many years ago there was a black panther that escaped from the Singapore Zoo and soldiers had to do Saikang also.I cant quite remember but eventually the Panther died while on the run.Hey I thought bukit batok is HDB housing estate?
Originally posted by cookiecookie:He has no money with him lah!
Hutang first can ar not?
Originally posted by Short Ninja:many years ago there was a black panther that escaped from the Singapore Zoo and soldiers had to do Saikang also.I cant quite remember but eventually the Panther died while on the run.Hey I thought bukit batok is HDB housing estate?
Bukit batok nature park, forested xiao guilin area. I think he's not in the wild.
He may be hiding at the corner of HDB block staircase or on HDB block roof top. No one goes there and he prob knows SPF and SAF are looking for him in forested areas.
What is the lastest update? Are they hoping that in time Selamat would come out asking for food and drink? Some people would rather die a free man than surrender.
he can always rummage through trashcan and garbage of restaurants and hotels. they throw lots of uneaten food away. he may even get to drink perrier. food and drink are not problems if he does not mind eating from the trash.
He cant be seen in public or in urban areas so how is he going to eat thrash? The rough weather and training in Afghanistan should prepare him to rough it out for just a few more days.That is assuming that he is hiding in the bushes or longkang.
Originally posted by cookiecookie:he can always rummage through trashcan and garbage of restaurants and hotels. they throw lots of uneaten food away. he may even get to drink perrier. food and drink are not problems if he does not mind eating from the trash.
can't.. it's not halal !
i think he wont care abt halal or not when at this state
Eat Bak Kut Teh???
Jokes aside but when it comes to survival everything is halal and stated in the Koran.
that i agree cos read abt that.when food is hard to find even if a pig is the only food u can eat it but after that if u can find food than pls eat halal.
at this moment you have to make 1 assumption that if he is still in sg, than someone is hiding him. So u r looking at a possible net work. If it is a network than it is possible u need to assume they are possible armed.
he just have to hide in SAF training areas.. there will be lots of unopened field rations dumped by NSFs who want to save weight.
u guys believe he escaped? ok right now this is what i think. The govt setted him free but on condition , as we got our youth olympics and F1 to be held in singapore. the govt set condition with him that , they will set him free but dun let his ppl come to singapore and make trouble. the govt is sarcrficing one person for the safety of a thousands , cos there will be ang mohs coming into singapore. alright no offence but this is what i think. Why must he at this time escape when we just got our youth olympics and not before that? this is good timing isnt it? this is only what i think. it might not be the truth.
and yeah to add on , do u guys think he is limping? i think they said he is limping cos they just wan us to notice ppl who are limping. there are no ppl in history that escape from jail , and i mean a normal person. let alone a crippled.
Originally posted by Short Ninja:What is the lastest update? Are they hoping that in time Selamat would come out asking for food and drink? Some people would rather die a free man than surrender.
this guy has much to do. dreams and aspirations to complete. it isn't so easy for him to give up and die.
Originally posted by Resentment:u guys believe he escaped? ok right now this is what i think. The govt setted him free but on condition , as we got our youth olympics and F1 to be held in singapore. the govt set condition with him that , they will set him free but dun let his ppl come to singapore and make trouble. the govt is sarcrficing one person for the safety of a thousands , cos there will be ang mohs coming into singapore. alright no offence but this is what i think. Why must he at this time escape when we just got our youth olympics and not before that? this is good timing isnt it? this is only what i think. it might not be the truth.
yeah man. maybe you are right. there's a possibility. but who knows? just days after our youth olympic victory, he escaped. very coincidental. but then again...we wouldn't really benefit if we let him go on that condition of not harming singapore right? even if we keep him or not, if ppl wanna attack us, they can still try. if we let him go, yeah maybe they will think we are nice and all and they will reciprocate. but wad are the chances of such ppl to reciprocate? they are doing this for their idealogy, something they strongly believe in so much so they dun mind hijacking a plane and crash it into changi airport. so there again...we don't know if it's possible or not. anyway, its been official that the JI cell in singapore has been crushed/crippled.
The police says they are looking in forested areas because they know they can depend on the public to spot him in build-up area.
The problem is MS has quite a common face. I am sure in my life i've seen quite a few people who look like him.
Originally posted by cookiecookie:The police says they are looking in forested areas because they know they can depend on the public to spot him in build-up area.
The problem is MS has quite a common face. I am sure in my life i've seen quite a few people who look like him.
how u know its not him?
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:how u know its not him?
hahahha because they were of different occupations eg despatch rider, hawker, cleaner, schoolmate, etc and of different age ranges lah! hahahhaha!
Do you really think that right now he is on the 'run' without any aid or shelter...
I have serious doubt on that. I think he must have reached some safe-house of some sort by now....
I can't imagine someone on the run for so long... no proper shelter and food....
If the police acknowledge that he had help then the people would know that they didnt do a good job in fully eliminating JI in Singapore.In my opinion,A)hiding in a safe house is most likely B) Out of the country C) Out in the open and on the run is by now impossible.
yeah.. you are right... C. is really impossible by now... after such a long time.... with the whole country on the lookout for him...
I disagree. No doubt they have combed through the areas that he is most probably at, it doesn't mean he stays at one spot right?! I am sure he has been constantly moving.
They started combing through Whitley and that was already 1-2 days after he first escaped, he probably ran to upper bukit timah then. When they combed upper bukit timah, he ran back down to macritchie area. As the police and SAF shift their locations to search, he is also constantly shifting.
If he had any help with money, they wouldn't have found the clothes that he was wearing when he escaped which he discarded. he would have been safely taken away in a vehicle and would have changed out of his clothes in the house.