Singapore anymore.
He gone le la...
I think the recent erractic weather is a result of indented rain. HAHAHA.
I think as long as he still not in sight,the rain will continue....
Hmm ? $1,000 as bounty is really peanuts for a Terrorist... So hard to comprehend ?
And yes... i probably earn little when compared to our beloved Members of Parliament...
Well, i wish i was still in school rather than having to go for reservist. In fact, i'm among 1 of the guys in yellow raincoats these you saw / will see in the next few weeks.
And you can bet i'll wack that mas guy up for good if i see him.
is there some possible loopholes in our security system ? I think many people are quite disappointed with the country's defence force because one single individual can actually escape from the tight security we have in Singapore...
i don't remember government ever giving any rewards for catching a criminal.
The closest thing i have had is BSA (not government) paying $20,000 for whistleblowing.
Or $1,000,000 for winning an olympic gold.. even if you are chinese born.
Originally posted by MorbidAngelx:I think many people are quite disappointed with the country's defence force because one single individual can actually escape from the tight security we have in Singapore...
Is ISD under SPF or directly under MHA?
I don't think it's fair to blame SAF for this. They did nothing wrong and I know many SAF soldiers who feel that they are bearing the brunt and suffering like this all because of MHA's momentary mistake.
this nsf is now a big hit on
anyone here involved in the search?
I am sure there are... but i think due to ops consideration, details are not releaved ...
Wow that NSF is so bold.. i wonder whether there will be any action taken against him.
well, this is one of the few SAF ops that our boys have to camo on.
I think u are saying NOT camo-ing on ...
and this is one of the few SAF ops where jungle hats are T-LOAN to those ppl on the ground ...
Originally posted by gd4u:I think u are saying NOT camo-ing on ...
and this is one of the few SAF ops where jungle hats are T-LOAN to those ppl on the ground ...
yeap, one hell of a t-loan.
Yup, this is one stupid issue. T-Loan means soldiers will not bother to wash it or wat so ever. Means ALB will get back a stink, dirty, used jungle hat. Means that, ALB have to wash it themselves before anything ... I mean, what's the point, isn't that a watse of resources? Might as well issue ... haizz ...