Originally posted by Short Ninja:Looking at the number of desperate people queing up for the 4D and TOTO numbers each day.I would say yeah put up the 1million $ reward and let these people run wild all over the Island on a Selamat hunt
I sure search if $1 million reward.
Singapore government very chee, in other countries sure got reward.
After all this is over I dont want to see Wong Kan Seng this and Wong Kan Seng that...just a big headline 'Wong Tiok Kan'
Originally posted by funnypig:how abt making a guess where he is hiding my thinking is he may just fetch a cab ask uncle send him to changi than swin to palau ubin than wait for chance to escape
anyway make it easy gods know any cabby even know who this guy is lol
He has no money on him, how can he take a cab?!! you think police hasn't thought of that?
Supposed he realises taking a cab is the best way out (rather than walking and hiding) and since he has no money, he takes a cab and runs off when he reaches the destination, the cabby would have alerted the cops to such a high profile incident after the police started looking for him. He should have avoided any behaviour that is high profile and grabs the attention of anyone, otherwise it would have been told to the authorities, which means so far his means have been covert.
I find it difficult to believe he escaped from the detention centre without any help though. I am sure it's been all planned and he had help, whether it's from his own JI people or an insider job is anyone's guess.
strange. how come until now i haven't recieve a sms of mas salamat photo from my handphone telco?
Originally posted by Gordonator:strange. how come until now i haven't recieve a sms of mas salamat photo from my handphone telco?
me too
Take any public transport is a pig brained idea.Once he is out in the open he needs to be picked up as soon as possible by someone.Imagine if Selamat was super fit and athletic plus a World Champion in the game of hide and seek he still wouldnt last 12 hours on his own.
i got the mms but is it charged?
funny that that guy could really siam very well cos so many days liao still cant be found
Originally posted by Short Ninja:Take any public transport is a pig brained idea.Once he is out in the open he needs to be picked up as soon as possible by someone.Imagine if Selamat was super fit and athletic plus a World Champion in the game of hide and seek
he still wouldnt last 12 hours on his own.
I believe there's still a small JI cell here is it? These people should have never been let out. I read that Mas selamat was detained the longest (by now 2 yrs) among all the JI detainees. Why were they released so quickly in the first place? These people plotted to unleash massive destructions that may destroy Singapore permanently and they are let off after a shorter than time than armed robbers and burglars?!?!?!
If i were the govt, I'd imprison them for life once I catch them. It also sends out a strong deterrent signal to other potential terrorists who are considering joining terrorism as their career choice.
Originally posted by cookiecookie:I believe there's still a small JI cell here is it? These people should have never been let out. I read that mas selamat was detained the longest (by now 2 yrs) among all the JI detainees. Why were they released so quickly in the first place? These people plotted to unleash massive destructions that may destroy Singapore permanently and they are let off after a shorter than time than armed robbes and burglars?!?!?!
If i were the govt, I'd imprison them for life once I catch them. It also sends out a strong deterrent signal to other potential terrorists who are considering joining terrorism as their career choice.
Dont even have to be a JI to help a relative or a once good friend.Authorities were convicnce that the ex-JIs hasve been reformed and maybe they really are.I dont think Selamat dare approach them for assistance.The cells must be new members
Originally posted by Short Ninja:Dont even have to be a JI to help a relative or a once good friend.Authorities were convicnce that the ex-JIs hasve been reformed and maybe they really are.I dont think Selamat dare approach them for assistance.The cells must be new members
I believe everyone connected to him in any way now, even his kindergarten teacher is being tracked by ISD and JID like nobody's business hahaha.
Read in ST that his former classmates in pri school were interviewed abt what he was like back then. Seems like anyone remotely related to him is now closely under the watch of the authorities??
Seriously would your primary school classmates still have memories of you? ST got no story so must find one since the authorities are so hush hush about the on going investigation.Media must keep feeding people with something daily or else we would die of boredom while others would just go to the Bar threads.>
When you are 47 even your ex gfs dont remember you .....summore what primary school marble and gaseng buddies ?
haha... tts a good one ninja...
i am 25 now...
i cant recognise some of my sec sch female classmates...
alots of them turned into bueaties man...
some who were rather slightly bigger in size are now so damn hot...
btw i seriously think Mr Selamat should have left the nature reserve as he is not stupid too...
remember that he is trained and should be intelligent enough...
if i am him, i will not stay at the park or the vicinity of the nature reserve for long as i know the authorities will search high and low for me at the area...
secondly, the whole incident really seems to have some hints that it was a planned jail break... and there might be somebod waiting in the park to RV him and bring him elsewhere after that as soon as possible...
It will be a BIG DISGRACE to the govt if he can't be found in 1 week...
Originally posted by Caitaokue:If you want to catch a criminal, you must think like him. What would you do after you break free from detention. You are not going to run with your prison clothes. What you do?
1) Go to nearby houses (many semi-detached nearby) and steal some clothes that are hanging out for drying, man's clothes first then woman's clothes as standby.
2) Then go to nearby shops that sell females accessories and steal a wig and a shaver, then go toilet and shave the beard then change to woman clothes and wear that wig.
3) He will then travel by foot, never on main street pavement, and go to his accomplice house. Or maybe his relatives or friends or ex-girlfriend or whoever. Someone who will hide him.
There is no point searching for him high and low. He wouldn't be sleeping on top of a tree. He is hiding in someone's house and being well fed and clothed. They are now planning to leave Singapore via sea
Just keep a lookout for any similar size person wearing a jelbab (muslim woman clothes).
Just keep a lookout for any similar size person wearing a jelbab (muslim woman clothes).
shit. you are so damn right. but first that cock has to find one. his friends, relatives or anybody remotely related to him is probably under surveilance too. so i dun tink anyone can help him unless it is a stranger.
My friend, he got a full 4 hours (complimentary from WKS) to even go shopping in Orchard Road for the best Jelbab and enough time for an ice cream at mac'D before boarding his flight to Indonesia.
Originally posted by LordIcarus:catch his family. throw them into prison.
MS never come back, hang them.
you wanna touch singaporeans, you have no more descendants, no more family.i suppose even terrorist have hearts for their family.
this method is v effective and was used during the past till now.
First of all, Mas Selamat is no Bogeyman and this is not a movie from `Cape Fear` If he is still in Singapore,he will eventually be caught but not in the forest eating worms from rotting trees.
Originally posted by Seven_Dragon:if he really bombs s'pore, then rape his daughter and send her to be chickens
cut his sons' kkj and feed the kkj to pigs and then anal his sons' ass
his wife will be raped by MM, PM, SM, to serve as a punishment to MM, PM, SM for poor managment of the hotel singapura
how? good? please feedback...
It's good enough to include in your resume when you join Al Qaida next time.
haha i think if he gets caught, can give him JCC and Ranger tab.
The Guardsmen were the cordon force, hence not armed with weapons. As for search party, who knows?
Why not armed with rifles, i think it's because SAF does not want to alarm the public.
Originally posted by maurizio13:
If they think they can catch Mas Kastari just by trekking on those footpaths, then I think the government is dumber than I thought they were.
I think the government knows that. How are you so sure that the search teams are only walking on the tracks?
He's definitely not going to stay on the footpaths waiting for police to come catch him.
As above. He is a well-trained fella with a myriad of skills.
He definitely won't be in public places.
After they do a sector to sector search, they should quarrantine the sector to prevent him from getting in.
Agree. Do you want to volunteer?
I think our SAF and police force are incompetent and a total disgrace.
Easy for you to say. Are you one of those soldiers or policemen who are spending countless hours searching and planning? Or are you probably one of those wankers who disturb our soldiers on duty? For you to make such sweeping statements here, when you probably don't even know jackshit about what's really going on, then you are the disgrace.
Does the SAF trust NS men fully with the live rounds? Besides Mas Selamat is not John Rambo and only those really searching for him should be armed just in case,the rest would just have to go everywhere buddy system.
dun look down on Mr Selamat....
He may be more dangerous than you think...
dun forget that he is taliban & al qaeda trained...
i think he really deserve the JCC and Ranger tab if he kana caught in Bukit Batok eventually haha
Originally posted by Caitaokue:My friend, he got a full 4 hours (complimentary from WKS) to even go shopping in Orchard Road for the best Jelbab and enough time for an ice cream at mac'D before boarding his flight to Indonesia.
He has no money with him lah!